CTX - 5th week (still weak upper strength)


Hi ladies! Just wanting to get some input...

This is my 5th week doing the CTX series, but I find, especially for biceps, Leaner Legs, chest (cannot even finish the staggered push ups), and the plank exercises, I cannot finish out the reps because I give out, shaking etc. I even use lighter weight than Cathe. The cardio portions are no problem at all. I'm much stronger with cardio then with weights.

I noticed many of you only do each rotation for 4-6 weeks. Should I keep doing the rotation until I can successfully build up my strength and finish out the reps like Cathe? Or should I start a different rotation to start working the muscles differently?

What would be a good video to buy (strength) - all I have is CTX and Power Max.

Thanks for any help!
Hi Susan-Lynn, I'm not really sure about your rotation question b/c I'm not a big rotation person. However, I wanted to encourage you to try out Power Hour. I recently purchased it & tried it out a few times & it's wonderful! The workout is efficient, fun & best of all, very challenging. It's definitely a total body strength workout. I reserve it for those days when I'm giving my body a break from high impact cardio. Definitely check out the video clip if you haven't already. Hope that helps. Good luck w/ your rotation. :)
Hi Susan-Lynn!

I would suggest trying the Slow & Heavy Series. I found after putting it into my rotation, it made me stronger and able to lift heavier in the PS & CTX series. Also, you can modify by lowering your weight even more to be able to get thru each set. Those staggered push-ups are killers! Just keep at 'em. On a side note, I LOVE PowerHour too. As "Healthnut" said, it is wonderful. I think it compliments the S & H series well. Good Luck and let us know what you decide.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I think we need a bit more info. How long have you been working out altogether? How many times per week do you do a CTX body part?

If you consider yourself a beginner (say one year?) and you have only been doing each body part 1x per week, I would suggest you keep doing CTX. But lower your weight so that you can finish all of the reps.

If you have done a body part 1x per week then you have only done each part 5 times. Not a whole lot. Many of us who consider ourselves advanced can't match Cathe, don't worry about that.

In a different post I quoted Dave Draper, a long-time bodybuilder, popular in the 60's:

"Early trainees are often impulsive and impatient. They change routines, too soon, too often, before either good habits or good muscle have a chance to develop from consistent and thoughtful overload. Beware that you don't succumb to premature training hanges due to to improper assessment, or no assessment at at all. Hang in there."

Try doing the push-ups on your knees and on a step so that you don't have to use the full range of motion. Finish the planks in modified form (on knees). Use now weights at all if you have to --say by the time you get to plies in LL!

Just my opinion, obviously influenced by Dave. Jeanne
Thanks for your input ladies

Jeanne, I do one body part per week with CTX - I follow the format as it is.

I'm advanced in cardio, but probably intermediate in weight training. I say that because I've used weight machines at the gym, off and on for about 5 years - but have never seen many gains. I'm new at using a barbell and dumbells for all the weight training (under a year).

Yesterday I tried biceps with just the bar (no weight on barbell) and of course I got through all the reps, but didn't feel challenged enough.

Staggered pushups - I already do them on my knees! still can't finish. LL - I already do the plies with no weights! (ha ha)

I'm just confused if I should try to finish all the reps with very light weights, or challenge myself with heavier weights but not all the reps like Cathe...or, as suggested, move on to different videos.
I would stick with CTX for a few more weeks. But that is just my opinion, and I could be wrong. Its happened before! I'd suggest you ask Cathe, but I don't think she has the time to answer these days!

Maybe you could consider doing your strength training before you do your cardio when you have the most, well, strength!

In a given session, you can always start with one weight and when you can't do it anymore, drop the weight. For example, you didn't have to use the unloaded bar during all of the bicep exercises.

Or how about nutrition? Do you think you are getting enough vitamins and protein and such to grow stronger? Do you get enough sleep?

Here's something that I've been trying. (You advanced girls tell me if I'm cheating myself.) I rest a minute or two longer between sets (pause the VCR), then I find I can complete the reps with a heavier weight than if I just keep up with the tape.

I am in my 7th week of PS series (my first free-weight experience also) and have been able to increase weight on most exercises.

I was just thinking the same things Jeanne just said.
How is your diet? Are you eating enough of the right foods to fuel your workouts? And if you are, maybe you should try weight training before cardio when you're strongest and most fresh for the workout. I remember a post some months ago when someone asked Cathe which was best to do first, cardio or weights? And Cathe told them to do whichever they wanted to make their main focus first. She said the first 45min of any workout usually gets your "all" so if strength training is your primary focus, do weights before cardio, but if cardio is your focus, do cardio first.
Also, the advice on the weights is exactly how I built strength. It's okay to lighten your weights, heck, Cathe does it all the time in her videos. Maintaining good form is most important, the strength will come in time.
p.s. if you don't keep a food log, try it for a few days and look over what you eat from day to day. Sometimes we're not getting enough of the right foods as we think.
If I don't eat well the day before MIS, the crazy 8's will get me every time!
>should I start a different
>rotation to start working the
>muscles differently?
>What would be a good video
>to buy (strength) - all
>I have is CTX and
>Power Max.
>Thanks for any help!

Susan Lynn:
First of all, I think you are off to a great start. I wish I had Powermax so I could answer a little more accurately, but here's my take.
CTX by itself will build strength, but the PS series will build it "faster" because you are lifting a little slower, with fewer reps, and rests between set. This format is better known for building strength and muscle.

If you started it today, you would be surprised at how much heavier weights you will use. Since it goes slower, and with some exceptions usually follows a 2 or 3 sets of 10 reps format, with rests between sets, you get more opportunity to fine-tune your form, work harder at the full range of motion, and increase your strength measurably. I would suggest that you get the Pure Strength series, or just part of it (you can get them separately) and do each tape 4 times over a period of 3-6 weeks. Then go back to CTX (lighten the weights!) and see how much further you can get. Then let us know!

Slow and Heavy is even slower and heavier than Pure Strength, but PS should be your standard. MIS is also a great one to get, maybe even before Pure Strength. It is the whole body in just 71 (is this right?) minutes, and can be divided into 2 workouts if you choose.

Powerhour is more like the CTX weight work in that there are more reps and less rest. It is not what you are looking for right now, but its purpose will probably serve your needs well because it's almost cardio-like and really works you when your muscles are already developed to begin with.

Hope this helps.
Thanks for all your great input.

I think I will try doing the weight segment first - although it will be a pain since I don't have DVD :-(

I'm going to keep with the CTX for a couple more weeks, then I think I'll try the Pure Strength to see if it makes me any stronger.

It very well could be my diet, I eat way too many carbs, and probably not enough protein to feed the muscles.

Thanks again everyone - I'll let you know how Pure Strenth works out.

(My poor arms are so skinny - very toned, but skinny!)
I have a hard time with the strength sections as well. What I've been doing is substituting other strength videos. The cardio is so tough and there is no way I'm going to get through all of the upper body work.

Perhaps you can try the strength section of the Wedding video? It's very effective -- don't underestimate it -- but not as tough as some of Cathe's other strength videos.
I can't do the videos every day either --every other day works for me. It's just too much and I NEED those rest days!

Funny, I'm previewing "Body Max" and as I typed "It's just too much..." Cathe said "NOTHING is too tough for you!" LOL!

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