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  1. M

    ATTN:Mindy re:Body RX

    Trust Dr. Connelly, he knows of what he speaks! The man is a highly respected medical doctor, as well as an icon in the fitness world. He's spent years researching metabolic issues in the human body and has put his reseach to the test w/great results. Do those 3 minute rest periods, you need...
  2. M


    I'm glad to see so many who enjoy Taebo. If you're interested, Best Buy has the new Ultimate series at 9.99 per individual tape. I picked up the Ultimate Upper Body and have done it a couple times. Its a pretty good workout, using a compliation of the best of the Advanced Live series. Made...
  3. M

    ATTN:Mindy re:Body RX

    PS: I should add that I think Powerhour will be PERFECT for C3. I don't have Muscle Endurance but it too may fit perfectly with the program. As for cardio? I do Taebo now and then because I truly love it and Billy Blanks, not because I think I should. I keep it to one-two times a week, max...
  4. M

    ATTN:Mindy re:Body RX

    Why don't you come by the board that Lynn posted and we'll see if we can help you there? Come by and let's talk about what you're eating, etc. I was pretty discouraged myself at one point, so I can say don't give up! People will help you, as they helped me figure out where I was making...
  5. M

    ATTN:Mindy re:Body RX

    Yup S&H work well! My first go around w/BRX, I used S&H in C1 and it worked very well! I did my 6 reps and rested why Cathe and crew did their 8. I'd pause the dvd to get my full three minutes in if I had to, but often I didn't because I didn't do my reps as slow as they did. The tapes all...
  6. M


    I Love Billy! I have every Taebo tape released and coming from someone who is bored and annoyed by most cardio, that's saying something. I do Taebo 1-2 times a week, just out of pure enjoyment. I find Billy to be inspirational and a gentle man. He's responsible for getting me off my butt...
  7. M

    Question about

    Another excellent site is
  8. M

    Do I Need the Slow & Heavy Series?

    Yes you need it. Its the best series for serious muscle building of the group of strength tapes, IMO. (I don't have my Upper and Lower Pyramids DVDs yet, mind you) I think S&H is necessary for a well-rounded strength program. Get it, you'll not be disappointed, only very, very sore. :)
  9. M

    What do you think of chiropractors?

    I've always received excellent therapy from my chiro. Here's a link from the Mayo Clinic that may give you some further insight:
  10. M

    Do I need Power Hour

    Yes you do need it. I found that out myself and I've suffered the pain of getting it. :)
  11. M

    Question for those who already have Pyramid Upper and Lower

    FYI, if anyone needs sliplocks for their barbell, Walmart has em for 2.64 a pair.
  12. M

    someone from lean and strong will be on oprah!!

    I THINK its about dramatic weight loss, I think she's going to talk about the BFL program.
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    I started using it last week, so far I've noticed that my energy is a bit higher, I'm recovering from workouts a bit more quickly and I seem to be a touch stronger. Time will tell though if creatine is worth it for me. For the lowdown on it, try
  14. M

    someone from lean and strong will be on oprah!!

    Pam B, from what I understand, is someone who went through a remarkable transformation and now she's a fitness trainer online. Camp B is her program that you can buy. Lots of people rave over it, I'm not familar with what it is exactly because I hang out mostly on the BodyRx section of L&S. I do...
  15. M

    Chest a Shakin' S&H

    RE: Yes! That's GREAT! That's the goal for strength building! Congrats on your failure! LOL
  16. M

    S & H/ Pyramids ?'s

    Yes you need it. In fact you need ALL the strength videos. :) hehehe I am evil. :O)
  17. M

    Old Firmie needs suggestions

    Have you looked at any of the Cathe clips here on the website? You can view many of them, a nice long clip is provided for many of them. Personally I love Slow and Heavy, Maximum Intensity Strength and Powerhour. I've ordered the new Intensity Pyramid series but I don't have it yet. :( But I...
  18. M

    What Weight are you using?

    BG I can go a bit heavier when I work out on my own too. I think its simply the pace of keeping up w/the video and the fact that when I'm lifting heavy, I'm usually doing shorter reps and Cathe does 8-16 usually. I stick to around 6 reps.
  19. M

    What Weight are you using?

    Marisa, come by and read up on The BodyRx:
  20. M

    What Weight are you using?

    Kathy as of today, I've lost 23lbs and 9.5 overall inches. I found another 1/2 gone on my hips today. Hooray! I'm in my first week of Cycle 1 again, doing another round, still have fat to burn!