I started using it last week, so far I've noticed that my energy is a bit higher, I'm recovering from workouts a bit more quickly and I seem to be a touch stronger.

Time will tell though if creatine is worth it for me.

For the lowdown on it, try
I tried it and suffered cramping in the calves. Otherwise, no difference in recovery, etc. for me.
From what I have heard creatine simply pulls water into the muscles and causes them to look larger. However I don't have any studies or anything to back this up.
I do know cramping is a problem with this stuff.
I have had remarkable results with this supplement!! I whole heartedly recommend it if you are interested more in how your body performs rather than how it looks...

I say that because I don't think I have changed much in how I look, except to say that my muscles are firmer, which could be a result of water retention. Creatine does cause this but I have not found it to be a problem. My weight has not gone up. However, I am pretty certain my lean body mass to fat mass ratio has changed for the better. Which is what creatine is supposed to do with the right training program...

It really takes about a month to kick in when you are not "loading" it. Mindi does not say what method she is using, but I did not load. It says you do not have to if you don't need instant results. I did not so I thought I would save money and wait a month for the levels to build adequately.

Nowadays I have found that power moves are much the moves in Interval muscles start burning much later than can go longer. I cannot say my cardio endurance has changed, but that is not the function of creatine. Creatine helps you in mostly anaerobic events, such as lifting or plyometrics. If you do some research on it you will find that there a very few negetive responses in relation to its effectiveness..
Your weight might go up though, so as I said, if you are one of those people that are going to freak out because of that, maybe this is not the supplement for you. BUT realize, as with anything..if you are eating right and training hard that extra weight is NOT FAT.

It is well worth the cost, but don't get into all the hype. There are all different kinds but I just got the 99% Pure Crystalline Creatine by X-Rated. Get the big jug because it is the best value. All that is in it is the creatine so you will want to take it with 4-8 oz. grape juice. I only do that if I am concerned with fast absorption but most of the time I eat my banana approx. 30-45 min. before cardio and down about 4 oz. H2O with my creatine stirred in. Fructose will not enable the creatine to be absorbed as quickly, but once the levels have built up in your body, it really does not matter...
Good Luck if you decide to take it and please keep us posted on your results....

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