What Weight are you using?

Janice I can handle the MIS pace now but the first time I did it w/this weight, I was worn down by the time legs were over. See tho I only train 1-2 body parts a day, if i did the entire video at once I'd be slagged! I'm in my building strength phase again so reps and sets match, while not matching w/MIS, at the end the numbers work out ok.

Next week I'm going to try S&H w/the heavy barbell and see how that goes. I can already feel the pain. :)
I'm with you, Marisa! I started weight training in August, so that's almost 5 months, and all my weights are light for PH and MIS. I don't think I've ever gone as heavy as Cathe goes on ANYTHING yet.

I'm 5'3" and weigh between 115-120. I get VERY discouraged at times, but there is one thing I can say for sure: I use GREAT form. I really do suspect that some of the folks who use much heavier weights are not using the best form. I know when I go to the gym I notice that MOST of those grunting, groaning guys are not using proper form. I don't think that's true of most Catheites, but I bet you there are still some who compromise form to use heavier weights.

But maybe I'm just saying that cuz I'm jealous!

I'll share some good news with you, Marisa: I'm starting to see long, sinewy quads and I use NO WEIGHT on my shoulders for the PH leg exercises! I'd rather make it through ALL the squats and lunges then put a barbell on my shoulders and have to stop early. And it's starting to work anyway! :)
Hi Mindi! WOW I don't think I could lift 70#'s over my head even though I'm doing BodyRX. What are your stats now? I'm trying my best to look very similar to Jai in Cathe's tapes but right now I think I look more like Brenda. So far I've lost 1" everywhere and gained 1" in my quads. I'll be going into my last week of Cycle 3. Going to go out with a blast! Kathy
I'm so glad I'm not alone :)!! Here I thought that I was a pretty tough little cookie, but it turns out I'm really a wimp!! J/K :).

Anyway, the way I look at it is that if I'm feeling the burn and if I'm shaking like a little leaf after doing a legs section (which I usually always am with MIS), then I'm doing okay :)! I agree on using great form also. I would much rather go light with weights and have good form than risk trying to do more than I can handle and in turn, injuring myself. And I heed Cathe's advice in MIS when she says that it's not about the weight that you use, but how good your form is (not in those exact words).

To all you other ladies who can lift all that weight AND still walk the next day, YOU ROCK :D!! I can't understand how you do it. I've been doing MIS for about 7 months now, and I have not been able to up my weight with the barbell yet (in the legs section that is). I am jealous too!

It's funny though, because MIS has definitely gotten a lot easier as time has passed, but the legs section still kicks my A@%!! Each and every time that I do MIS, that legs section has my sweatin'!

I am like you Nancy- I would rather be able to make it through all the reps with light or no weight than using heavier weights and only making it through half of the sets.

Well I am happy that you are seeing good results Nancy! By using MIS for the last 7 months, I have seen really good results in my quads, but I am still having problems with my thighs. I am not overweight by any means, but there is a little extra stuff on my thighs that I don't like and that I would like to get rid of, but it seems to stay. I know eating clean is a BIG part of losing that extra stuff, so that was my New Year's Resolution, and so far I've been doing really good.

Also- I was thinking of buying PH because I need another strength tape to add to my routine. It sounds like a pretty tough tape though, considering that you are not using any weights on your shoulders with the leg exercises. Do you use weights on your shoulders in the legs section of MIS? Is PH a lot tougher than MIS??

Sorry this was so long :)

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-10-03 AT 06:03PM (Est)[/font][p]Thanks Kathryn!! I usually don't get too discouraged because I really have seen awesome results since I started exercising with Cathe about 7-8 months ago. And I LOVE the way I feel!! Can't beat that!

Wow kathryn :-wow, 150 lbs!! Thats great! Someone else on this post said that they can lift more at the gym than they can when working out with Cathe. You said that you can lift 150# at the weight room, so is this true for you also?? Or, do you lift 150# when working out with Cathe too? If you do, that is amazing. And if you don't, you're still amazing for being able to lift that much in the first place!!

Is PH a lot tougher than MIS? Certainly sounds like it.
Kathy as of today, I've lost 23lbs and 9.5 overall inches. I found another 1/2 gone on my hips today.


I'm in my first week of Cycle 1 again, doing another round, still have fat to burn!
BG I can go a bit heavier when I work out on my own too. I think its simply the pace of keeping up w/the video and the fact that when I'm lifting heavy, I'm usually doing shorter reps and Cathe does 8-16 usually. I stick to around 6 reps.
Sorry, Marisa, but I can't help but doubt you when you say you have anything "extra" on your thighs. At 100 lbs., you need everything you have!! :)

I really don't think of PH as being that much tougher than MIS, just different. I really think you should try PH. Many people here told me to try it and I was resistant because I was addicted to Pure Strength, but after I tried it, I loved it. Power Hour moves along so quickly, you just don't have time to get bored with anything. DO get it, sooner or later. You won't regret it!

Yes, I do use a barbell on my shoulders for MIS and certainly for Pure Strength. Power Hour is the only one where the barbell is overkill. Even without weight, I sometimes can't make it all the way through all those endless "low ends"! But even for Pure Strength, I'm not hoisting 60 lbs. around like some of the AMAZING ladies on this forum! :-( Maybe someday?

Like Cathe says, it is hard for a women to actually lift a heavy weight over her head.But once we get it up there,look out :7.I think the most I have lifted was 50lbs for slow and heavy(for squats).The other day I did PS legs and I used 40lbs on my barbell and then the weight of my bar.So I really don't know how much that was.I guess anywhere from 45-50lbs.
I hate doing lunges so the less weight the better.
I lift 15lbs over head presses
8-10lbs tricep kick backs
10-15lbs dumbells for biceps.Depends on which way she is lifting.It is usually 15lbs.
20lbs dumbells for back.35-40lbs for deadrolls.
Anyhoo,I can't say that there isn't a weight in that room that doesn't get used very often:)
I know, I know, I probably do need everything I have!! Anyway, what I see is probably a lot worse in my head than it really is in reality, but nonetheless, I would like to definitely tone up that area. Like I said, my quads look ten times better than they ever have since I started working out with Cathe, but I just can't seem to tone up the back of my legs. I'm hoping that eating cleaner will help this (and continuing to work out).

Well Nancy, I'll definitely have to get PH. It's time that I added another strength tape to my normal routine anyway. All I have now is MIS, so that is the only tape I use when I'm doing just a strength day. My body is just begging for something different :)
I will also have the PUB and PLB as soon as I get that Series (shouldn't be too much longer now!!)


P.S. You sound like a pretty amazing lady to me, even without that 60 lb dumbell over your head! Maybe someday we WILL be able to get that thing over our heads, and the day we do, were celebrating girl!! :D And if we never get to that point....well then we will just brag on the forum how cool it is to only be able to lift 25-35 lbs over your head, and then everyone will want to be like us!! LOL :)

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