ATTN:Mindy re:Body RX


Just wondered if you can help me out on how to sub Cathe workouts for BRX? I don't think the machines in our Fitness centre would work for me at all. I used to go to a a gym so I know the ones downstairs are kind of difficult to adjust to me size plus no calf machines and the ham curl is an old flat bench.

Is it possible to just sub S&H as is for cycle 1? I just started this week and did upper body like he said and it went ok but I wasn't sore and those 3 minute breaks sure take up a lot of time? Funny thing is, I didn't realize how much you can eat and still not reach the protein requirements. Now is the yellow carb limit a requirement like the protein? Because 260 Carbs is a lot!!!

Do you find no cardio works?
Not Mindi, but lynne! I too am doing body rx and I hope Mindi chimes in as I ask her all the time!!!! If I can help, here goes! For cycle 1 I used S&H, for cycle 2 I used PS and for cycle 3 which I am about to start, I will use PH 3x per week. Your carb requirement is a figure not a must! So if you don't reach 260g a day, no worries, just do your best. I love this program, but i sure hope Mindi replies. We also have a board that you can visit and ask Dr Connelly questions too. I'll see if I can post the address

hope it works!
Hi Rlam
It's very hard for me to say as I haven't finished the program yet, so I will have to lewt Mindi chime in here! Sorry
Hi Rlam! I too am on BodyRX and love it. I'm into Cycle 4 finishing up my first week. I've dropped 9" off of my body and I was lean to begin with. I'm now using the new series doing PUB 2x a week and doing PS Strong Legs and using the stability ball instead. I didn't feel anything after doing PLB so I had to tweak it. Welcome aboard. You'll love the program. Kathy:D
I am also on Body RX and have gained weight and it is not muscle. When I looked back at the previous 2 weeks, I estimated that I was eating 2500 calories a day. I am 5'5" and now weigh 158, size 12. I am not sure what to do. I am just finishing cycle 2 and am really discouraged.
Yup S&H work well!

My first go around w/BRX, I used S&H in C1 and it worked very well! I did my 6 reps and rested why Cathe and crew did their 8. I'd pause the dvd to get my full three minutes in if I had to, but often I didn't because I didn't do my reps as slow as they did.

The tapes all work well I think for most cycles in BRX. You can just use the exercises you like and do the sets and reps as the book suggests. Or tweak the exercises to fit if you need to. I personally love MIS legs for C2 and 3 and sometimes will do the legs twice to get my full effort in. On S&H I can barely get through one time of legs for C1! LOL

Now that I'm starting round 2 of BRX, I believe the nutrition is key and the exercise is secondary, as long as you are lifting heavy in C! and increase your sets in C2 and 3, you'll be ok. You just have to work at the right intensity for each Cycle to get the desired results.

PS: you can even throw in a bit of the dreaded cardio if you have the energy. :+
Why don't you come by the board that Lynn posted and we'll see if we can help you there? Come by and let's talk about what you're eating, etc.

I was pretty discouraged myself at one point, so I can say don't give up! People will help you, as they helped me figure out where I was making mistakes. We'll help you too. Lots of smart folk over there!

Don't ever give up!
PS: I should add that I think Powerhour will be PERFECT for C3. I don't have Muscle Endurance but it too may fit perfectly with the program.

As for cardio? I do Taebo now and then because I truly love it and Billy Blanks, not because I think I should. I keep it to one-two times a week, max and I never do it on weight training days. If I did, weight training comes first for maximum results.
Thanks for all the replies! I did this week as a trial start for BRX just to get a feel for it. There sure is a lot of FIBER involved! I didn't realize how little fruits I've been eating until now. I'm trying to keep track of the Protein and fiber and to come close to the requirements takes a lot of FOOD! Is he SURE he won't get me FAT???
LOL, but if you analyze it...all those bananas and apples and chicken breasts and salad greens won't really match up the fat and calories of a BIG MAC. I think he's smart to emphasize how much you can have as opposed to what you can't. Then you go scrambling trying to eat all the veggies and fruit to get to the fiber requirements instead of moaning about not being able to eat so much pasta.
I think S&H will have to be my CYCLE 1 workouts though because I didn't like the 3minute rest periods or the long line up with the machines (January madness)although some machines sure felt good...flyes and the tricep pushdowns and the lat rows...those were NICE.
Trust Dr. Connelly, he knows of what he speaks! The man is a highly respected medical doctor, as well as an icon in the fitness world. He's spent years researching metabolic issues in the human body and has put his reseach to the test w/great results.

Do those 3 minute rest periods, you need them to recover enough to continue lifting heavy, if you don't utilize them, you'll not challenge your muscles enough and you may need to add a bit of weight if you don't feel fatigued after your 6 reps.

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