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  1. J

    question about weight loss

    I use the daily plate to log in all my food and watch my calories. But I didn't make any changes to my eating when I started STS. My body just really responded well to the program. Just stick with it. :)
  2. J

    question about weight loss

    At the end of the entire STS rotation, I lost a total of 13 lbs. :eek:
  3. J

    question about weight loss

    After being stalled out for a few weeks, the weight suddenly started falling off me around the last week of Meso 2.
  4. J

    I really STINK at Meso 2 Leg Workouts

    I have had to cut back to only 2 sets of those paper plate exercises because they are just really advanced for me (and I don't even hold weights when I do those). Last week I did all 3 sets and I was sore for 3-4 days afterwards, too sore for any kind of cardio. That's just not an acceptable...
  5. J

    Well, look what I found on

    That's what I was thinking too. That's her name after all, plus she's a business. Whoever did that needed her permission first.
  6. J

    SNM: PDF not working for me

    Ah...that's where I'm trying to use it. Will check it out again in a week.
  7. J

    SNM: PDF not working for me

    No it happened to me. I'm wondering if I should log out of the forum and WM completely, refresh my browser and then log back in. Certainly can't hurt!
  8. J


    Yes I've been there. IMO, it's best for most people not to go cold turkey right off the bat, take baby steps instead. I'm sure there are lots of people who go cold turkey and are fine but I couldn't do it. I started by just cutting down on things, then started switching to more "clean" foods...
  9. J


    I wanted to add too, that while the scale has not moved anymore my body seems to be shrinking still! Clothes I bought just 6 weeks ago are getting loose around the hips and thighs--my big problem areas. So don't give up. :D
  10. J


    I was stalled out when I started STS too. Then about the 4th week of Meso 2 the weight suddenly started dropping off me. I think STS is a new way of working out and your body is adjusting to it. Keep working at it.
  11. J

    Facebook Question

    I have been wondering that myself....most of these "suggestions" are friends of other FB friends...but one I see in particular is not friends with any of my friends and I wonder why he keeps popping up as a "suggestion."
  12. J

    Was just told I'm selfish for working out?!?!?

    Wow, what a nasty and bitter woman she must be....good for you for speaking up! I don't think I could have been nice as you about response probably would have included a couple of four letter words :p
  13. J

    Wow, I just had the most unpleasant conversation

    Maybe you should take him up on his offer of a free session......just so you can humiliate him. :cool: Yea, I'm a b*** but you have to admit, it would be pretty freaking funny!
  14. J

    Single folk....personal question for ya

    I'm exactly the same way! I don't get lonely often, I've been living alone for 20 years so I'm used to it, I don't think I could stand having someone else around all the time! Plus I think I'd be very hard to live with-having lived alone for so long I'm very set in my ways. I love being able to...
  15. J

    Good for them, but funny to me

    I don't think Kim was belittling you or anyone in the class, she's saying GOOD FOR THEM but as an advanced exerciser that class would be too easy for her, that's all. Even though I work out with Cathe too, I know I look/sound on the verge of a heart attck when I go for a jog along the trail...
  16. J

    plateau breaker suggestion

    Depending on how many calories you eat and how many you are burning, you might need to eat a little more. Also, it's summer so take advantage and eat more salads and fruit! :eek:
  17. J

    Help! I stink at plyo legs

    Just do what you can and then stop. You need to work up to that stuff. I can't always finish everything either. Also, lower your step height if you're not already. I don't feel comfortable jumping on and off a 14 inch step (mostly because I'm a klutz and I'm afraid my foot will get caught on the...
  18. J

    Pls share loss of the last 10 lbs

    Thanks! I don't know what it is about STS but my body really responded well to it.
  19. J

    Pls share loss of the last 10 lbs

    Tracking everything I eat on a daily basis on and also writing it down in a journal. I weigh myself every morning as well, not to live or die by that number but to see what kind of fluctuation is normal for me and to see what foods my body is reacting negatively to...
  20. J

    OMG! Started STS over. Major DOMS.

    Me too Tracy! I was under some weird dellusion that it might be easier the second time around....boy was I wrong! :o I'm sweating and grunting and groaning just as much as the first time. The only difference is...I also got great results with my first round of STS so I expect to get more of the...