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  1. P

    Need help in getting enough B12 in my diet.

    Go to your local health food store and talk to someone who is informed on vitamins. B vitamins are water soluable and any excess will flush out. The numbers do seem high and I am certainly no expert but am amazed at how much the people in the vitamin section at my local co-op know. I can...
  2. P

    Need help in getting enough B12 in my diet.

    Have you thought of taking a sublingual B12? Twin Labs makes a good one. Cheryl
  3. P

    Disappointed in myself

    Nancy, Nancy, Nancy, you are not alone in this. I'll be 49 this year and have still not come to grips with the weight number game. For the past 6 years I have not been able to shake 15 pounds and like you had an eating disorder when I was in college. It is really hard not to fall back into...
  4. P

    I am going to quit posting on this board!!

    If someone does not have the courage to counter your opinion out in the open, their opinion is not worth much. Consider them private bullies and ignore them. There are far more good apples than bad ones in this barrel. Carola, I am sorry for you about the e-mails. Cheryl
  5. P

    I think something's wrong with me....

    She is definately growing up and I hope she keeps going in the right direction. I have to admit, I love belting it out with her in my private moments. Can that girl sing. Cheryl
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    Farewell and Wish me Luck

    Do you remember an episode of "Arthur" where there was a no TV challenge for a week? Buster didn't make it. It was a good one and if Arther can do it, so can you! Good luck. Cheryl (Do movies and exercise DVD's count?)
  7. P

    Now THIS is high fashion. Ahem.

    I don't care how great a guitar player John Mayer is, I'm tuning him out. Posh needs to eat a pint of Ben and Jerry's and I think Jessica stole my high school pants. Cheryl
  8. P

    What is it with Walmart??

    My husband applied for a job at their headquarters and was amazed at how badly they treated employees at head office and how low moral was. It is no wonder they treat store employees as poorly as they do. I will pay extra to stay away from that store. I do realize that there are many who shop...
  9. P

    HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!

    Collage video has a specialty workout section. I remember seeing a chair areobic workout that may be good for cardio. I'm so sorry you broke your leg! This may be an opportunity to work on your upper body. Talk to a doctor and (easier said that done) try not to get to discouraged. Hang in...
  10. P

    STEP HEIGHT...6 OR 8

    I always use a 6 inch step. My knees don't talk to me after the workout when I keep it lower. That and the fact I have one of those cheap, hideous purple buns of steel steps that are near impossible to change. Cheryl
  11. P

    What's up for YOUR weekend?

    Cleaning and dejunking my daughter's room. And to think she has been out of the house for coming on three years! Cheryl
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    They need to change the name of the show to "Rosie's View and only Rosie's View". Cheryl
  13. P

    Mom's - suggestions for music for kids?

    Enya was always a favorite with my girls. It was their starting out artist. Her voice is like butter. Cheryl
  14. P

    Heartburn...I think I am dying

    Just an add on; I would get checked by a doctor and see how that stomach is doing. Cheryl
  15. P

    Heartburn...I think I am dying

    I know this sounds like it could be counterproductive and cause more heartburn, but here goes. Apple Cider vineger! It really does work and is good for your too. Heartburn means that you do not have enough stomach acid and your body is actually working overtime to produce the acid that it...
  16. P

    What would you choose?

    Fat, fat, and did I say fat? Cheryl
  17. P

    I need new work out clothes-FAST

    I second TJ Max. I do wish I had a Marshall's. Cheryl
  18. P

    So, speaking of all this moving in with SOs....

    You gave me such kind words when I was freaking out about an exam I was about to take and I so appreciated it. Thank-you for being the thoughtful person you are. Good always makes its way around and I know it will come back to you. Throw some yoga and meditation in to round out the Cathe...
  19. P

    <---because of the wonderful things he does

    <---wishes all a good week-end <---is driving 6 hours with youngest to visit oldest daughter <---wishes she was a grandma <---wishes she could run her children's lives <---is glad that she raised children so <---can't run their lives <---is leaving DH and DD who are both cooking impaired...
  20. P

    Happy Birthday Shelley (allwildgirl)

    One day older and wiser too------Happy Birthday to you! Cheryl