Need help in getting enough B12 in my diet.


Every day I've been coming closer in becoming a vegan. I worry about B12 and if I'm taking enough of it. I don't think I am. The only B12 I take is through Silk Low Fat Soy Milk and nutritional yeast flakes, some of it in cooked foods. Since I'm not sure that is adequate enough, I tend to get scared and have seafood or chicken on occasion. I don't know enough on how to do this to feel confident. I have recipe books explaining it, but scared anyway. I guess I need someone who has been a vegan for a while, and kind of guide me through this once and for all.

Here is what I understand about B12. As a vegan you can get it through B12 pills. Much of it is not absorbed well by the body. Another source is through fortified foods. Yet another source is through nutritional yeast flakes or brewers yeast. But there are so many types out there, that the clerk ordering it might order the wrong one, and thinks he/she did order the one that is fortified, but actually didn't (oops). I hate having to rely on people.

From what I understand you need at least 2.4 or 3.0 a day to have enough B12. The soy milk I take only says 50%. What's that suppose to mean? GURRR

Any suggestions where to find food with B12 in it would help me. Any breakfast cereals fortified with B12? Are B12 patches worth the expense?


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
I read somewhere that you need 5 to 12 microgramm of B12 per day. I think it is almost exclusively in seafood, eggs, milk, dairy products, etc. everything a vegan won't eat. You will need to have a lot of brewer's yeast and nutritional yeast to get your daily requirement - gag :)

I think the best supplement to take are the ones that are made of whole foods so enzymes are still there and it is more readily absorbed by the body. I had pretty good experience with Shaklee, they have a Vitamin B complex, I got it through Robin4Health on this forum, I don't know how much she still posts though. What I liked about Shaklee was that they didn't have megadoses of everything, I think you can do more harm than good with too much!

I guess you won't be able to eat cottage cheese either, it has about 2 mcg per 100 g.

Sorry I can't be of any more help.

WOW! One lozenge is 3,000 mcg (micrograms) that is way too much! From what I understand you only need 2.4-3.0 mcg per day. Am I missing something? That's a big difference! Perhaps micrograms and mcg are two different things? If so please explain.

See what I mean about no confidence? I just don't understand this, it's very frustrating to me.

I bought the cereal today, and the sugar content is a little high, but doable. I'll have 1/2 c. of cereal with 1 cup of soy milk. I think that will do it. Man, if I'm wrong, I need to know. My health is at risk!. Are there any other choices out there?

Anyone else out there would like to put their two cent worth in here? Would love to hear more about this.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
Go to your local health food store and talk to someone who is informed on vitamins. B vitamins are water soluable and any excess will flush out. The numbers do seem high and I am certainly no expert but am amazed at how much the people in the vitamin section at my local co-op know. I can really get some good information from them. Good luck in you b12 quest. The journey can be frustrating with so much information out there but just keep plugging.

>WOW! One lozenge is 3,000 mcg (micrograms) that is way too
>much! From what I understand you only need 2.4-3.0 mcg per

That's what I mean a lot of supplements have WAY TO MUCH. You'll need between 5 to 12 mcg (=micrograms), including your food. A lozenge with 3000 mcg is way too much, unless you suffer from depression or other conditions that need additional B12.

Janie, if you're concerned, you can get a simple blood test to test your levels and put your mind at ease. Otherwise, why not take a multi-vitamin specifically for vegans? Also, if you're drinking the lite Silk soymilk, one serving is (I believe)70 calories. Two servings would be a mere 140 calories, which is almost equal to a piece of fruit or something. You could put it in a recovery shake or something. This is what I do because I'm so bad about taking vitamins. Also, the B vitamins are not fat soluble, so the body can't 'OD' on them. On a side note, you can find B12 in sea vegetables such as: arame, wakame and kombu. Blue green algae, chlorella, barley green, and spirulina all are rich sources of B12.


Here is a link talking about the confusion of seaweed.

Vitamin B12: Are You Getting It? : B12 in Tempeh, Seaweeds ...

There is so much confusion out there, I just don't think I could be a vegan and stay healthy. I want to be, but it's too scary. Until someone can tell me under no circumstances will my health be at risk, then I'm going to have to eat the soy milk and the cereal. I sure wanted a little more variety than that.

Aren't you scared?

I think I will have a check up to see the levels of B12, when I stop meat altogether.

Thank you so much for your input.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
Janie, I have been a vegan for like 3 years with NOTHING but positive experiences. I know Kathryn has been a vegan way longer than me and from what I understand, she's more than healthy. So no, I'm not scared at all. In fact, I would be more worried about my health if I were consuming animal protein. Occasionally I take a multi-vitamin and I drink fortified soymilk so I know I'm getting enough B-12. I think you are smart to be concerned about your health, but keep in mind that excessive worrying can be toxic to your health as well. If I were you, I'd read up on veganism as much as possible. I know you follow Eat to Live and it cites something like 400+ peer reviewed studies so I believe its premise is sound and healthy. Also, there are some vegan forums where you can go and ask questions of other vegans and people who are considering becoming vegan. Places like (which I like) and These are just a few of the many sources out there.


Wow, 3 years? I'm impressed.

You are a gift sent from above. I'm feeling much better now. Looking at the places you suggested on the internet is interesting. So I think I'll see whats up in the section for me. (seriously wanting to become a vegan). So far it has been very helpful.

When I eat "Eat to Live", I've never felt healthier. I love this way of eating. So much so, that yesterday, I thought if it's so good for you, then why not put some on my face. So I did. I used my coffee grinder and ground up flax seed, avocado, lettuce, lemon, tomato. Slathered it on my face and neck, and watched a show on tv. Wow! when I took the stuff off my face, I looked in the mirror, and was sure that a couple of years were taken off. I think I'll do this from time to time, it was so fantastic.

Maybe in a few weeks I'll look 25?:7


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
Not a nutritionist, but what about Barilla Plus pasta..It is awesome and nope no b-12(just looked), but alot of other good fibres and omega 3..
Ever think about asking your doc for b-12 shots??
Heard they really give you energy...
>Wow, 3 years? I'm impressed.
>You are a gift sent from above. I'm feeling much better now.
>Looking at the places you suggested on the internet is
>interesting. So I think I'll see whats up in the section for
>me. (seriously wanting to become a vegan). So far it has
>been very helpful.
>When I eat "Eat to Live", I've never felt healthier. I love
>this way of eating. So much so, that yesterday, I thought if
>it's so good for you, then why not put some on my face. So I
>did. I used my coffee grinder and ground up flax seed,
>avocado, lettuce, lemon, tomato. Slathered it on my face and
>neck, and watched a show on tv. Wow! when I took the stuff
>off my face, I looked in the mirror, and was sure that a
>couple of years were taken off. I think I'll do this from
>time to time, it was so fantastic.
>Maybe in a few weeks I'll look 25?:7
>The idea is to die young as late as possible.

Janie you are too funny.... Can we see a pic of that??
Otta be a site... You never know. MAybe you found the fountain of youth... LOL...
If so send me some..

If I ever discover the fountain of youth, you'll be the first to know. And I'll be rich rich rich!

B12 shot! I hate shots, and that would cost a fortune if I have to go in once a week. It takes me an hour and a half to get to my doctors. I live in the boonies. Need a different alternative.

The Barilla Plus pasta sounds great, I'll have to try it. Also I love spaghetti squash, white or red sauce with seitan in it, and a salad on the side. It's to die for.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.

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