I am going to quit posting on this board!!


This used to be a really fun board, where I liked to go and get information or just exchange opinions. And even if I disagree with some of you sometimes, I respect and value each and every ones of your opinions.

However, this has gotten out of hand. I have gotten 6 or 7 very nasty emails to my private email address over the past several weeks, 2 just in the last couple of hours.

This is ridiculous! I wish all of you the very best, but I am done!

WHAT??? That's unreal.

How could that be? I'm a MUCH bigger Bee-otch than you and I haven't gotten one (yet!).

Seriously, I know it must make you feel awful. Please don't go!

I guess you could just lock out your e-mail address, but they have it now, don't they?

This is very surprising to me...maybe I'm more naive than I thought.

OMG! Carola, I'm so sorry :( Did you give people your personal email regarding some specific issue and then they replied there? That really sucks. I hate to say I'm too cautious ever to give out my personal email unless I really know a person. It stinks that there has to be that worry at all. Ugh.

I hope you won't leave, but understand if you want to. There are always some bruised apples in the bunch, especially on public forums. Blech.


I'm not gaining weight. I'm retaining food.
Carola..I wish you would reconsider. Just delete your email address from here. I don't know what happened but yes sometimes we do disagree. I have always enjoyed your posts....:)

i think that is awful. if these people have something to say, they should post it in public. then we could all see what they are like and give them a piece of our minds.

if they are nasty, i would report them to the cathe people and get them booted out.

Carola, I'm suprised and sorry to hear about the email. One of the best things about this forum is the varied opinions and the (usually) open minded responses.
If someone does not have the courage to counter your opinion out in the open, their opinion is not worth much. Consider them private bullies and ignore them. There are far more good apples than bad ones in this barrel. Carola, I am sorry for you about the e-mails.

It might be good to report them to the moderators of this site so they can investigate it. Would individual attacks be considered trolling? Just asking out of curiosity.

I had the same problem but I pm'ed Cathe and explained it to her, and haven't had a problem with obsencity and swearing from that particular person in my mail box anymore.

I agree with another post here, some people are more like cowards to pm or email nast-a-grams.

Don't leave. If you have more problems, report it and it will be dealt with swiftly.

I am wondering if it's the same people that I had a problem with, ummmm. But we won't go there, as to stoop to calling out names, they know who they are and they know they've done wrong...


Please don't leave. I don't know what kind of people could leave messages to you that would make you feel you need to leave this board. But if I were you, just ignore it. Stick with the people that give you good feelings, I'm sure there are plenty.

Talk with you soon, I hope.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.

That's what your delete button is for. For the future, don't give out your personal e-mail. Wait for responses on this forum, and if inappropriate, they will get booted.
Hang in there.

FYI, I've found the Ask Cathe site more helpful

Good Luck

Please don't leave! You have been a very active, well informed and informative participant here and I, for one, have learned a lot from you! I can't believe that anyone would send you negative messages on your email! People shock me sometimes.
Thank you for all the info you gave regarding the Raw Food diet and books on homeopathic vetrinary medicine. I put my cats on the raw food diet and the are all doing so well on it. I put them on it per your suggestion a couple of months ago, and luckily was not feeding my diabetic cat the kind of Science Diet diabetic food that wound up on the recall list!!
Please, again, please don't go!
Take the suggestion to remove your email from your profile. It's a shame that it has to be that way, but many people cannot be trusted with other's personal information.
Again - thank you so much for all your posts, both general and the one's you were kind enough to take the time to post in answer to my questions!
A helpful and well informed voice should NEVER be silenced, by ANYONE!
Considering that I have a healthy, very happy puppy largely due to you, I really hope you don't let a few idjits run you off!! My email is [email protected]. Please write. And if ANYONE wants to send ME a negative email, please do note that my background is in unsolicited email, and I know how to track people down. I'm happy to protect my rights and the rights of anyone else you wish to threaten. And I have the means to do so. So please, bring 'em on. I'm good friends with people from the FBI who take email threats seriously. VERY seriously... Oh, and don't bother my friends either.
Delete the dumb e-mail and repeat after me:

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.

There didn't that feel better, you can post again....:)
>If someone does not have the courage to counter your opinion
>out in the open, their opinion is not worth much. Consider
>them private bullies and ignore them. There are far more good
>apples than bad ones in this barrel. Carola, I am sorry for
>you about the e-mails.

Amen to what paxy said.

They are just pinheads. Ignore them. :)
Heck ya! Most of us are decent human beings, the hell with the others, I get those horrid emails too, that is what the delete button is for!
Oh, and also understand there are certain threads on this message board that only a select few get a response to, and I am not talking about Cathe.
I have tried but realized it is like a "club" that I am not invited to, so I simply "duck out", much too "high school" for my liking.:)
But for the most part, everyone here is fitness minded, smart and very cool.
Just a heads up to those of you who do not know this...

It's easy to send someone a personal email from this forum WITHOUT the person giving out their address. I won't say how here because then it might happen more often. I don't think too many people would mind if our forum friends contacted us personally to ask a question or whatever but there's always a chance a troll will slip through the cracks. That's when it becomes an issue.

Pleae note that anyone who sends a personal email via this forum does not see the person's actual email address. They just have an option to send them a message. All they see is the name you have on the forum. If you don't respond to it, they will not have your private email address. If you do respond, they will have it and then you'll have to block them through your internet provider.

To Carola, I just want to say that some people are not nice and have their own agenda for using this forum. Don't make their issues your issues. Their whole reason for pulling stunts like this may be to ruin the forum. I know it's frustrating, but I hope you stay. I don't post much but I read regularly. There is a wealth of information here. Don't miss out. If you report this behavior, the Cathe people will do something about it.

Christine & Bill, you both crack me up. :)

Carola, I'm with the others - I hope you don't let the actions of a few stop you from contributing to the boards. Your presence here is appreciated.

~Cathy :)
Hey Carola, I may not always agree with you or other people on this forum, but I sure agree that everyone has a right to a respectful opinion. Block the nasty emails, but don't leave a forum you like(unless you just don't like it anymore) because of that. The nasty emailers win if you do.

I think people learn from differing opinions. When I read people's ideas here, and elsewhere, I may not agree, and may say so, and point out why, but I also learn from the other person's reasons as well. To disallow differing opinions in this world would be bad.

I love when you post here, I learn alot from you and others and I am sorry that this is happening to you. I really want you to stay too you are full of knowledge and I agree with the others-just take out your e-mail address and no one can send you an e-mail. Dont go please!!


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