I am going to quit posting on this board!!


I noticed you were gone. I always enjoyed your posts!!! I just figured you were busy with your new job and move :)
>You are not the first to make such an announcement and then
>usually it's followed by people jumping on the band wagon
>begging the person not to leave.
>IMHO, it's more effective to let the other board members know
>what's going on and then block your profile from anyone
>sending you the offensive emails.

I admire that you have so much self-control and always say and do the right thing. I have already said I overreacted and probably should have done what you said in your post. I didn't know I could block "offensive" emails.

I certainly didn't post because I wanted to have people "beg" me to stay or get more attention, just to make that clear.

I don't not always do the right thing but I do have mucho self control. This comes with the wisdom of age. It's a wonderful thing.
I have been coming to these boards for several years and have noticed this phenomenon and just thought I'd ask the purpose. I, like Donna, would tend to just leave without making an announcement. We are all different and will have different reactions to a situation. I like to ask before I assume.

I am sorry you were verbally attacked. No one should have to experience such a thing.
I get it, Candi! I have been on this forum for a long time and I have always enjoyed your posts.

I just wanted to say that I didn't explode out of the blue, those emails had been going on for a while and they were very much below the beltway, however I usually just brush off personal attacks.

My lid just blew off on the last email, when my kids were labeled as "idiots" and "retarded" because of what I am saying on this board. I should have exercised more self-control, but it's always 20/20 hindsight. So my apologies!

Who knows, if I hang around longer on this board, some of your self-control may rub off on me :), one can always hope, right? I am not trying to be sarcastic, I have learned a lot on this board.

Thanks and have a great day!

>If I ever leave I want a band playing, crying babies, the

ROTFL!!! You got it, Bill!

Hey, if you think this board is bad, you should see my local newspaper's message board! Yikes!! They had to completely re-vamp the design and the different posting categories in an effort to take away the ones that had the most flaming posters. It was just awful! I haven't posted there in a long, long, long time. This board is tame compared to that one.

For anyone who is curious (or who likes to take a verbal beating), visit, www.indystar.com and scroll down until you see "message boards" on the left hand side. I doubt you'll stay there long. It's an ugly place. x(
Candi, I'll send you one if you like. :D :D :D

Seriously, Carola, I'm sorry for your experience. I think people sometimes just suck. I mean, it's one thing to have a discussion or even an argument here... or even just post irrationally (eh-hem, I am so guilty of this, thankfully most of the participants here are pretty forgiving!). It's quite another to get personal, attacking emails. I wonder why anyone would do that?? Strange.

>Out the offending emailers. Post their names in a list for
>everyone to see. If they dont' know how to play nicely, I
>think we all should know who they are so we can avoid them.

I agree.

Bullies (and that's what they are) get some of their power by hiding (so they can appear to be not-bullies to others.

I've had nasty PM's sent to me in the past, but I'll be danged if I'll let one psycho (I think she was!) bully chase me away.

As others have said, we don't all disagree, but there's absolutely no need for name-calling and other childish (perhaps mentally unhinged) behavior.

Stick around Carola.
>I've never understood why people make announcements that they
>are leaving the boards. Can someone explain that to me? The
>way I see it, you either post or you don't.

I think some people want others to say 'oh, no, don't go" and get sympathy, but I don't see that it's the case here.

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