Farewell and Wish me Luck


Well starting on monday, it is going to be national no tv week, actually no screens are allowed. DS gets to attend a special picnic at the end of the school year if he completes the week. We did very well last year. It was hard though! I don't watch alot of tv but I do use the pc alot! Anyway, wish me luck and hope I survive! LOL
LD :eek:
Do you remember an episode of "Arthur" where there was a no TV challenge for a week? Buster didn't make it. It was a good one and if Arther can do it, so can you! Good luck.


(Do movies and exercise DVD's count?)
I think I could easily do the TV, but not the computer. Especially since I work on an HRIS 45 hours a week!

Good luck!
TV - no problem
Computer - NO WAY -- lol! But then, I pay all my bills and do my banking online so there's no way I could go a week without the internet.

Good luck to you!!
I could live the rest of my life w/o tv and probably be fine. It's the computer that I couldn't live with out!:p

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