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  1. M

    Gotta tell someone -- 50 lb DBs today!

    I know you girls will understand my excitement so I just have to share my accomplishment: Today at the gym I bench pressed 50lb dumbells for 7 reps! A personal best for me! I'm so excited :7 Shonie
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    Anyone experienced this after S&H?

    Hey Pinky Girl! I wouldn't say specifically that it is *because* of S&H but I, too, experience this same thing. I just noticed it after S&H style training -- probably because they are so different. I think the fast reps put more strain on the joints/ligaments/tendons; whereas the slow reps...
  3. M

    Pick your "Catheite" Amazing Race team....

    RE: Pick your Awww...thanks Jes! I LOVE you for saying I'm like Cathe (can't think of a higher compliment). But, remember, Nadine had to open the wine for me. My arms are just an illusion. Besides, I'm too high maintenance for something like that show. I need coffee and a shower in...
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    Microderabrasion crystals

    Hey Maximus -- I'm not going to be much help here since I'm not familiar with that particular product, but I do have a kind-of funny story that has a moral. I bought one of those over-the-counter microderm kits (has the lotion with the crystals in it and moisterizer for afterward) -- may...
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    Surreal life... Am I the only one watching???

    Hey Laura! I watch it if I happen to see it on when I'm flipping channels. Sorry to say I don't find him attractive at all but he does seem nice (hmmm...maybe that explains my lack of attraction...interesting). I'm embarrassed to say I was addicted to the first season of the "Top Model"...
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    texas cathe party pics

    Awww...shucks...thanks Marla! Are you sure you didn't photo-shop some arms in there for me? I need to go get my $5 disposable camera developed! Dang, dang, dang. You girls and your fancy, smancy "digital" high-tech space-age cameras...bahhh! Back in my day as a youth we took pictures with...
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    Wanted to say THANKS LADIES!

    Hey Jes -- I wish I could take some credit for thinking of the bridal gift, but it was really Nadine's idea. She is just the most thoughtful person I think I've ever met. Thanks, "geriatric wackos", for making me feel good. The compliments are great especially since I've been somewhat...
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    Speaking of marriage....

    Amen Dutchie! Yay...I found someone else who thinks exactly like me! I'm not a freak after all :-) Well, not for that reason anyway. Shonie
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    Speaking of marriage....

    I didn't weigh-in on Amyrobyn's post either because I'm pretty "different" when it comes to thoughts on marriage. I don't understand the point of it. Unless you have religious beliefs that require you to be married, I don't see the reason for it. In "the old days" when a woman needed to be...
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    what do you do when stressed

    Dear Marla -- I'm also a "driving ventor". Vent="scream and curse" in my book -- and I used to be such a nice girl. Watch out -- I'm on my way home from work in a couple of minutes. People with the bite sized candy bars need to STOP bringing them to work!!!! ARGGGGG! Shonie
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    Fitness myths

    I, personally, never made good gains in muscle until I increased my protein intake regardless of the fact that I was lifting heavy and often for YEARS. This article may say it is a myth -- but it worked for me. Given the high level of carb intake in a lot of people's diets (especially many...
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    what do you do when stressed

    Lately...I've been eating candy :-( I'm not recommending it. Shonie
  13. M

    How about a personality trait in yourself that you LIKE???

    I'm open-minded and non-judgemental when it comes to people and how they live their lives (former SO calls that "being liberal"). I'm a devoted friend. I will do almost anything for a true friend. I'm determined (like Maximus). Some people call it stubborn ;-) I'm independent and...
  14. M

    Do you have a personality trait you'd like to change?

    RE: Do you have a personality trait you'd like to chang... Marla -- Well, you are "Ms. Fly-By-The-Seat-Of-Her-Pants" :-) Unfortunatly, I procrastinate -- but also feel the need to plan everything. Wow...2 pretty conflicting traits! Aren't you glad you're going to be spending a...
  15. M

    Do you have a personality trait you'd like to change?

    Oh my -- do I have to pick just one? Well, I guess I'd have to say I wish I was less of a nut-job ;-) I procrastinate, I don't speak my mind about things that bug me, I don't give myself credit for my accomplishments, I don't give myself a break when I screw up, I can be quiet and moody...
  16. M

    Clean Up Your Mess :-)

    So I'm doing the Harcore Extreme workout #1 today (still half asleep) and there is a part after weights (I think) where Cathe says "clean up your mess". I completely cracked up! Yes MOM! Has anyone else noticed that part? Shonie
  17. M

    Very OC - Pregnancy

    Awww...Pinky -- that was just BEAUTIFUL :-) I could imagine the scene just as you described it! I can tell you are a great mom. If you have one of those "jumping off the cliff" days. Give me a call. I'll talk you down (or join you) :-) Shonie
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    Very OC - Pregnancy

    Hey Christine -- I can't really offer any advice here since I don't have children -- but I was wondering why you would say "I certainly want to adopt at least one child but I feel like I'd be missing out on life if I don't also have at least one of my own". Why would you feel like you'd be...
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    Bloating! What's a Girl to Do?

    Pinky, :-) Bloating checkin thread...I like it! Although I'm not sure how interesting it would be. I can see it now, day after day: Day 1: Bloated Day 2: Yep, still Bloated Day 3: Bloated AND constipated Day 4: Bloated, constipated, and pissed off Day 5: Feel pregnant, look...
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    Am I the only one...

    Pinky, So...can we start calling you "PP"? Puffy Pinky -- it has a nice ring to it. Kind of a wuss rapper name. Shonie