Am I the only one...


Am I the only one who has out of control eating days/weeks? I swear I have grazed almost every waking minute this week. (I do stop for workouts.) Thank goodness I only have healthy food in the house. Of course it ceases to be healthy when one eats portions the size of a house. I'm really upset with myself. Does that stop me....NOPE!
oh I hear ya. This past week has been crazzzzzzy. I can't get FULLx( x( x(

I am still eating healthy, and I try all the little tips I learn from here, like adding a little protein with my afternoon apple etc. Thank goodness I work out like I do. Actually, I realize it's probably because I've upped my workouts, and it's also TTOM, but still...bottomless pit over here:+ :+
Oh, no, you are not alone! Today I ate non-stop. Thank goodness it was pretty much all healthy - I managed to avoid the Belgian chocolate cookies AGAIN! But yeah, pretty much from the time I woke up until just before I worked out. And now I could eat again.

I have days like that too. Drives me crazy! I also have days where I am hungry but nothing sounds good or I keep grazing searching for something that does taste good.
Oh I can DEFINATELY be like that! No doubt! It's like my stomach suddenly becomes a bottemless pit and no matter what I eat it just doesn't fill me up!

Those are bad bad days...but they too shall pass and before you know it, you will be eating "right" again!:)


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
EDD: 05/19/05
Shonie? Do you have anything you might want to add? LOL! Just kidding.

I have those days too. I do think it has something to do with your monthly cycle & hormones.

Sitting here muching on pumkin seeds in leau of , well, half the cubboard! I am planning on gettin up at O'dak hundred and treating myself to some dark chocolate and espresso with soy milk in exchange for my run....does anyone else bribe themselves into excersise? Pathetic, I know...but, I'm desperate. dmd:eek:
I should never have started on the natural peanut butter. I eat way more than I should. I can't stop...

Brandi- Me too! PMS in full swing. Craving bad stuff, but keep denying myself as I was a hog yesterday and ate all day long, but ate good stuff. Belly full so contentment was reached. Actually gained a pound this morning and body fat did not increase. Double workouts paid off this week! Gonna double them up again today even if that means double the food.

jk- I just think too we are going to be more hungry as well when we workout hard so keep that in mind too! Just don't eat the bad stuff unless you plan on doing 3 workouts to burn it all off. JMHO.

I'm definitely with you on this one. My TOM is late and I'm devouring everything in sight. I wondered if it's not also because it's warmer out so I'm outside a lot more. What is it about being outside that makes a person hungry? I'm afraid I'm quickly undoing the results of a month of good eating.:(

Definitely weekends for me. I'm so busy during the week sometimes I actually forget to eat. But over the w/e sometimes it's a nonstop eating fest.
Marla --

Hey are you "outing" me over there?

Yes, yesterday I had about 15 mini-snickers bars followed by 3 pieces of birthday cake AND some chocolates (with caramel). Day before, 10 mini-hershey bars. Day before THAT, 8 mini-krackel bars and a half-jar of peanut butter.

My basic plan is, apparently, to balloon up to 300lbs by April 16th. I'm well on my way with all the junk food, in addition to my pasture grazing at home, and massive gas explosions! I bet ya'll can't wait to meet me, huh?!? Good think I'm staying in your room, Marla! I'll be sure to drink a gallon or 2 of milk :)

To the original poster -- you are not the only one. I believe this is a very common phenomenon known as "can't stop putting stuff in my mouth" syndrome :) Watch the dirty minds out there...

I'm strength training using Gym Styles and S&H, and I'm CONSTANTLY eating. EATING, okay? Not grazing. I get awfully hungry from all this lifting. Am I upset? No. Eventually I'll start getting "puffy" then it'd be time to change rotations.


So...can we start calling you "PP"?

Puffy Pinky -- it has a nice ring to it. Kind of a wuss rapper name.

OMG!! You all are so funny!! I totally had the munchies today!! And for the past week!! What gives? I have tried everything to stop myself. I totally gained and I am PMSing. But I did finally stop-right now- regrouped, and decided to start fresh tomorrow. I have decided to start Cathe April Rotation & made a goal. I will take photos for myself when completed it. To make sure I reached that goal. When I reach it, I will go get a pedicure. Yes, I did say when-I really want one. I am tired of doing it myself. I guess this kind of sets it up for me to have to reach because I shared with everyone. Now if I don't I'll look like a wuss!!:*
I thought I was the only one too. I'm chowing down way to much I'm so PMSing and I feel really fat!! I hope I'll feel better next week. I know it's just a phase.
I was so good all day at work. Then I got home and ate 3 mini chocolate Easter eggs, some pistachios, a bit of cottage cheese with tomato, cucumber and avocado... grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... stupid &)(*&* lack of willpower.x(

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