Do you have a personality trait you'd like to change?


As for me, I have issues w/being spontaneous. I have my entire week planned out by Sunday night--work schedule, workout schedule, even what I'm gonna wear to work, the gym, & to social occasions. If someone tries to get me to do something unplanned I get completely freaked.

First I wanted to say vanity, but I think vanity is what keeps me motivated to work out. ;-)
OMG Maximus, I'm exactly the same. I have a little notebook that I write my entire week in, and I schedule everything.

My friend has these little "angel" cards at her house, and you're supposed to pick one a day. Once day I picked one that said "spontaneity". I told her I'd have to put it on my list;)

However, I don't want to change it. I like being that way. What can I say, I'm a freak!

I think I would like to NOT worry so much about things. I worry about really stupid, inconsequential things all the time. It's wearing.
As a matter of fact, the one trait about me that I would like to change is to be more of a schedule type person. I hate making lists but lately I have been forcing myself because I'm tired of forgetting things at the grocery store.

I wish I had more empathy and sympathy for people. I used to be that way. I think I've gotten very jaded over the years because I've learned that many people cause their own problems by making bad choices (like I did with my first marriage).
I wish I were not so darn perfect. It makes everyone else feel bad.

Well, seriously, I wish I knew how to make small talk and do social rituals when I have to, because I really can't do it, and it often makes things very awkward.
"Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow." I wish I would not procrastinate as much.

I grind and grit my teeth together when I get mad! I wish I didn't respond like this. I look like a vicious animal. LOL! Dentist is always asking if I chew on ice. It is stupid stuff that sets me off like when we had a plumber come to our house 4 times (same guy/same day) before he could fix our leaky pipe. In the meantime, it continued to leak so I went out to our back deck and just screamed and then did a few laps around the yard. When I was done, I cried. I was so frustrated!!!!

Charlotte, I can relate. My dentist has also asked me why my molars are so flat. This is because I purposely pick my battles. There are righteous fights and then there are petty jabs from louts that are simply a waste of time and energy. But sometimes it gets me thinking that maybe if I just let it all out no matter what, people wouldn't assume I'm easy prey THEN act offended, surprised and angered (like I have no right to fight back because they didn't think I had it in me to begin with) all at once when my all this rage engulfs them.

This is why I do a lot of kickboxing.:)

RE: Do you have a personality trait you'd like to chang...

I'm TOO nice. I tend to keep my feelings bottled up until I can't take it anymore instead of speaking up right away when I have an issue with someone. I can tend to let people walk all over me...


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
EDD: 05/19/05
I would like to be more warm. Or at least be able to be able to express my warmth better. People really do get the wrong impression of me and I'm told I'm intimidating.
mogambo----:7 :7 :7 :+

It must be hard to be that perfect.

I would also like to stop procrastinating. That's what I'm doing right now, because I need to workout! ;)

And learn to RELAX.
I need to work on patience ~ I'm actually doing a Beth Moore Bible study on the fruits of the spirit and patience is my #1 priority. I tend to get in a hurry too often and lose my patience too easily. It definitely doesn't help when you live in an itty bitty town where the pace of life is 1,000 times slower than everywhere else. Here, time means little to sales clerks, waitresses, etc., so I need to sssslllllooooowwwww down and develop patience to enjoy this slow-paced life!
RE: Do you have a personality trait you'd like to chang...

Um, I'm spontaneous, vain (with myself not others), I procrastinate, I'm volatile when I get mad, and I need to be more warm. So I guess I share a lot with you girls. I also tend to get jealous of my SOs female clients. Yesterday for example we were in the middle of a conversation on the phone and he put me on hold (instead of saying I'll talk to you later and hang up) And he says I'm with a female client here wait a couple of mins. Why did he have to add "female" in front of client? I know it's his job but a client is a client it doesn't matter if it's male or female. I think he did it to make me jealous and I hate getting jealous, but I can't help it. Oh man I have to change a lot of things about myself lol!

Edited to add: Oh yeah patience. I have no patience whatsoever haha.
I would love to not be so self-depricating. To love myself more...I don't have a problem encouraging others...but when it comes to being patient with myself I fall short. deb
Oh my -- do I have to pick just one?

Well, I guess I'd have to say I wish I was less of a nut-job ;-)

I procrastinate, I don't speak my mind about things that bug me, I don't give myself credit for my accomplishments, I don't give myself a break when I screw up, I can be quiet and moody, I let people walk all over me, I am afraid to try new things, I get nervous when expected to socialize, I worry too much, I sometimes take things too seriously, and I don't smile nearly enough!

I suppose I just want to be a more fun person.

RE: Do you have a personality trait you'd like to chang...

I'm very organized, very efficient, and very much of a planner, so I get annoyed at work when people don't do things like I would do them. I never say anything about it, just quietly stew about it for awhile, then let it go! I wish I could, perhaps, lower my expectations of other people! Then I wouldn't be disappointed.
Unfortunately, I am also too self depricating!! I'm always encouraging everyone else to look at their accomplishments and not just their short comings...but when it comes to myself, I'm really hard on myself. Also, the harder I work, the more and more I expect from myself. It's just never enough and reading this makes me realize I have to change that and be nicer to myself!! Glad you asked this this excellent question!!! Thanks.

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