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  1. K

    Commit to get fti and lean for Jan. 19, 2009

    Good morning ladies, Well, I got Heidi's nasty cold, so I didn't workout at all this weekend. I still feel kinda bla, but I still will get a workout in. I will do the premix from 4DS Shoulders, Chest and Triceps. Belinda - Wow, looks like an awesome workout you did. Amelia - Sorry...
  2. K

    Commit to get fti and lean for Jan.15, 2009

    Good morning ladies, Not sure about my workout yet, probably treadmill, just like yesterday. Heidi is still sick, she even was running a fever last night, so we are hanging out at the house. I sure hope that I won't get what she got. :confused: I hope that you all have a great day...
  3. K

    Commit to get fit and lean for Jan 13, 2009

    Hey, I got 45 minutes on the treadmill in, I am excited!!! And Heidi even took an one hour nap today, yeah!
  4. K

    Commit to get fit and lean for Jan 13, 2009

    Good morning ladies, Yes, top priority today is a workout (thanks Lori). Well, I had a rough night last night or should I say Heidi did. She has a cough since 4 weeks and it started to get worse again, so I called the Dr. yesterday and he told me what cough medicine to get. Anyway, so last...
  5. K

    Commit to get fti and lean for Jan.12, 2009

    Oh my, no workout again :confused: I am such a slacker :eek:.
  6. K

    Commit to get fti and lean for Jan.12, 2009

    Good morning ladies, Well, last week wasn't a good workout week at all, I only got 2 workouts in :confused:. Just had to much to deal with Heidi's sleep issues, so this week should be a lot better. We got her a bed on Saturday and guess what for the first time in forever she is still asleep...
  7. K

    Commit to get fti and lean for Jan.9, 2009

    Good morning ladies, I ended up doing PP yesterday and it felt really good. For some reason that workout felt so long, which was so weird. Not sure about today yet. I will be going to have lunch with my girlfriend and when go and pick out a present for Heidi for her Birthday. So...
  8. K

    Commit to get fti and lean for Jan. 8 , 2009

    Good morning ladies, Well, I ended up not working out yesterday, but that's ok. I rested while Heidi finally took a nap, for the first time in over a week, after her party. Her party was really nice and everyone had fun and I think Heidi really enjoyed to finally be able to play with her...
  9. K

    Commit to get fti and lean for Jan.7, 2009

    Good morning ladies, Hey, I am still alive. We just got back from Germany on Saturday and we are slowly getting back to the life. We had a great time, but it's nice to be back home. I worked out yesterday for the first time in forever, I did 30min interval on the TM, not much but hey...
  10. K

    Commit to get fit and lean for Dec.15

    Hi ladies, I am still here. I am in Germany right now to visit my parents for Christmas. We got here on Dec. 5 and will return back home on Jan 3. We have a great time, but my workouts are none existent :confused:. I did Cardio X about 4 days ago and that's it. I am really trying to get...
  11. K

    Commit to get fit and lean for Wednesday, November 26, 2008

    Hi ladies, I am still alive, sorry about being MIA. Amelia - I am right there with you pms'ing and such in a blah mood not typically for me I kept up with my workouts though and my favorite right now is my TM. I am on there about 5 times a week. We are leaving next week to go to...
  12. K

    ** Commit to get FIT and LEAN Nov 16th **

    Good morning ladies, I thought I check in right quick before Ms. Heidi starts keeping me busy again. Yesterdays workout was MM and it felt really nice. I can feel DOMS in my chest and my leg and butt :D. Not sure what I will be doing today. I am thinking about LM since days now, so...
  13. K

    *** Commit to get Fit and Lean Thursday ***

    Belinda - I am glad to hear that everything went well and that DH is going to come home tomorrow! ((((HUGS))))
  14. K

    CoMMit to Get FIT and LEAN Wenesday, Nov 12

    Good morning everyone, Well, I ended up taking a rest day yesterday. I was at a playdate and we just kept talking and talking so it got late and I didn't had time for a workout :mad:. Today will be either a run on the treadmill or I might even do LowMax, we'll see. Amelia - So sorry to...
  15. K

    Commit to get fit and lean for Tuesday 11

    Good morning ladies, Yesterday's workout was a 1 hour interval run on the treadmill. Haven't thought about my workout today yet. Maybe some weight work, but I am really not sure. Belinda - What was your workout today? Amelia - I need to pull out my HRM again. Haven't used it in...
  16. K

    Commit to get fit and lean for Friday 7

    Good morning ladies, Sorry about being MIA once again, but at least you know, I always come back :rolleyes:. My workout yesterday was a 30 min run on the treadmill, not much, but better than nothing. Not sure about today, I really want to do some weights, so I am thinking about 4DS weight...
  17. K

    Commit to get fit and lean for Nov.4

    Good morning ladies, I ended up doing the Standing Legs and Abs Premix from B&G. I have a little bit of DOMS but not too bad. Today, I probably will be doing a run on the treadmill, when Heidi goes down for a nap. Belinda - Well, I am just getting tired of the Cathe rotations, the last...
  18. K

    Commit to get fit and lean for Nov.3

    Good morning ladies, Well, not sure what my workout will be today. I was following a rotation but dropped that about 2 weeks ago, so now I need to come up with something else. Belinda - Good workout! Is it nice and cold in Germany yet? Good morning to everyone who follows. I will...
  19. K

    HAPPY HALLOWEEN Commit to get fit and lean

    Hi ladies and Happy Halloween!!! I liked the orange Trish, so I am doing the same, hehe. My workout today was a 45 min TaeBo cardio workout and I will do some yoga with Heidi later. Pick up a Baby/Toddler Yoga DVD at the library, so we will try that. We are not taking Heidi Trick or...
  20. K

    TTC/Preg Check in Week of Oct 26th

    Hi ladies, Well, AF started this morning, so I am out for this month as well :(. My workout today was a 45 min TaeBo cardio workout and I will do some yoga with Heidi later. Pick up a Baby/Toddler Yoga DVD at the library, so we will try that. Jen - I am so sorry to hear about your...