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  1. Tess_ATL

    Two truths and a lie - come play!

    Poochy, what is your rare eye disease? Come on, I shared mine. :) Shelly - your chest bone is backwards?? How does that work? Oh and I don't believe you are painfully shy. Really???
  2. Tess_ATL

    Two truths and a lie - come play!

    Liann - I'm going to say #1 is your lie. Meowracer - no I don't do anything to treat it now. It hasn't really flared up since my teen years but my eye dr. says he can still see the spots. I read somewhere that laser surgery can cure it.
  3. Tess_ATL

    Two truths and a lie - come play!

    I have Thygeson's disease's_superficial_punctate_keratopathy It doesn't bother me as much now but I had lots of problems as a kid and was always on steroid drops (pred mild). Most of my photos show me squinting because any sort of light hurt my eyes.
  4. Tess_ATL

    Two truths and a lie - come play!

    >Right for me :) > >Hmmm, now do I guess for you? I assume it has to stop here or >we could be guessing for a lot of people to follow... my guess >is #3 though. Meowracer, I was going to say #3 for yours too. Christine - I will say #1 is your lie! You can keep guessing anyone's...
  5. Tess_ATL

    Two truths and a lie - come play!

    We played this game on another forum awhile back and it was a lot of fun. The way it works is you state 3 tidbits about yourself, 2 being true and one being untrue. Then everyone has to guess which one is the lie. I'll start! 1. I was born in Tampa, FL 2. My brother is a black belt in...
  6. Tess_ATL

    Cathe mugs - please bring them back!

    I still really really want one of these. Please (I'm begging) bring them back!!
  7. Tess_ATL

    Motivational Words for my Walls

    Here are some: Believe Do Achieve Endure Strive Excel Dream Inspire Become Engage Stretch Live Breathe Results Push Challenge
  8. Tess_ATL

    I want to unload some yoga and TaeBo/BootCamp DVD's and VHS

    You can go to the firm yaya's and post in the swapmeet there. That is where I buy and trade 90% of my DVD's. You have to create an account to post and you may also want to say who you are on Cathe's site since your post count will be low. Here is a link to that board...
  9. Tess_ATL

    You Fage Junkies

    >I'm not too fond of it with fruit, but I was thinking that it >would make an awesome base for a healthy dip (into which only >BAKED all-natural chips would be dipped of course). I imagine >it would be great for making tuna salad as well? Has anyone >tried that? Nancy - yes, I have...
  10. Tess_ATL

    Quit my job today. Anybody hiring?

    Good for you girl! I would have done the same thing in your shoes. Plus with gas prices creeping up, hopefully you will find something a lot closer to home and save some $$ there. I always say that when things aren't working, you have to shake it up. I'll bet you find something you love this...
  11. Tess_ATL

    Update on "I dont want to go"

    RE: Update on Good for you! I am glad you spent the day doing what you wanted to do!
  12. Tess_ATL

    Getting together with ATL Catheites

    Hey Annette! This is Ubataba from yaya's! I am definitely up for a road trip to Augusta. Are you in touch with a lot of SC Cathe fans?
  13. Tess_ATL

    Wedding Pictures!!

    Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing. You look gorgeous in your dress and you all look so happy and like you all belong together. Your faces show how much you love each other. I love the pic of you all three together and the boys showing their bare feet!
  14. Tess_ATL

    OMG, I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!

    Yay!!! So what are you going to get with the extra $200?
  15. Tess_ATL

    I don't want to go!!

    You know what - don't go! Why should you put up a front with Mrs. "Happy Happy" when things are clearly not OK between you and not likely to get better since she thinks you should basically be a replacement for her role to him as a mother. It sounds to me like you are checked out of this...
  16. Tess_ATL

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALLIE (crazystepr)

    Happy Birthday Allison! Hope it's fantastic! I too am wondering if you got STS for your bday. :)
  17. Tess_ATL

    Buy a Dog!!!

    Very cute and very true!!
  18. Tess_ATL

    Cathe: FOUR Plyo Legs Routines?!

    >Oh Cathe, I just love you! This is so exciting! I can't WAIT >for these plyo routines! (oh wait, maybe I should order >STS....x() Darn my crappy job!!!!!!!!!!! x( x( x( > > I've been holding out on the pre-order because my birthday is >tomorrow (sshhhhh...;)) and I'm crossing my fingers...
  19. Tess_ATL

    I've just discovered almond butter.

    >I love almond butter. Great on Ezekial(?) bread. > >However, while looking for peanut butter for DH, I came across >some "natural" dark chocolate peanut butter. Soooo yummy. More details on the dark chocolate PB please!!!!!!
  20. Tess_ATL

    Happy Birthday Tess_ATL

    Thanks again. Just got finished drinking a cookies & cream milkshake from chik-fil-A. :9