Two truths and a lie - come play!


We played this game on another forum awhile back and it was a lot of fun. The way it works is you state 3 tidbits about yourself, 2 being true and one being untrue. Then everyone has to guess which one is the lie. I'll start!

1. I was born in Tampa, FL
2. My brother is a black belt in Tae Kwon Do.
3. I have a rare eye disease
I will guess - #2??

Here are three for me:

1) My daughter just got braces today
2) I research eye diseases and new products for ophthalmics
3) My husband usually doesn't travel for work.
Tess - # 2?
Meowracer - # 3?!

Here are three from me:

1. I was on the sailing team in college
2. I love to play basketball
3. My daughter is a green belt in TKD
Right for me :)

Hmmm, now do I guess for you? I assume it has to stop here or we could be guessing for a lot of people to follow... my guess is #3 though.
>Right for me :)
>Hmmm, now do I guess for you? I assume it has to stop here or
>we could be guessing for a lot of people to follow... my guess
>is #3 though.

Meowracer, I was going to say #3 for yours too.

Christine - I will say #1 is your lie!

You can keep guessing anyone's lie. The key is to let a few people guess your lie before you answer so it keeps going a little.

Oh yeah, you were both right. #2 is my lie. :)
Got it! Oh well - two people got to guess :) If you don't mind me asking, what is the eye disease you have?
I have Thygeson's disease's_superficial_punctate_keratopathy

It doesn't bother me as much now but I had lots of problems as a kid and was always on steroid drops (pred mild). Most of my photos show me squinting because any sort of light hurt my eyes.
Poochy - #3?
Christine - #2?

Here we go:

1. My Grandmother is full blooded American Indian.
2. I am the oldest of 3 sisters.
3. I played goalie in my college's championship game with with a broken finger and a fractured foot.
Don't hear of that often. Do you use any sort of treatment now? I've heard Restasis is used off label sometimes with success. Glad it is better now and surgery wasn't required!
Liann .. NOPE .. I was a HUGE dork in H/S ... OMG the pictures make me quiver in fear ... :eek: :eek: !!!

Lian .. Yours is #2???
Liann - I'm going to say #1 is your lie.

Meowracer - no I don't do anything to treat it now. It hasn't really flared up since my teen years but my eye dr. says he can still see the spots. I read somewhere that laser surgery can cure it.
Poochy a dork! Never! ;)

Yep, number 2 for me. I am the baby in the family and actually have 3 older sisters. I'd like to mention about number 3 that we went into double-overtime and won. ;)

Tess - Nope, good old granny was 100% Indian. My mom is a "half-breed" and I'm 1/4th - although aside from the high forehead, I really didn't get much from granny.
Poochy, what is your rare eye disease? Come on, I shared mine. :)

Shelly - your chest bone is backwards?? How does that work? Oh and I don't believe you are painfully shy. Really???
Hey ..

I have toxoplasmosis .. it settled in my eye ... and took all my central vision. You can see it (the scar tissue) in pictures .. (I hate that) .. I look like an alien possessed or something .. LOL!! It goes active and dormant .. right now thank God it is dormant .. and no signs of it in the other eye ... I have a little peripheral vision on my bad eye but other than that I am blind as a bat in that eye! But hey.. it's ok .. as long as I got one!! :)

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