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  1. dbelden1

    GO Steelers

    I wouldn't go THAT far **wink wink** but it was one of the BEST games I have seen in a long time for a SuperBowl! Congrats to the Steelers! (guess I should explain this by saying that I have a bit of a bone to pick with the Steelers for beating my Seahawks a few years back in the Superbowl!) :)
  2. dbelden1

    Day 1 STS- Loved it!

    WOW! That's impressive! I think I could only DO a couple on my toes! ;)
  3. dbelden1

    Cathe when you say

    yes, you need to add the weight of the bar (especially when using the larger Olympic sized or more "professional" versions) because you lift that weight too :) Even if it is only a 5 # bar, that's still 5 #'s more than the plates and you want to take credit for every pound! ;)
  4. dbelden1

    Tendonitis in Shoulder

    just my opinion but since you asked :) you should probably see a doctor if you can... if it seems worse than previous experiences then there may be something more causing the pain... It's important to get the facts from a professional and not make anything worse by working through the pain...
  5. dbelden1

    Loading cardio suggestions into WM

    Thanks Joan :) it's hard over the past few days to wade through ALL the STS and WM questions :eek: apparently I missed one or two! ;)
  6. dbelden1

    Day 1 STS- Loved it!

    YEAH!!! I was hoping that you got your STS! I previewed discs 1 & 2 on friday evening and disc 3 (for week 1) on saturday morning! i felt so excited, but didn't want to start them on a weekend... I like having sunday as a rest day, so starting tomorrow will work good for me :) YIKES! All...
  7. dbelden1


    I found that when the new WM came online, all my measurements in the body log (including weight) were all a little 'off' and showed CM's as the unit of measure (not the case in the old version however) I went into the Settings and made sure they were marked for inches/pounds (which they were)...
  8. dbelden1

    What is next?

    no step no step no step no step no step can you say three left feet? (sorry Krassy) I'm with Kathryn on this one and looking forward to some sort of MMA... Funny though that we all have such an insatiable appetite for MORE Cathe with STS just out the door lol!
  9. dbelden1

    Weighted fitness bar

    Hi Cynthia: I have seen those at numerous fitness stores and sites too... I think you use it exactly the same way you would a BB, but I think they are limited at the weight you can buy, so... with that said, I found the following website that has LOTS of uses for them...
  10. dbelden1

    Cathe and girls vs. men

    good points Kathryn and Cynthia... I have an olympic BB (although don't use it...), so know they weigh a TON more than the standard one, but I was still giggling a bit on their choice of DB's... I do acknowledge that it is probably quite a change from what they are used to in a...
  11. dbelden1

    Loading cardio suggestions into WM

    Hi SNM: I was adding Cathe's newly suggested cardio into the WM calendar and for Saturday 2/7/09 under week one, she recommends to add: Ab Circuits “Weight /Plates Abs” so, I added this workout (twice just to make sure)... but what happens when I hit the SAVE and it goes back to the...
  12. dbelden1

    Cathe and girls vs. men

    I totally agree! I previewed the first week of Meso 1 and got quite a chuckle about the weight 'selection' of the boys! There were a few times where they were laughably lighter than Cathe & girls! Now come on... really... was that REALLY their 1RM weight? There was also quite a difference...
  13. dbelden1

    WM "HOME" statistics section

    I was wondering if under the Statistics section on the right hand side of the new WM 'HOME" page where the Month, Years, Rotations stats are listed... would it be more accurate to say that these are not "completed" workouts but rather workouts scheduled? I questioned them because I had 14...
  14. dbelden1

    What can I substitute for the push ups??

    I don't workout at a gym, so there may be others that would have gym-specific substitutions, but I do as many push ups as I can on my knees but then I must finish all the rest against the wall... I stand with my feet about 2-3 feet (as comfortable) facing the wall with my hands in the same...
  15. dbelden1

    Happy Day--My First 5k!!!!

    SO PROUD of you!!! That's so wonderful Heather! What a victory! YOU DID IT!!! Congratulations :D
  16. dbelden1

    Got info from Cathe support

    OH Janie! sweetie, you are ANYTHING BUT a pest here on these boards about this subject or any other! :) no one that ordered STS and didn't get a notice (and even those that did) could blame you for having a bit of anxiety for such an investment and no word while everyone around you (or so it...
  17. dbelden1

    Holy Superhero Pushup Strength Batman!

    Hi all: I previewed the first workout tonite as well... I was also not THRILLED with all the pushups! however, I even do a MORE modified version and find that I still get a nice burn going but am not completely spent after a few sets! I do them against the wall rather than on the floor after...
  18. dbelden1

    SNM notice not recieved #17786

    That's great Janie! Glad they found your information and you can relax and enjoy your weekend! funny, my STS shipment has been to more places in the last 24 hours than I have been in my entire life! not really, but did think it comical that it was scanned 6 times in less than 24 hours in 6...
  19. dbelden1

    Am I the Only One? Please say No!

    I got my notice this afternoon :) it will arrive tomorrow! YEAH!!! good luck to the rest who are still waiting... today was supposed to be the last of the pre-orders, so hang in there and email SNM if you get really worried! they are pretty good about answering ;)
  20. dbelden1

    Am I the Only One? Please say No!

    Thanks Joan! I hope so :) thanks for posting that!