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  1. 6

    Watercoolers ~~~~This and That Thursday~~~~

    Getting the house clean---er and laundry finished before we take off for the weekend. Usually company motivates me to clean. Since we're all outta here, I don't know who this is for... the burglar maybe? I figure he can relax when he sees there's nothing to steal!:D :+ Oh well, at least we'll...
  2. 6

    Watercoolers ~~~~This and That Thursday~~~~

    Good Morning Ladies, Never made it back after my excellent massage. Apparently, our router is working fine now. It thundered something fierce along with heavy rains, strong winds and hail!!! Crazy!!! I had to drive in that mess on my way home from my massage. It was so worth the wait! She...
  3. 6

    Watercoolers ~~~~This and That Thursday~~~~

    Just got a load of laundry and the cooler started. Now to heat up some java and post personals. Wendy
  4. 6

    *** Watercoolers - Wednesday *****

    Hi Ladies!!! I'm alive!!! Yesterday, my friend came over for the day. So, we were out of the house from 9 till 9! Needless to say, I was exhausted. Then today, I was busy trying to get my internet to work. I believe it's the router box. I'll have Phil call them when he gets home. I...
  5. 6

    I need some new KB..........or maybe low impact

    Laura, You're too funny! If you do decide to go outside, I'm not far from Philly. We could meet up and learn how to ride clipless together. Right now, I'd rather not put anymore injuries on my list. I'm content to practice clipping in and out of my pedals with my bike on a trainer!!!:7 Wendy
  6. 6

    I need some new KB..........or maybe low impact

    Sorry, I don't have any KB recs. How bout a bike and bike rack for your car? If you get a bike with clipless pedals, your legs do most of the work instead of putting a lot of weight on your feet with mashing the pedals down. Hope your feet feel better soon. Wendy
  7. 6

    Please don't get upset about my rant.

    The United States has no official language. That explains the huge sign in the social security office last year. Why does that not surprise me. Probably because it wouldn't surprise me to see what an outcry there would be among many non-English speaking groups if our government tried to make...
  8. 6

    Please don't get upset about my rant.

    Actually, I have volunteered to teach ESL at my local Y in the past. Right now, scheduling conflicts make it impossible to do. Maybe once my dc are older, we can do it together as a family. The problem with making our country bilingual is that we're so PC in this country. If that happened, it...
  9. 6

    Please don't get upset about my rant.

    BAM!:) I don't consider you anti-immigrant or racist. I totally agree that people should speak the language of the country in which they reside regardless if they work outside the home. Before anyone thinks I'm racist or anti-immigration... My mother came to the states when I was a...
  10. 6

    ***Coolers- Muscle Soreness Monday*******

    Good afternoon! Hope everyone had a nice time spending Father's Day with the man you love. Since both dh's and my fathers have passed, we stayed home this weekend. Since we're hardly ever home on the weekends, Phil decided to replace the deck on our front porch. We wanted to wait until we...
  11. 6

    Watercooler Saturday....Where are you???

    I missed my massage!!!!!! x( x( x( I thought it was at 1 or 1:30. So, I called to confirm since I couldn't find the appointment written on a scrape of paper. ARGH!!! Well, she would have waited for me, but it takes too long for me to drive to the studio before she would have to leave for another...
  12. 6

    Watercooler Saturday....Where are you???

    I think we should keep this thread for the weekend instead of just for Saturday. Debra Dear: We can be injured together next weekend. Gosh! I had no idea Polly was so brutal! I refuse to send your muscle :* :* :* !!! :P :7 :+ Sounds like a job for CBL!:D NC must be filled with wine tasting...
  13. 6

    ^^^Watercooler Freaking Out Friday^^^

    Do you find that when you need to do work and are stressed, you come here in an effort to destress? <--- Is that even a word? OMG!!! I keep coming to these boards and VF to play instead of finishing up this darn paperwork!!!!!!!! I HATE that PA is so anal!!!!!!! Vent over.:D Laurie: Awww...
  14. 6

    Would you? Could you?

    I would and I could.:D :+ I don't think I've paid that much for a pair of Lululemon pants except for the time I ordered it from customer service. But, that included shipping. There are a couple of local yoga studios that sell Lululemon. One of the studios is having a 20% off sale this month...
  15. 6

    ^^^Watercooler Freaking Out Friday^^^

    Wow! Laurie started us off today. Has that ever happened before?:o Hope all is going Blissfully for Debra. I worry about her when I don't hear every little detail of her life.:D Yeah, I'm controlling like that.:P ;) Well, the ~1300 calories a day has been manageable these past couple of...
  16. 6

    ^^^Watercoolers - Thrilling Thursday^^^

    OMW!!! Has everyone jumped ship!!!:o Forced myself to workout LATE last night. Didn't want to do it!!! However, I'm going to try out Jillian's calorie advice: (BMR * 1.2) + calories burned from a workout - 500 calories to lose weight. It averages out to be around 1300 calories a day. I...
  17. 6

    ***Watercoolers , Wistful Wednesday***

    Jeanette: Man! You must have some loose hips... Opposed to loose joints. ;-) Don't your hips ever get tight with all that step? You're on your own with HIS and LIS. I might do that one next week. You sure have a party filled life!!! Hmmm, if you decide not to bake a cake, hot apple pie will go...
  18. 6

    ***Watercoolers , Wistful Wednesday***

    Good Afternoon Ladies, I finally managed to compile and print a list of books the girls' read for this year's homeschool for Saturday's evaluation. I didn't include them all. Heck, I didn't even include the books they read at MIL's house. I doubt it matters. They read more in a year than I...
  19. 6

    **** Watercoolers Tuesday ***

    Jeanette: Did you get your MyChelle sampler yet? I am noticing a difference in a couple of my samples that I just got to the ones I bought from Whole Foods. The sample of Tropical Skin Smoother from WF is brown in color. The sample I just got is white. The one from WF seems to work better too...