I need some new KB..........or maybe low impact


But chances are I'm already aware everything out there...........I'm having some pretty bad foot problems & I've been reduced to KB & low impact. I'm hoping this is temporary b/c I am bored to tears!

So I need some recs on seriously intense KB & low impact. Obviously I already have Low Max. I already have most of the KB DVDs recommended on this forum. I guess I'm really looking for add'l info--I've tried Tae Bo & gave up b/c they're too easy. Are there any Billy Blanks workouts that will give me a real cal burn? Is Coffee-Meyer's new Step Box more intense than the first, which didn't even make me break a sweat?

I'm not sure what my options are & I can't afford my own cardio machine at home. Plus I'd just get bored w/that too. x(
Hi Laura,

I'm sorry to hear about your foot problems. Re: Taebo's, which have you tried? His toughest are the Advanced Ripped and the Advanced Lives and Totals. Some Lives are tougher than others though: 2 & 3 I think are among the hardest, 4 & 6 a bit more moderate. His Ultimate Lower Body is only 45-50 minutes but it's a compilation of his lower body work from the Lives, Totals and Get Ripped. That one I think is particularly grueling because he doesn't break up the LB work with punches very much. Lots of squats to front kicks, crescent kicks etc. It's choppy but one of my favorites for kick butt cardio. (Anything produced by Goodtimes is typically easier or uses gadgets which I'm not a fan of.)

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
Laura - do you have LIC? The cardio premix is wonderful, and if you do the all-blast add-on right after, you get a pretty darned good workout.

You also need an ELLIPTICAL. Yes, yes, you really do. Get one, and then buy every single volume of Cardio Coach. There's no impact at all, but let me tell you, Sean will kick your butt.
Shannon! LMAO! I am NOT buying an elliptical! Crap, I have a stinking gym membership, I'm already on the machines once a week & that is more than enough.

Plus if I were to buy a machine it'd be the arc trainer. ;-)

I do have LIC. I completely forgot about that workout. I'll have to give that a try. I'm having trouble w/high impact, but I'm also having a lot of trouble w/lateral movements. But Low Max seemed OK so we'll see........

Jonahnah, I don't think I've tried a Tae Bo since they first came out. My ex bought me the original 3--beginner, intermediate, advanced. I went right to the advanced, & all 3 ended up in the garbage. So, if you compare them with, say, KPC, how do they measure up?
You know, Laura... another think you might consider is a...REST. It really does work wonders for injuries. :p
Get outta here!!!!!!!!! Seriously though, I'm no stranger to rest. I just had a cardio free week 4 weeks ago. It didn't seem to help. I think the next step is the podiatrist. :-(
Sorry, I don't have any KB recs. How bout a bike and bike rack for your car? If you get a bike with clipless pedals, your legs do most of the work instead of putting a lot of weight on your feet with mashing the pedals down.

Hope your feet feel better soon.

Holy crap Wendy, are you actually suggesting I take my physical activity OUTSIDE??????? As in, NOT INSIDE???????? Are you insane? Aren't there, like, bugs & nature & stuff outside? :+ :7 }( :D
Hi Laura,

Sorry to hear bout that foot!
I'm a Billy Fan, just love him. BUT I will not rest when he stops to chat or explain. I' will do the harder stuff two or three times through. Cardio circuit 1 is good, repeat circuits and don't stop. I do the celebrity sculpts and cardio, same thing, don't stop, and repeat bits what you like. Of course the Advanced Lives and Get ripped are great but again, rpeat the hard bits several times and don't stop!
I make up my own mixes too. do two celebrity wokouts one after the other, or fat vblasting workoing and a live one after the other. So, I do 1.5 hours of Tae Bo and I'm fried by the end of it! Just keep dooing the moves, don't stop you'll LOVE IT!!


You're too funny! If you do decide to go outside, I'm not far from Philly. We could meet up and learn how to ride clipless together. Right now, I'd rather not put anymore injuries on my list. I'm content to practice clipping in and out of my pedals with my bike on a trainer!!!:7

>What's up with your foot??

Not foot, feet. It's not an injury, it's some kind of condition. They cramp up after about 15 minutes of high impact. Used to be the right pair of sneaks resolved it. I guess now after years & years of Cathe's step it's become permanent.
I'd definitely see a podiatrist; they'll probably give you custom orthotics. Not a big deal to get but I know hundreds who now love the podiatrist I used to work for since their orthotics got them everything back. Or maybe a heel lift or something mechanical will help you keep your impact where you want it.
Be interesting to see what the podiatrist says, my feet cramp up too and I too solved it with the right pair of shoes.

I forgot to add, Billy has 8 min workouts. he never ambles along during those, he's straight into it, no time for chating and breaks. I've put several 8 mins together, once I'm warmed up just straight into the workout section, and in 1/2 an hour the sweat is dripping, its totally awesome. i wish all his workouts were like those.

Not only arer there bugs and sqiggly things outside but so is the "SUN". You simply cannot go near the sun. I lean forward towards the computer screan and whisper "Wrinkles". And we all know how you feel about that little "issue". Not only will you have sore feet but a far far worse catastrophe could follow ................................................

Here are the KB/lower impact workouts I've been enjoying recently: K. Spreen Absolute Kickboxing, Patricia Moreno KB Core Fusion (love!), Tracey KB sweatfest. For step, Nekea Brown Amazing Hot Stepping, Christie Taylor Fantastic Four, Gay Gasper Cardio Step Express (not as complex), and Patrick Goudeau (very complex).

Lately, I've been feeling like Cathe cardio is just too hardcore for this soon-to-be 47 year old. I did Imax 2 today, and for the first time, I had serious dread factor with it. I'm thinking of trading a bunch of them... definitely Imax 3.:eek:
DEEPDISCOUNT.COM HAS ITS SUPERSALE GOING right now, so now is a good time to stock up if you need new workouts. It's all 20% off; they do this I think twice a year. The code you need is "SUPERSALE".

Have fun!
ooh...a discount code, and cheap prices too!! Off to see what Bento's they have. Thanks for helping me spend my $$

Hey Laura - You know I couldn't resist that "rest" comment. Heaven knows enough people have given it to me! But I really hope you do find a way out of those cramps. How nasty! Take care.
Cramps in your feet?? That's awful! I hope you're able to find some relief with a podiatrist. Re: Taebo, I'm really a fan of his early stuff. I think he takes too many breaks and inserts too many easier moves (side to side, butterfly arms for example) in his Goodtimes workouts. I don't like to have to add my own intensity moves to a workout (That's why I bought the tape/dvd, gosh darn it!) Most of these are rated intermediate on Collage.

So, if you've only tried Billy's original workouts, I think you might be able to find others that are harder. Billy can't mirror cue or count evenly to save his life, but I forgive him the mirror cueing because he's dyslexic and I figure hey, the moves are simple enough I can do the mirror thing being told what leg/arm should do what. His counting? Once he's done 3 sets of 8 on one side, I move to the other side and keep on alternating every 8 reps until he's done. I also do my own thing for his warm ups as I don't go the neckroll stuff.

I'd suggest the Get Ripped Advanced (avlb thru resellers on Amazon). There are 2 advanced workouts on the DVD, each around 50 minutes long. The first one is a little more cardio intense than the 2nd. I also recommend the Ultimate Lower Body (again, avlb thru resellers) and have attached a link that breaks down the moves. As you can see, it's kicking galore and no floor work.


I really love Live Advanced 2 & 3. They are strictly VHS, no dvds around unless they are illegal copies. Great music! The VF reviews are pretty detailed and there are more on the website I gave you.

Also, Amy Bento's In the Ring and Kick Box Extreme are easy to modify for low impact. KBX is easier choreography with a jillion kicks. It's 75 min. of cardio plus an ab workout. ITR is 60 minutes and uses a medicine ball for intervals. I don't do the jump kicks and usually do something else in place of jumping jacks. I LOVE both of them! HTH and good luck.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
It's pretty painful. <sigh> I guess I should be thankful I don't need knee surgery or shoulder surgery or something like that. But I'd feel much better knowing there was some kind of relief out there.

I have Amy's stuff. ITR is probably my very favorite KB workout in the world! It's so fresh & fun.

OK I'm gonna check out some of Delfin's recs too. I'm getting kinda desperate. Thanks everyone! :)

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