Would you? Could you?


Pay $93 bucks for a pair of yoga pants??? I have worn lululemon for 7 years. They are an amazing yoga apparel company from Canada. The quality is amazing. I literally have yoga tops and pants that are 7 years old that still look good as new and I wash them in the washer and put them in the dryer too.

My problem is I don't mind paying a little more for something that lasts longer but, bloody hell, prices have sure gone up! If I remember correctly a pair of yoga pants in 2001 cost me around $50 and the yoga tank tops around $38.

I just ordered a pair of replacement pants and was shocked that they cost $93!! :eek: Yes, I ordered it anyways. I just got them in the mail and I can't help but feel really crapy about keeping them. The quality is amazing. You can tell that time was spent making them. The stitching, and seams and the fabric is great! I know that I'll wear and own them for as long as I've owned my other peices but darn it I'm having a hard time justifying keeping them.

When I reach a milestone in my fitness level I usually treat myself with some new lululemon workout peices. I just went down another size so I was feeling pretty good about that.

I can't help but think that the rise in prices is due to the fact that celebrities are now wearing lululemon. I mean I know that there is inflation and prices go up, but it seems like when a celebrity gets their pic snapped wearing something, people want it, and it rasies the price tag. This whole thing just reminds me of the whole $200 jean thing. It sorta sucks if you ask me. Why can't celebrities just keep to their Prada, and Gucci instead?
Devils advocate (or painful truth): You are playing up the amazing quality of these pants to justify the ridiculous expense of $93.00. You can find just as good yoga pants elsewhere for a lot less and take the remainder of the money and stick in a savings account or donate to a food pantry to people for whom $93.00 yoga pants would be a dream (or an insult) ;-)
>Pay $93 bucks for a pair of yoga pants???

Nope....but this is coming from someone who paid $800 for a Louis Vuitton handbag:eek:

I get the majority of my workout clothes from Marshall's or T J Maxx. The price is right and they carry name brands which hold up really well with sweating and washing.

Thanks Beaves, . . I really do appreciate the painful truth, which I was thinking. I wouldn't have thought twice about the price if I wasn't. I have to say one thing though, I deffinitely am not "playing up" the quality of the pants. I love to sew and was a clothing design/textiles major in college. I am no expert by any means but I can tell when something is sewn together nicely.

Unfortunately I suck a sewing knits or athletic wear otherwise I would make my own. I definitely own my fair share of Target workout wear but I also defintely wear them out a lot faster than I do my better quality stuff. :)
Trust me, I feel your pain. I no longer allow myself to buy things not on sale. I buy much of my clothing from TJ Max, Overstock kind of places and have some beautiful clothes on the cheap to show for it. I love Arden B too...but I only buy stuff one sale. Seriously, a $68.00 tank top, uh...no.....(even if it is so dang pretty!)
For me it would depend on how much I would wear it. I once spent quite a bit of money (for me) on a skirt. I wore that skirt almost every week for about 6 years. I loved that skirt. I finally had to throw it out because the waistband was ripping. For me it was worth the money because I got so much wear of it. I'd rather spend a little extra money and buy high quality than spend less money on something that doesn't wear well.

Also, can you afford it? If you are carrying a balances on your credit card, then no way. I would buy something less expensive and try to save the difference.
No way. Not for workout clothes, and only rarely for regular clothes. The quality may be good, but I just can't believe it's *that* good.
I would, because they last so much longer than many other brands and I never have to replace my lululemon stuff! I have never had to throw out anything I've bought there.

Another reason for the rising prices, I'm assuming you are in the U.S., is that the U.S. and Canadian dollars are close to being on par with each other right now. A few years ago the Canadian dollar was worth much less than the U.S. dollar. Goods from Canada are going to cost more to a U.S. person now just because of the strength of the Canadian dollar - you are now paying $1 on the dollar when you used to pay 75 cents on the dollar for Canadian goods.

(A Canadian lululemon ultra-fan who pays a fortune for workout clothes)
>Pay $93 bucks for a pair of yoga pants???

No way!

Not unless they tucked my tummy, lifted my butt, and got rid of cellulite.

I wouldn't pay more than around $30 for a piece of workout wear, and most times less than that. If I really liked Lulumon, I'd wait for a sale (or definitely do a search on "lulumon discount code" before shopping there!).

But I also wouldn't pay that much for a pair of non-workout pants.
I could not, would not, on a boat.
I will not, will not, with a goat.
I will not eat them in the rain.
I will not eat them on a train.
Not in the dark! Not in a tree!
Not in a car! You let me be!
I do not like them in a box.
I do not like them with a fox.
I will not eat them in a house.
I do not like them with a mouse.
I do not like them here or there.
I do not like them ANYWHERE!


Sorry......when I read your title, I immdediately thought of Green Eggs & Ham!


(p.s. the moral of my post? I would not pay that for yoga pants)
I would and I could.:D :+

I don't think I've paid that much for a pair of Lululemon pants except for the time I ordered it from customer service. But, that included shipping. There are a couple of local yoga studios that sell Lululemon. One of the studios is having a 20% off sale this month.

For the most part, I live in workout clothes. That's not to say that I don't wear jeans, dresses and skirts. Workout clothes work for my lifestyle. I wear workout clothes during the day and workout in them at night before I get ready for bed.

I don't buy a new Lululemon outfit very often either. If I could find less expensive workout clothes that fit and looked good on me, I'd buy them. I wear an extra small. So far the only brands that seem to fit me nicely are some styles of Nike, Lululemon and Prana. If I waited for Nike to go on sale, I'd have a very difficult time finding my size in the cut that looked good on me. They are the first ones to get sold out. Usually, places like Target and Walmart don't carry sizes small enough. Shopping in the junior department doesn't always work. I'm not as tight as a teenager! The cut doesn't always work for my adult figure.

I can relate to keeping clothes for a long time. The sandals I'm wearing are over 10 years old! I think I paid around $30 for them at the time. They still have much life left in them! I have another pair of Bass sandals from highschool that I still wear!!!

I don't feel one bit guilty about my clothing choices or how that affects our lifestyle or the lifestyles of others. Not meaning to sound selfish. But, I don't think I need to feel guilty about my clothing choices. If that were the case, I guess I should feel guilty for having Cathe dvds, a tv, cable, a piece of jewlery, a soft bed, a house with yard, etc...

I would NEVER pay anywhere near that for a piece of exercise clothing. The company that figures out how to make sweat-wicking exercise separates that retail for no more than $16 apiece is going to be a company that makes a lot of money. And I was the girl who REFUSED to spend $200 for a pair of jeans (I get my fab jeans on sale for $19 at JC Penney). If people keep paying inflated prices costs will continue to rise. Doubt it? Look what's happened to the cost of cars. If everyone just stopped blowing their money on inflated goods, manufacturers would have no choice but to bring costs down. Until consumers get mad enough to stand firm (it's coming) the milking will continue. What's that line from that song "My Generation (not The Who's "My Generation")" that came out about 10 years ago "There's no price too high we're too proud to pay..." It's the funny (and truthful) song where the guy ends with "My generation... Strike a pose, there's nothin' to it..."
There are a few things I will spend money on--like stupid money on...good shoes and handbags. Oh and classic things like black pants.

I have bought more expensive workout clothes, but for some reason probably because I am careless, I wind up shrinking them in the wash. I think everyone should have a few things in their lives where they buy the best and will accept nothing less than what they truly love. Whatever those things are right?:7

Maybe your new yoga pants will enhance your workouts!
Yes and yes. Sounds like a good deal. Were they on sale? (I figured you needed a post from a New Yorker to put things in perspective :p ).
Your funny Nancy! I know that other lululemon users can attest to the fact that these workout clothes are made REALLY well. I mean when I say I have some lululemon yoga tops that are 7 years old and look almost new, I'm not exaggerating. I also wear workout clothes 90% of the time. Really, I work at home so I have no reason not to be comfortable and I squeeze in my workouts throughout the day, so I always want to be ready to jogg a couple of miles or do a quick Cathe DVD. The Target stuff just doesn't hold up for me. I wear through it in a month.
Seriously, I think they sound great, and you are soooooo lucky not to have to buy any other kinds of clothes! You are getting off so cheap! I have 4 different wardrobes: Work Client Day Outfits, Work Non-Client Day Outfits, Casual Outfits, and Comfy Clothes. I'm so envious!

Enjoy your purchase. It sounds very sensible to me. ;)
I agree with Nancy. Enjoy your purchase. They are, primarily, a treat and reward to yourself for a job well done and for reaching another milestone in your fitness journey. Keep them. For the next 10 years!

Ignore the efforts of others to make you feel guilty. Everyone decides where to spend their money. Maybe the people who are guilt tripping you are throwing money out the window on electronic goods or flushing it down the toilet on a brand new car so they can get into debt up to their eyeballs. Maybe your priorities are different. Perhaps you scrimp and save on many other areas of your shopping bills so that you can afford this new pair of yoga pants. That's what I do. I sit here typing this in my new pair of Dansko sandals, worth every cent of their $115 price tag, to me.

At the gym we were having a conversation about the cost of fitness clothing. We all agreed about the expense, BUT then I said, " I don't know why we complain about it, it something we use all the time and probably get worn more often then 85% of my street clothing." It's so true. My fitness clothing has also lasted me years and years.

I definately would!!! I live in Canada and have a lululemon store in the closest mall. I can't go shopping without going in that store. I love my lulu pants, wear them all the time. They fit amazing, wash well and last a long time. I also have a jog bra, not so $$$ (40$), and 2 hoodies. The stuff is awesome, just have to control myself and limit to 1 or 2 things per year.


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