*** Watercoolers - Wednesday *****


Morning All

When will summer ever get here?}( Its turned coolish and wet wet wet the last few days. I guess summer officially arrives this weekend though.

BB was cancelled due to rain last night. Glad they announce the parks are closed on the radio and publish it on-line on the local newspaper. It saves actually having to show up at the diamond for now reason.:p I didn't w/o last night as just no energy. Went to bed early and feel better today. Maybe just needed to take a week off and recharge the batteries. Pretty much all cleaned up from the trip now too.

Jeanette - have fun at golf tonight. Have you entered into any tournaments yet? I LOL about wanting your sister to w/o with you. Last summer I bought an extra step for $10 at a yard sale so my sister wouldn't have any excuse to not w/o with me when she visited. She hasn't, but my SIL has. She has never done aerobics/step b/4 and is more into running and marathons so it was a new experience for her. Especially since when she visited it was the dead of winter so hmmm, run outside or work out in my basement w/me. I know which I would pick. My sister and I lived together for 12 years and we would w/o together in our living room most nights. Its fun with someone else as they can commiserate with you.:p

Debra - have a safe and fun trip to T.O. - see you in a couple days.

Hi to everyone else.

Okay, best get to work
Today was 4DS Kickbox and core. Tonite will be golf with a couple girlfriends. After that, must come home and clean house for my sister's arrival.

Patricia, sorry that the BB game was canceled. No tournaments for me. I'm struggling with my swing. Hoping I have a breakthru pretty soon. You know how some girls "throw like a girl"? Well I feel like I "swing like a girl", and not in a good way. It is really fun to work out with a sibling. I had my sister try Cathe's Basic Step and she did pretty well, but guess she didn't like it enough to pursue it. I think I'll let her pick the workouts (weights, cardio, yoga) and will ensure it's not too complex or long. Of course, that's if she wants to. She is supposed to be signing up for a summer tap dance course. I'm all in favor of people finding something fun to do that causes them to exert a little. Believe me, if my workouts weren't fun in some way, then I wouldn't keep it up. LOL about the commiserating together. That's what the hill climbs with the girlfriends are for. Someone to suffer with LOL! Hope your little guy is all over his bug now. Know you will have great time meeting Wendy and Debra. I'm so envious as I would love to see them again. I can't say enough about how much fun it was in NC at Debra's. We'd all curl up together in the mornings in our jammies with our coffee and chat. Sigh, miss them. Bout that time is when you started posting here.

Gotta run, hoping to get in a nice walk today. I got one in yesterday and it felt good.


Morning Coolers,

Well yesterday I didn't get my workout in, so this morning I did the 5m Tempo Run. Will do the Abs/Core Plus when I get home.

The dentist is going to be expensive. x( Just a really good thing we have insurance. I already knew that I needed to get a crown on a tooth that cracked about 15 years ago. The best part is that the crack happened that long ago, and my dentists filling lasted that long. But he said that now that it is giving me problems again, we will need to put a crown on it. Oh well. Youngest had 2 cavities, and oldest was told that she can't drink soda anymore. Which I don't understand, because I don't let my DD's have that much soda. I think that she has inherited my soft teeth. :( She will be going in for a couple of appointments to correct some issues that she has. I think the dentist has put the fear in her though. ;-)

Played volleyball last night, and we won 2 of 3 games.

Patricia, That is very nice that they let you know when the parks are closed. That usually doesn't happen around here. You have to drive to the park, and then find out that the games are cancelled. x( Dale Jr. is a good guy to cheer for, I like him more than I liked his father. Our GS is 3 years old, at least that is what the Humane Society told us. We just got her in Sept., and she has blended really really well with our family. I have seen the OD about making special food for your pet. She was sick recently, and it was hard having to cook up the rice and chicken/ground beef that the vet said to feed her. I have a hard time feeding my own family, how would I have time for making rice everyday for my dog! Plus buy the vitamins that she would need too. We had some cool temps this morning too.

Jeanette, The sitter really didn't say what type of dog food to feed the dog. But I feed Science Diet, and apparently that was a no no. So I will find out, because she said that she had some for Cami to try. She also said that dogs like variety in there food, now I thought that GS's can have sensative stomaches. If I have poo all over my house I will be mad!!!! x( We used to go to the woods to get wood too. Then my Dad just started to get a load of it, and we would split it. That was some hard work! :D Have a great time golfing tonight. Did you catch any of the Masters. The guys around here where talking about the sudden death match on Monday.

Debra, Hope you have a great time in TO with Wendy and Patricia. I bet you all have a great time together.

Have a great day!

Laurie - rats on the dentist bill. I must have your soft teeth too!. I brush every day 2x but only sometimes floss and when I was a kid I can't remember an appt that I didn't have a filling for. My DH only brushes 1x/day (YUK) and he can go years w/o seeing a dentist and they say it looks like only 1 yr. since his last appt.}( I've probably spent more $$ on my teeth then anyone I know. Between cavities, crowns, inplants I've done it all... I guess that's why I don't mind the cleaning appts b/c they're a piece a cake now compared to all the other work I've had done.:p

Matthew seems better and going to pre-school and sleeping well. Appetite isn't back to snuff yet though. Well, my day is going much better but haven't decided what w/o I'll do tonight. I think it might be MM.

Have a great afternoon everyone.
Just popping on to say WE'RE HERE!!! Yeah!! Toronto reminds me a Chicago a little bit so far...Hotel is wonderful...It has a really nice spa in it, so CBL and I are perusing the menu of treatments...They have full body wraps, facials, massages, etc...Looking forward to booking a couple of appointments!!

To say hello when I have a chance! Wish you were all coming!



Let Awe flow through you. Don’t let even the smallest things be taken for granted or grow stale---Eoin Finn

Hi Ladies!!!

I'm alive!!! Yesterday, my friend came over for the day. So, we were out of the house from 9 till 9! Needless to say, I was exhausted.

Then today, I was busy trying to get my internet to work. I believe it's the router box. I'll have Phil call them when he gets home. I couldn't jump online with my cell because it was dead and needed charged. UGH!!!

I see Debra checked in today. I was supposed to post that she had landed. Yes, Debra! I got your text! I'm slowly moving towards the times!!!:D :+

I'm off to check my email and then get my make-up massage. Hey, I think I'll get a massage at Debra's spa too!:p :7

I feel huge since I haven't been doing much cardio and weights. 1300 calories a day is for the birds. I crave carbs and sugar way too much to constantly deny myself. I think 1400 to 1500 is a better range for me. I think 1300 was too little since I dropped 2.5 pounds in less than a week on that amount. Not smart!

I should be back tonight to catch up on personals.

Chat more later!
:* :* :* :*
Good Evening Everyone:

Way to go Debra. Glad to see you made it all right. Hope you have fun at the spa. I am in so need of a pedicure. Not sure if I'll be able to fit one in b/4 Friday.}(

Wendy - I agree with you 1500 is much more manageable. I got Denise Austin's book this winter How to drop 10# and she recommended 1500 calories. Even at that, thats not much to eat. Hope you feel all limbered up now after your massage. I got my manduka mat today. Boy is it heavy. I knew it would be but I also new I wouldn't really be lugging it around much. I was just so in need of something that will be more comforting on the knees and elbows on laminate or hardword floors. I have no cushioning there but everyone else I do on my body. LOL:p

Still trying to decide if I'll work out. DH and I are just so tired for some reason. May do just an UB w/o like the pyramids. Short and quick and no cardio.

Off to peruse my w/o collection to get motivated.

Okay, I decided on MM - UB push/pull pre-mix. It was only 33min. so just right for me today. Since Cathe only does a couple of sets for each body part you can actually go pretty heavy here. Might be one pre-mix I may revisit for a heavy w/o.

Okay, off to get ready for bed and veg. Maybe start thinking about what colour to put on my toes tomorrow.:p
Sorry not around yesterday, had to take son to football in the evening. Decided that this week will be a rest week, the + can wait one more week for me. It's a busy week and I need the rest. I finally got my asthma under control, took 2 days! My poor coworker is hobbling around with a cane after injuring herself in the full marathon.

Patricia- Sounds like you had some good parts and some bad parts of your trip. Thanks for sharing the pics! matthew sure looks like his dad! I have the Denise Austin book, I followed the plan for 1 month and had good results that was probably 6-7 years ago.

Debra LOL on the hot a$$! So you're up in Canada already, have a great time!!! Actually, the city I live in Winnipeg, is often called the Chicago of the North. I guess we look like Chicago, I've never been there so I don't know.

Jeanette- That's great on the free golf lessons, are you finding them useful? Is your DH glad to be back at work? How long is your sister staying for? The tap dancing sounds like a fun way to workout!

Laurie Glad that the dog sitter is working out. Will she walk the dog when she comes? I feel for you on the dentist bill, I just got the bill for my crown I had done a few weeks ago, I guess that the crown I had last year used up most of the annual insurance and so I didn't get much reimbursement this time around.

Wendy Enjoy your massage! When do you leave for Toronto??

Good evening,
Will be short tonite as it's already 10:13 pm. Had a nice golf game with my friend. Think we will be playing next Wednesday too. My drives felt much better, putting bad, but I felt like I had improved. Just got done vacuuming, dusting and mopping in prep for sister's visit tomorrow.

Laurie, that dental work sure is expensive. We definitely pay out more in dental than we do in doctor bills (knock on wood). My poor grandma had a ton of $$$ in dental work about 6 months before she passed away. She wanted her teeth to look nice. I think she enjoyed them. Good job on the 2 out of 3 volleyball wins. I wonder why Science Diet is a no-no. That's what our vet recommended we use. I didn't get to see the US Open, just bits and pieces and highlights from it. Guess Monday's showdown was really exciting. We too use to split all of our wood by hand. Now we work smarter, not harder, and use a wood splitter. It's still hard work.

Patricia, that MM is a good one for going a little heavier. I like he slower beat.

Debra, oooooh, get a facial for me, okay? Bet you guys just have the most fabulous trip. Have a creme brulle (sp?) for me too. That was some wonderful creme brule we had at the restaurant you took us to.

Wendy, how was the massage? Hope it was worth the wait. WTG on the 2.5 pound drop. Yep, I'm still in denial and haven't gotten on the scale in ages. I don't want to ruin my mornings so I just don't weigh. My arms are looking nice for some reason and I've gotten a couple of compliments in the last week, one from my DH and one from a girl I ride bikes with.

Kim, the golf lessons are good. Another guy gave me a tip and it helped immensely today. My right elbow was flapping on my backswing and apparently, it's supposed to be in tight. It paid off today for sure. I'm jazzed again. Glad you got the asthma under control. Did you do it with different meds? What did your friend injure during the marathon?

See y'all in the morning. Tomorrow is my Friday as I'm taking Friday off.


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