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  1. debbydarestobefit

    What is...

    Have you considered hamstring curls w/ ankle weights? Just a thought. Deb
  2. debbydarestobefit

    I may get to teach Kickbox after all!

    Hey congratulations! Who wouldda thunk, that after a few short (seems like short) months of getting back into kickboxing, that you'd be teaching?! Good for you! Deb
  3. debbydarestobefit

    How many Paceweights should we get ? lbs?

    RE: Paceweights link... Hey Carmen, I've also used adjustable ankle weigts wrapped around my wrists to add incremental amounts of weigths. They're not the most comfortable set-up but it works. For your barbell, you can purchase plates in smaller weigths to use to slowly add small...
  4. debbydarestobefit


    Another well wisher for a wonderful birthday! Deb
  5. debbydarestobefit

    Kayaking the AuSable River. (this summer)

    I've canoed other parts of the AuSable, but don't know the area you're thinking of. However, I will say, the AuSable is one of the most popular rivers in Michigan for a variety of activities. You might want to plan the trip for mid-week instead of a weekend -- otherwise the crowds/drunks might...
  6. debbydarestobefit

    Work woes! (long)

    I've been all sides -- a fulltime employee, a part-time and a maanger. (Actually it's more difficult to accomodate the schedule of a part-time person than a fulltime.) What I'd first suggest is that you stop comparing your situation (hours, money, husband's situation, etc.) with your...
  7. debbydarestobefit

    Getting back to working out

    Don't get discouraged. I've been in the same boat (recent surgery) and what I've done is lower my step, modify to low impact, decrease my weights, workout for less time, and do what I can. I've also made a point to do longer stretches, more often. Your fitness level will come back, try to be...
  8. debbydarestobefit

    muscle animations

    Well, I for one, really like the idea of some education during the rest periods. Something needs to fill the time and if the other options are to look at a blank screen with "motivating music" during the rest period, or to watch Cathe and crew take deep breaths with motivating music ... I much...
  9. debbydarestobefit

    Wanted to share my good news!

    Hey, congratulations! You've taken a calculated risk and it's paid off. That's fantastic! Deb
  10. debbydarestobefit

    Question about freezing bananas

    I peel and cut and then sprinkle on some ascorbic acid (Fresh Fruit) to keep them turning dark and put in a freezer bag. I don't like the looks of them dark even if they are going in a smoothie. Deb :-)
  11. debbydarestobefit


    Janie, I'm sorry this happened to your family. There is help. Most likely your husband will be required to attend some type of domestic violence/anger managment counseling (the laws vary by state). Maybe he's a "slow cooker" and doens't discuss his feelings readily and if so, there could have...
  12. debbydarestobefit

    Mammo callback

    This has happended to me twice in the past ten years .. both times it turned out to be nothing. I tend to have "lumpy" breast tissue ... makes the x-rays difficult to read. This last year they did digital x-rays ... they're supposed to give better reads, just more expensive. Try not to worry...
  13. debbydarestobefit

    Please help - want a divorce

    Hey Anon, Again, you've rec'd some good advice. Please don't worry about who gets custody of the kids if you're the one seeking divorce. In most states, the kids almost always go with the mom primarily, altho there may be shared custody. However, once you are in a safe place, get the...
  14. debbydarestobefit

    No more "white stuff" !! (breads/carbs)

    RE: No more My absolute favorite cake is angel food ... it may have egg protein but it also has tons of SUGAR along w/ the white cake four. There's usally no fat so it quickly gets your blood sugar level up, which of course will also send it plunging downward quickly, creating cravings. Angel...
  15. debbydarestobefit

    My strong beautiful legs - long

    Wow, I got a warm fuzzy reading your post. I'm sorry for the pain you've have had and send warm wishes for a speedy recovery and much healthier new year! Blessings, Deb
  16. debbydarestobefit

    Helping you understand STS

    Cathe, question for you ... If I lifted STS on MWF with the leg workout on W or F, would it be ok to include another day of legs, say Butts&Guts, LL, L&G, etc. on Sunday? Or would this defeat the work done during the week? TIA, Deb
  17. debbydarestobefit

    SNM - blog request

    Would it be possible to put the date of the last blog update on the homepage where you click on the blog? That way we could be alerted to new postings right away. Thanks for considering this. Deb
  18. debbydarestobefit

    Bad bruising

    I'm catching up on reading posts ... a couple of things could be going on ... Are you taking any NSAIDs, like Motrin or Advil? They can cause more bleeding when taking than when you're not. May you be a little anemic and therefore more likly to bruise easily? A wooden chair? ...
  19. debbydarestobefit

    For Andrea, Beavs, non-geek, Cathe-ites. iPod or other?

    Hey Vee, aka "Gizmo-girl" -- WOW! I'm so impressed and feel so much better informed after reading your post. Thank you for taking the time to put this all together and have it make such good sense! I wonder if the moderators could pin it so it could stay put for awhile instead of getting...
  20. debbydarestobefit

    Hand Pain during PUB

    Corie, you might try to loosen your grip a little. If you are holding onto them for dear life, you may be aggravating your carpal tunnel. Deb