Janie, you are such an incredibly strong and intelligent woman. First, I'm sending many hugs to you! As I was reading your post, I was simply mortified and as I continued reading how you promptly put your safety and your grandson's safety first by calling 911, which, unfortunately, too many women would not do, I was just in awe of your actions. Then you proceded to reach out to others to let them know that they should not accept this behavior from others and to realize that there is help out there. What an amazing woman you are! In your time of peril, you are reaching out to others. I'm so glad you have the wonderful support system that you have and that you will find out everything you need to know about his situation and the best way to continue your safety and well-being. As everyone has already said, please keep us updated. Many prayers are being sent to you, and your husband so he can get to the core of his issues and heal.