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    Working out 6x's a week vs. 5x's??

    hi groundhog - if you did want to add an extra day in - have you thought about walking? walking is so low-impact, but can burn tons of calories. i used to walk everyday on my lunch hour because it was such a nice stress reliever. or you could always try adding something different like yoga or...
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    How often can you do step?

    i love step! i can do it five days a week with very few problems with my knees. on occasion, my knees get a little creaky, and i just lower my step height. i noticed when i take off a lot of time from doing step is when i feel little twinges when i return to doing it. latley, i've been doing...
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    Working out 6x's a week vs. 5x's??

    hi there - unfortunately for me, i have to clean up my eating to see results. i currently workout 5 days a week, but am very strict about my diet. that seems to make a big difference. i am also doing the intensity rotation in 5 days (by doing 2 workouts one dday) as opposed to 6 days, and i...
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    Results from Tank Top Rotation?

    i've done the tank top rotation. i got great results. my arms got nice and cut. i would say it took approximately 2-3 weeks to see some changes. i also noticed that i gained a lot of strength in my upperbody from the tank top rotation. i also tried to eat as cleanly as possible.
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    Why do you exercise at home?

    i workout at home because my schedule is too crazy to go to the gym. plus, i just love cathe's step videos much better than a real gym class. i've always found her cardio workout to have more intensity than any of the cardio classes i've taken at the gym. another reason is that i hate cardio...
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    results from intensity series rotation

    thanks! i just started last week, and i've already lost 1.5 lbs. woohoo! i really enjoy the rotaion. it's full of intensity. i've subbed bootcamp for high step training for variety. how long did you do the rotation? i'm thinking i should do it for 4 weeks. thanks again!
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    Lower Body/Freestyle Ladies (pics)

    wow! you look great! can you post a sample rotation of what you would do for one week? i think that's what i need to whip my legs back into shape. thanks!
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    Interesting article on what the thinnest people eat

    yay! i cannot keep out of the carbs either. i think everyone's body is different though. i am somewhat carb sensitive, but i eat them anyways.
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    high step training video

    i think it is fun and tough. the cardio segments aren't very long so using an 8" step will keep the intensity higher. my favorite section is when you do power lunges for cardio and then two sets of leg presses back to back. }( i just did this video tonight for the first time, but i can...
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    results from intensity series rotation

    I've decided to try the Intensitiy Series rotation that Cathe posted when they first came out. Can anyone tell me what kind of results you have gotten from doing this rotation? This is my first week and I can already feel a difference. Every muscle is sore - in a good way. I'm hoping to rid...
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    P90X Yoga

    I love Bryan Kest's Volumes 1-3. They are rated intermediate to advanced, but I am able to do the videos with no prior yoga experience. I like the way my muscles get worked and stretched out afterwards. The videos are approximately 45 minutes long. My balance and flexibility really...
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    P90X Yoga

    I love Bryan Kest's Volumes 1-3. They are rated intermediate to advanced, but I am able to do the videos with no prior yoga experience. I like the way my muscles get worked and stretched out afterwards. The videos are approximately 45 minutes long. My balance and flexibility really...
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    Yes Ruppie - The rotation is doing the same tapes for 4 weeks. The high-intensity rotation from the SS program incorpates the workouts in this order: Shape It Up Firm It Up Mix It Up Tone It Up Cool It Off Tear It Up Stretch There are other rotations, but this is the most advanced...
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    Calories burned?

    I have no idea, but you might try to see if you can get an estimate on how much each workout burns.
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    I got fantastic results with the Slim Series. I did some form of cardio in addition to the SS though. I don't think cardio is necessary, but I love the high that I get from a kick-butt carido workout so I included it. In terms of results, I mean inches lost in my upper torso, abs, and...
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    High Reps/Low Weight

    Rhonda, I did not have any problems ordering from Beach Body. I ordered online. I think people are having problems if they choose to use the intallment payment option. I could be wrong though. I don't visit the forums often enough to know what is going on with that situation. I used my...
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    High Reps/Low Weight

    Kelley, The first two weeks I only did the Slim Series. The second two weeks I added cardio. For cardio, I used Cathe step tapes like C&W (cardio portion only) or 5 intervals from Imax2. Some days I would do a longer tape. I don't think you would need the extra cardio, but I like the high I...
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    High Reps/Low Weight

    Rhonda, I have lifted weights for about 7 years now. I always lifted heavy and lower reps because I've read that ectos have better success lifting heavy. Don't get me wrong - I built up a nice base of muscle that was genetically possible, but when I tried a rotation with light weights and...
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    Wow People are complaining

    This doesn't surprise me that people are complaining. I am preordering the workouts this weekend and I am sure I will love all of them. I don't think I would like Cathe to do a low-impact workout. When I want low-impact, I modify. I even modify Imax2. It's not difficult. I guess if you...
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    New Tapes - Backup Exercisers

    bodykat you made some great points. personally, i'd rather have 6 great workouts than mediocre ones that are put together quickly so we will have her presence on the board. when i am busy, i don't have time to get on the forums so i can't fault cathe for having a life and still managing...