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  1. T

    Sooo hungry!

    I recently changed up my diet and cut out all processed food. I have been a lot hungrier. I've been eating salads and more fruit to keep me satisfied.
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    Target Heart Rate for Fat Burning

    What is the optimal THR zone for fat burning? I'm curious since I use a HR monitor now. I have mine set for 80-90% of my MHR. I'm wondering if I have it set too high. I don't have any problems reaching that target when I'm doing certain workouts. What does everyone else have theirs set at?
  3. T

    What is a good heart rate monitor ?

    I've got the Polar F4 and I love the calorie counting feature. It was worth every penny.
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    If you can't feel it...?

    Everyone has given you good advice. I really saw my tricep definition improve from doing lots of lying triceps extenstions with dumbbells. You don't have to go really heavy either. I didn't necessarily get sore the next day either, but most of the time I did.
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    hardest kpc premix

    I don't know the numbering system either, but I like the 37 minute one. I think it's called cardio conditioning premix. It is high intensity all the way. I burn a ton of calories in that time.
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    M&F Hers back in buisness

    I wish they would make up their mind if they want to keep this magazine going or not. I had my M&F Hers subscription cancelled because they stopped publishing. grrrrrr. Now I'm getting M&F for men.
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    Link- Worksheets

    Hi Pinky, I sent you an email. I'd love to have a copy of the worksheets if you don't mind. Thank you!
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    Please Share What Has Worked For You With Leaning Out Your Legs

    RE: Please Share What Has Worked For You With Leaning O... Quote: "cannot cook any "real" food like rice" Have you tried Uncle Ben's Instant Brown Rice. You can cook it in the microwave. I don't eat meat either. You can add protein to your diet from beans, nuts, soy products, cottage...
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    Just got my freestyle book...

    It is worth it IMO. It has different programs for people that want to lose 5, 10, 15, etc ... pounds. It is full of good information.
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    Faux BodyMax 2

    Nice premixes! Thanks!
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    Ordered HSTA & HSC....

    Great choices. I think HSTA is harder thant HSC, but they are both great workouts.
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    Turbo Jam?

    I love Lower Body Jam. It's not as tough as a Cathe workout, but I didn't expect it to be. I definitely felt it in my legs, and the 30 minutes flew by fast. I liked the idea of using the resistance bands to work the legs. I can't wait to try the rest of the workouts.
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    so tell me honestly about presale

    I went against the grain on pre-ordering the Body Blast series, and regretted it afterwards. I pretty much like everything Cathe is going to put out so I just order now. If I don't like something, I just put it away and try it again at a later date. A lot of times I will end up loving it like...
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    Please recommend fitness books. . .

    I like Cory Everson's Workout and Cory Everson's Fat Free and Fit. They were printed in the 90's so if you can get past the big hair in some of the pictures, it is full of great routines for weight lifting, nutrition, etc ... I learned a lot about weight lifting from those two books.
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    natural p-nut butter...

    I'll have to look for that peanut butter. I bough the "natural" Skippy without reading the label. uggggh! I was so mad to find out it had sugar in it.
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    Just got my freestyle book...

    Hi Michelle, Here is the website I ordered the book from: Looks like his website still has the book up named Freestyle Fitness. My book looks exactly the same only it is named Freestyle Methods. I think he updated some pictures, etc ... in...
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    Just got my freestyle book...

    The name of the book that I purchased is Freestyle Methods. I really like the training methods he suggests.
  18. T

    Good Cardio with concentration on lower body...

    Another vote for the first 60 minutes of Body Max. I also like to do the cardio/leg premix on Bootcamp twice. That's a good cardio/leg burner. What is Pinky's Lowmax mix?
  19. T

    Which ones did you get? (to those who have pre-ordered)

    RE: Which ones did you get? (to those who have pre-orde... I ordered all four plus the cardio dvd with Powermax on it. Woohooo!
  20. T

    Update on the Atkins diet situation

    cbelle - I used regular fat loss. I lost about 1 lb. each week without changing the foods I ate or my exercise routine.