Good Cardio with concentration on lower body...


any suggestions? I was thinking KPC with L&G. Can anyone recommend a good premix from that DVD? Or I was thinking of Pinky's Extended Low Max? What would you recommend? I have a really, really busy day tomorrow that's why I want to get up early and do a combination work out. I've been wanting to try out both work outs that I've mentioned. Maybe someone out there has another idea.



ETA: Whoops, should this be in the Video and DVD discussion?
I'd suggest doing Circuit Max with barbell leg circuits only (no compound lower/upper body stuff, just straight-up squats, plie squats and lunges with the heaviest barbell you can hike over your head six times). That is amazing for cardio AND leg work!

Also consider my Satan's Mish-Mosh. THAT one will have your heart, lungs and legs singing. Found on the same thread entitled "Beelzebub's Mish-Mosh".

Hi Dallas...I do think Pinky's Lowmax version would be good...:)...My fav froM the KPC/L&G is Kickbox Cardio Drills+ Kickbox & Strength which is about 82 min with w-up and cooldown. I have also done a circuit style workout with Lowmax and PLB...doing one interval from Lowmax and then Pyramid up only on the 1st leg segment and then alternating that...not really a long workout but intense...:)...Carole
Or just do BodyMax and stop when it starts the upper body stuff. That's about an hour, and if you load the barbell to 45 or so, you can really get a leg workout out of the power circuits. If you still have more time, add on the leg drills from KickMax.
>any suggestions? I was thinking KPC with L&G. Can anyone
>recommend a good premix from that DVD?

There's one premix on there that's about 90 minutes, I think, that alternates kickboxing with the leg workout (I think leg presses are repeated a few times?)
Another vote for the first 60 minutes of Body Max. I also like to do the cardio/leg premix on Bootcamp twice. That's a good cardio/leg burner.

What is Pinky's Lowmax mix?
Yeah, Bodymax is a good one - or Circuitmax same way with just the leg work. You can always tack on the Lower Body add-on from KM.
Just Do It! :)
Wow! All the great ideas for work outs! Thank you!

Annette ~ Thanks for the idea for the mish-mosh. I just ordered the Terminator DVD when I ordered the new DVDs, so I'm printing this out to add to my work outs. I definitely have to give that one a try! }( Here's the link if anyone is wondering:

Thanks Carole, mogambo (nice picture, BTW), Kathyrn, honeybunch1, and tsut! Lots of votes for BMax. Hmm, decisions, decisions.;-)

tsut ~ Here's the link for Pinky's Extended LM:

Well, since I have to be at the soccer field at 8:30A and will be camped out until 1p and I still have 2 presents to wrap for 2 different parties today. I'll go with the shorter one for now BMax with an add on of KM blasts and leg drills (I'll see how time is going for the l.d.).

Thanks a lot! Better get busy!

Just wanted to say thanks. I couldn't remember BMax too well, but that is some work out! I've only done it once. This is what I did BMax stopped after the step portion and then did KM blast challenge, then went back to Bmax Power Circuits (just legs) and then warm down. I ran out of time for the leg drills. I was soaked though and feel good and worked out!!!

Have a great day everyone! Now I have to go run up and down a soccer field!:)

Dallas, I don't know if you've done your workout already. I did just the LM blasts this morning (after the KM combos) and thought that if I were short on time and wanted some lower body weight work, I could use the LM blasts and put some weight work after each blast, so it COULD look like this:
cycle 1
superset, squats and plie squats
cycle 2
superset, squats and plie squats
cycle 3
leg presses
cycle 4
leg presses
cycle 5
static or forward and backward lunges
cycle 6
static or forward and backward lunges
cycle 7
optional calves
Reps and weights are your own magic number. I'd pick 16 each set. Modify however you want.

Other combos I've done:
CTX-power circuits, warm up and circuits
Body Max, lower body circuits, cool down, stretch

Bootcamp cardio and lower body premix
PUB, up OR down only

HSC warm-up, cardio and lower body weight work
HSTA, cardio and lower body weight work, cool down, stretch

Thanks Pinky! I did the work out mentioned above yesterday AM. Today was a rest day. However, I'll be printing off this creation as well!

Thanks for all the great ideas. These are all great for "shaking" things up a bit!}(


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