Target Heart Rate for Fat Burning


What is the optimal THR zone for fat burning? I'm curious since I use a HR monitor now. I have mine set for 80-90% of my MHR. I'm wondering if I have it set too high. I don't have any problems reaching that target when I'm doing certain workouts. What does everyone else have theirs set at?
I wouldn't focus on the "fat burning" zone if I were you because you'll inevitably end up burning less calories this way. The idea behind working in the fat burning zone is to work at a lower intensity where the body uses fat for fuel. This leads people to believe that working in a higher training zone will not help you lose weight because the body isn't using as much fat for fuel. It really complicates a simple solution to losing extra weight, which should be focusing on caloric burn and not the "zone" you are in. Higher intensity = more calories burned. If weight loss is your goal, then I would suggest doing this. Of course you cannot always work in very intense zones so you should vary your intensity from workout to workout. Using intervals(varying the intensity during a given period, like 1 minute of intense exercise and 2 minutes of moderate exercise) during a workout is a great way to burn calories IMO.

Pixie - Thanks for your reply. I usually try to work between 80-90% of my maximum heart rate so I usually burn a lot of calories that way. I seem to burn the most with workouts like Rhythmic Step and Low Max which I don't feel like I'm working as hard as say Imax1.
>I'm quite camera shy but lately I've been thinking it over.
>I'll let you know.;-)
waiting....waiting. Always need inspiration. By the way, how old are you?
I also burn more calories doing RS and LM and I think it's because they are longer than IM1. If I remember correctly, IM1 is less than an hour, while LM is around 68-70 minutes and RS is a little over an hour. So yes, that would make sense that you would burn more with those. I bet if you did LM and RS for the length of IM1, then you would burn less than IM1.
Am I making sense or rambling? I tend to ramble....

you mentioned you are a trainer and I am intrigued, are you in your 30's and look in your 20's or something like that?
I'm 32 going on 33.;-) I'm actually still quite new at being a trainer and a group instructor as I just received my certifications for both around 7 months ago. Although I'm new at teaching, I've been exercising seriously for about 10 years now. I absolutly LOVE my job. It's such a great feeling teaching people how to lead healthy lives!! I must say that I get a LOT of my information from seminars that I go to and from my DH who is a Physical Therapist and Certified Strength and Conditioning coach. He is truely a wealth of knowledge and I've learned so much from him. Both of us are vegans and so like many vegans, we have a passion for nutritional knowledge and are always researching the topic.
Thank you for your kind words tallchick!!
So now that I've spilled, I think it's your turn.:)


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