so tell me honestly about presale


are there any that don't do this? seems like just about everyone has. I admit, the new ones seem intriguing and I may get them but I am hesitant to just order when it hasn't been filmed and I don't know details. Not that they wouldn't be good - I mean, it's Cathe! I know, it's a fab price & I agree but am I weird to just pick them up here and there as I see reviews and such? I guess I don't like to buy the motherload at once if I'm not sure it will be a DVD that's good for MOI. Maybe I'm too type A or something. Anyways, just wondered if there are any others out there that go a little against the grain...;)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

I definitely got in on this. This was my first presale. I didn't come on the forums until the end of May but I had bought some of the Hardcore w/o's before that and believe me, buying them one or two at a time is not the way to go. When I saw that presale price, I jumped on it. I have slowly been adding to my Cathe collection (it has about broke me!!) but with the presale prices less than half the price it will be after the presale, I was not hesitating. Like you said, it is CATHE. I figure if I get one that I do not want to keep, I could eBay it, they sell like crazy on eBay. But I doubt that will happen, I have never gotten rid of a Cathe workout and I don't think I ever will.

Just MHO.
I kick myself daily for not grabbing the Hardcores on presale - I will have to spend so much more to get them.

I ordered bc you cannot go wrong with Cathe. Plus I love drills, so those will be great! Also, I have been wishing on stars for a leg workout that uses the ball and more floorwork - its nice for a change to work the lowerbody on the floor..........

And Body Max 2! I love the first one and there are so many ways to use it - that its worth it.

BTW I am using your S&H rotation and I love it for a change! Just what I needed!
ahhh...good thoughts ladies, good thoughts....I like to hear opinions!

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

I think that it is a great price and based on past experience, you can't go wrong with Cathe. I did not buy the pre-sale for the Hardcore and I paid full price for it. In the event that I don't like them, I can sell them on e-bay, Cathe's DVD's sell for almost full price there.
I've preordered everything and have been happy I did. I have always been happy with everything Cathe has produced; even for some of those workouts where I'm not quite sure... She pushes me in a way no one else has. I just love her teaching style and her personality really shines through in the more recent releases, too! :)
Well, I was never one to jump on the bandwagon here, because I used to do it over at The Firm, and ended up unhappy.

But......since finding Cathe, I have spent way too much money by not pre-ordering, so this time I learned my lesson. I only pre-ordered a couple of the Hardcores (toward the end of the pre-sale, when the prices were higher!), but finished off what I wanted last night when I ordered the new ones. In fact, I really wish I would have just gone ahead and ordered the whole Cathe collection when I first realized how good her DVDs are. That way I would have saved a ton by not picking up a series here and there (at full price, plus shipping).
I ended up buying Body Blast. Then, later, the Intensity Series. A couple Hardcores. Then, later still, the 23 pack. Sheesh.

I must say, though, that I am the type of person who will do a workout whether or not I "like" it, if I feel it is effective for what my goals are. And so far, all of Cathe's workouts are.

I never hesitate to pre-order anything Cathe does, and I've been doing it since the CTX series. You know the product will be top quality, kick butt, and a real deal with the pre-order.
Just Do It! :)
I didn't even read the workout descriptions! When I logged on and saw Presale... I just clicked the order here icon.
Susan C.M.
Same here, Susan. I ordered - THEN went and read the descriptions. I love Cathe too much to get into details!
I didn't even read the desriptions other than the names of each one. It's so much cheaper to preorder.

Even if you preorder and don't like them you can sell them off pretty quickly. When new releases come out they end up being a "hot" product to swap or buy.

I went against the grain on pre-ordering the Body Blast series, and regretted it afterwards. I pretty much like everything Cathe is going to put out so I just order now. If I don't like something, I just put it away and try it again at a later date. A lot of times I will end up loving it like all my other Cathe workouts.
I've preordered since the Body Blasts (found Cathe much later than a lot of folks here) and bought the rest of her DVD's by the bundle, which came out cheaper than buying them one by one. Never regretted any of my preorders. There are workouts I rarely use and those I use only occasionally but I've always found a way to work them in my rotations. The great thing about Cathe's workouts is that you don't have to do them as is. You can pick parts you like and mish-mosh them into something that works for you.

I pre-ordered the entire Hardcore series, but I just pre-ordered Butts and Gutts this time out. There are a few things I'm not interested in, but the Hardcores were mostly dead-on for me. I just traded the workouts I didn't want at VideoFitness. Kickboxing is so hard on my back that I avoid it in favor of other cardio. I also stay away from some of Cathe's more difficult cardio (IMAX, Extreme, etc.). I'm just mastering a 45-minute Christi step workout. After six years or so, Cathe's cardio is, for the most part, still over my head. So I leave those workouts to women who are tougher than I am.

Overall, I just weigh the cost of the workouts against the number I plan to keep and see how it works out. But you can ALWAYS trade a Cathe vid at VF, so don't hesitate to buy a pre-order if you're interested in most of them.

My long time policy (pre intensity series) has been to preorder any advanced series Cathe makes and I have never regretted it. It is a no brainer financially.
"Likes2bfit" since 1999
okay okay ladies, I think you convinced me....I shall be doing this shortly :)

Thanks for all the input!

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"


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