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  1. 4fitNphun

    Fit by Summer. Anyone else?

    Me too. I go to school in the morning and work in the afternoons, sometimes till 8. By the time I get home and eat, it's about 9 pm. Then I have to hit the books, and too tired to work out afterwards... but I force myself to workout (sometimes at 11:30). I thought to myself, if I don't work...
  2. 4fitNphun

    Cathe in the blogs

    I don't think my arms will ever get that big because I can't/don't lift heavy. The heaviest I can curl is 12lb with DB. What I do want is a firm rear. :7
  3. 4fitNphun

    What's with some people's attitude !!

    Hi everyone, Is it me or there is just more attitude on the forums. For example, in Ask Cathe forum and STS forum that I had noticed... a member asked a question, the answer to the question was posted by a SNM member. The OP apparently didn't like the answer given, take offense and post...
  4. 4fitNphun

    Teaching a college class...frustrated...............

    RE: Teaching a college class...frustrated................. I am a college student and I get frustrated with my classmates. Most stroll in late to the classes; some are even 30 - 45 mins late (My classes are an hour and half long). Others are constantly asking to borrow a piece of paper or...
  5. 4fitNphun

    To Allison - crazystepr

    Congrats Allison. I know it's difficult to have a full time job and then take night classes. I am still in school too. You can make it. Just think in two short years, you will be able to add "College Grad" to your current credentials of a certified fitness instructor and an...
  6. 4fitNphun

    another instructor etiquette ?

    I am not an instructor or anything, but perhaps you could cut in when she is answering those questions with " Well, thank you 'Sally' for jumping in there," and then answer the rest of the questions yourself. May be she will start getting the hints that she is out of line. Penny
  7. 4fitNphun

    Help with my computer You can try this as well. It's from Trendmicro and it's an online scan for free. You don't have to download the whole software. It saved me a few times when Norton failed. Good luck. Penny
  8. 4fitNphun

    Amy Bento fans in L.A. area

    Hi Amy said she will be in L.A. area @ end of March and willing to teach a class if I can get enough people to form a group. I live in Arcadia. I could possibly get a place in Alhambra (martial art studio). At any rate, if anyone is interested, please post a reply. If you have a...
  9. 4fitNphun

    Who is your favorite Cathe Crew Member

    I like Jai.
  10. 4fitNphun

    The new Bento DVDs arrived!

    Hi everyone I just got home (10:30 pm) and saw that I received Amy Bento's DVD and the free music CD. I haven't viewed the workouts yet, but I really liked her music choices. I was spent, mentally and physically but just listening to the CD got me going again. I can't wait to workout. Penny
  11. 4fitNphun

    $ of a gallon of gas

    Hi Around $3.07 at brand names and $2.97 at Costco for Los Angeles Area.
  12. 4fitNphun

    11/1 Cathe-ites DAILY challenge !!!

    hm.... No candy part is easy for me. I don't like candies to begin with, but no cake? I LOVEEEEE the Marble Tea Loaf from Trader Joe's.
  13. 4fitNphun


    Hi Jo Thank you so much. Penny
  14. 4fitNphun


    Hello everyone I am having some issue with the Low Intensity Step portion of the DVD. The rewinding function does not work during warm up. I know most of you are probably thinking... rewinding during the warm up??? ALREADY ??? I was still kinda setting up the Step and missed the...
  15. 4fitNphun

    Thursday Funny

    LMAO !!! Penny
  16. 4fitNphun

    How Long does DOM Last?

    Hi Chris, Did you have a good stretch after the workout? I find that if I stretch real nice and do a light massage after the workout, the soreness doesn't last as long. Just a thought. Penny
  17. 4fitNphun

    Live class with Cathe report!!

    Hi Jerry I know what you mean about the connection between your mood and exercise. I get mad and irritated easier if I miss my workout. Congrats on beating the weather and the black mood. Penny p.s we could use that rain in So. Cal though. :(
  18. 4fitNphun

    Vitamins for Concentration

    Hi My sister swears by Gigo Biloba (sp?). When she was taking her State Bar a few years ago, she was taking Gigo and she said she remembered almost everything she studied. Penny
  19. 4fitNphun

    Made me feel like a kid again :)

    Hi Today, I received the new series from Cathe and Kelly. I previewed the kickboxing and bootcamp from the 4 day split. And decided to combine Cathe's bootcamp (first 30 mins of it) with the BBC chest and abs (weights) since I am in the middle of BBC 5-day workout. I love Cathe's...
  20. 4fitNphun

    A BIG Thank You to the person who

    Hello YES! THANK YOU from me too. I just ordered a copy from Amazon. My library didn't have it. I suffer from adult acne and one of my relatives recently commented that my hands and fingers must be dirty all the time for me to be breaking out. I didn't want to say anything rude...