A BIG Thank You to the person who


I'm not sure who first posted info about the "Skin Type Solution" book, but man oh man, do I want to give you a big hug!!!:D I learned SO much from reading this book (and how I was using some very bad products for my skin type - ack!).

Anyway, I spent a lot of time and $$$ at CVS a few days ago and have never been this excited to wash my face, etc.! :7 I have very oily skin and have been finally enjoying the past few days sans major shininess! And that's even WITHOUT using powder (which I rarely go without in public)!

Now I need to suppress the urge to become a full-blown product junkie and make myself stick to one change at a time. :( This is my first month OFF BC pills, so I've been worried about how my skin will react - now I know which products to use (and not use) and how to take better care of my skin! And her website is also VERY useful (especially the forums)!

Thanks again!

I was not the person that posted the info on that book, but I too, got it out of the library and purchased all the products for my skin type. I am "DRPW"..I am intrigued that you were able to buy your products at CVS. I could not figure out any drugstore type products and ended up getting what Dr Baumann recommended on Ebay. I spent a lot of money!x( . The only thing I did not like about the book was that she did not really explain what "good" ingredients to look for in a product very well. This would have allowed me to do a litte research on less expensive products, or maybe some of the ones I already had were ok!

Good to check in with someone also trying this program!

I'm so glad that you've been finding the book helpful! My rosacea-prone skin has gotten so much better since following Dr. Baumann's recommendations, and my little wrinkles have even smoothed up a bit in the last year!

So glad it's been helping!!!
Yes, thank you, Leanne! I was just reading my copy today! I haven't bought any of the products yet, but look forward to using stuff that is right for me. Great recommendation!
I didn't see the previous thread on this book. I just put it on reserve from my library and am very interested in checking it out.

I'm an ORPW (but very near the "middle zone" for everything EXCEPT the oily/dry line), so I kind of "mixed and matched" products from some of the other skin types' lists that I thought might work for me. I did have to order two things from drugstore.com because I couldn't find them and didn't feel like hiking all over town looking for them. (By the way, drugstore.com has a shipping special right now - free shipping on your first non-prescription purchase of $25 or more!) :D

After comparing the lists for your skin type with the lists for my type, I realized that my lists were much more "CVS-user-friendly" with more of the inexpensive products - sorry :(

As far as ingredients go, the only thing I think I really have to be careful about is knowing what to avoid because I'm a "P" - the oily no-nos are easier to keep track of.

Good luck to you! I'm worried because I almost spent as much time on the SS forum as I normally do on Cathe's! :eek: Just what I need - another site that totally sucks me in and drains me of my free time! ;-) }(

YES! THANK YOU from me too.

I just ordered a copy from Amazon. My library didn't have it.

I suffer from adult acne and one of my relatives recently commented that my hands and fingers must be dirty all the time for me to be breaking out.

I didn't want to say anything rude to her so I just said No, they are not dirty.

Anyways, I am looking forward to receiving the book so I can take the "quiz" and hopefully find a remedy for my problem.

I just got the book last week (used, from an Amazon seller - cheap!) and am also a DRPW. I got most of the cheaper products from drugstore.com - although I did have to order the vit C serum from Avon and a discontinued Avon scrub from an eBay seller. All in all, I think I spent about $75 for 6 products. I didn't think that was bad at all.

I should mention that I'm going to continue the use of my current daytime moisturizer. I have plenty of it (Cetaphil with SPF15) and didn't see that the brands recommended offered anything different.

A HUGE thank you from me too, Leanne. I have really oily, acne prone skin and this book has helped me immensely. My face has never felt better, it's nice that she provides a list of the exact products to use. :)

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