Fit by Summer. Anyone else?


Is anyone else here trying to amp things up to be fit by summer? I'm really trying to eat super-clean now and am watching the calendar. And when I come home too tired to work out I say to myself "'Fit by summer ain't happening if I start slacking now." Then I drop my coat and bags and go fire up the dvd player before I've had a chance to change my mind. All my gear is set up, ready and waiting - including my water bottle. Even the two cats I'm taking care of in the next room stop meowing until I'm done now!
Me too.

I go to school in the morning and work in the afternoons, sometimes till 8. By the time I get home and eat, it's about 9 pm. Then I have to hit the books, and too tired to work out afterwards... but I force myself to workout (sometimes at 11:30). I thought to myself, if I don't work out because of school and work, by the time summer comes around I am gonna be out of shape. So I drag my step out of the corner and work out (if only for 30 - 45 mins).

Me too.

The only summer clothes I have are either materity or too small. I can either lose weight or buy new clothes. I want to lose weight. I have a whole lot really nice summer clothes in boxes that I really want to wear.

I am at a stuck point. I'm still nurseing so I don't know if I am clinging on to extra weight till I quit or if I just to to eat super clean till then. I'm going to try to eat extra clean for the next couple of weeks and see what happens.

sINCE 2000 I played the fit by summer game and realized this year I need to do it all year round so this is my personal goal to make it the whole year so I am right here with you all. And doing fabulous if I may say so.


"Double Knot your laces and let's move on"
-Cathe Friedrich
Well, along similar lines as beth, I hit the big 50 this year and the past couple of years, playing the Fit by Summer game didn't work.

I am shooting for the year round thing too since slacking off for even just a bit longer than in the past has played very detrimental games to my physique and metabolism.

Am trying to figure out the right combination of food, both quantities and types, along with the exercise regimen, cardio vs weights and # of days to workout that will work for me these days.

It's a bummer since I've always been able to lose fat or add muscle after just a couple of week in the past.

BUT, what a challenge and I'm up for that !

So Lori, suggesting yet another check in, huh? :+
If you count all that time I did The Firm I've been at this for well over a year. I was at 223lbs. back then but when I didn't get the results I wanted after six months I sort of fell off. Then I got into Cathe cardio, but not religiously, since I pretty much hate cardio. The day before last Christmas, at 194lbs, I decided to get wicked serious about (Cathe) weight training, started toying with clean eating (getting more and more serious about that as I went along) and have been a pretty good girl since. I'm now down to 175 and am fine tuning my workout schedule just to see... I'll be 47 at the end of this month and I'd like, for the first time in 18-20 years, to get into size 10 jeans. Every time I tweak my workout or my eating I get great results fast so I figure, why not? I just feel real hopeful for the first time... ever and so many great things are happening I was just wondering if I was the only one paying attention to the calendar.
I am getting married on May 25th at the beach, so I am absolutely paying attention to the calendar!! I am not concerned with weight loss at this point, but I would like to build some muscle in my upper body by then.

I agree that we should all aim to be fit all year round, but for those who have some work to do at the present time, a goal of getting fit by summer is a good motivator!!
My main goal is to be fit all year. I'm still trying to get my shape back after baby and I am just stuck. I've got around 10-15 pounds to go and I'm hoping that all my summer clothes will get me motivated. I live in MS so summer is coming very fast. By the end of March we are pulling out shorts and flip flops. I know I'm not going to lose 10 pounds this month but maybe by time it gets bathing suit hot.


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