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  1. W

    varicose veins

    I just went to a family dr. for mine. I got scared when working on my feet, that my legs were aching and stinging, and I sat down finally, my ankles were purple and red, looked like they were bruising and my calf on my right leg. My left leg wasn't as bad. I have a few large bulging veins but...
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    varicose veins

    THanks for all your replies. I just spoke again with my dr. and he said the harm can be a blood clot if you don't keep this under control. He said excercise, keep feet up above heart level and wear compression stockings when up on feet. He said it will only get worse if I don't do something...
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    varicose veins

    I have just been diagnosed with this condition and have read that lifting heavy objects makes them worse. WEll does lifting weights on a regular basis and doing the high step climb make them worse? I reallly don't want to quit my lifting heavy but sure don't want these ugly and sore legs...
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    need help buying videos

    Thanks for your input. I was thinking of buying the slow and heavy and doing my fitprime for aerobic benefits and then doing a body part a day with the s&h. series. What do you think of that?
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    Cardio Durations on Timesaver

    I am wanting to know how are the weight workouts in the timesaver? Are they good building excercises?
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    need help buying videos

    I have been doing firm/fitprime workouts for some time now. I have Cathe pure strength series and max.intensity. But don't enjoy them very much. I still reach for my fitprime. BUt I can tell I am losing some of my muscle mass I gained while I was gyming it! I am thinking of slow and heavy...
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    Muscle Endurance is on right now!!!

    Ok someone here said that discovery channel is now fit tv. NOt with my dish network. I have tried to find the program of cathe's on my discovery health and it is not there. It is still called discovery health. Man I wish I had this fit tv thing.
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    dvd transfered to vhs

    Ok I have a crazy question. When I buy I would like thedvd but do to $$ shortages. I still only have a vhs in my w/o room. Can the dvd be recorded onto vhs for without losing quality? I will get a dvd player but am waiting for the dvd recorders to go down a bit and then invest in that so I...
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    Muscle Endurance is on right now!!!

    can anyone tell me if this is on dish network? I tried to find it and can't. I would love to see this.
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    Hi and I have a question for you cathe fans. I have bought a few tapes now and I like them. But I have to say that I have been a fan of firm and the fitprime tapes. I love the energy of the instuctors and I really do like the workouts. But I am desiring more definition than they can give me...
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    need help buying videos

    I am going to have to look up with the ps series is. Not sure what this is. Pyramid sounds like it may work. NOw I have to look them up and see which ones to start with. I was also told slow and heavy. or muscle enduranc/boot camp.
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    need help buying videos

    thanks alot. I really appreciate your input. I have a small upper body and a larger bottom half. I am shaping up bottom half pretty good doing my firm/fitprime tapes but still need more building for upper body and now that I have worked out for so long with tapes (1yrnow) I have no desire to...
  13. W

    need help buying videos

    HI, I am very new to Cathy and would like help in buying the proper videos. Right now I am interested in building upper body muscle definition and am thinking of doing one or two body parts a day 3 x a week with my running for my other 3 days. I have a small upper body and would like Cathe to...