need help buying videos


HI, I am very new to Cathy and would like help in buying the proper videos. Right now I am interested in building upper body muscle definition and am thinking of doing one or two body parts a day 3 x a week with my running for my other 3 days. I have a small upper body and would like Cathe to help me build back up. I used to do it at a gym but no longer go there and like the trainer telling me how and what to do. I would like videos that are easily divided by body parts. At least for now. I am not interested in the cardio aspect as much as the muscle developing. I have all firm and almost all fitprime tapes and plan to continue with these some or possibly after doing a body part with cathe. Thanks for the help. I was told to do CAthe workouts if I want MUSCLE!!! That is what I want.
You sound exactly how I did about 4 years ago. After not going to the gym (due to pregnancy and moving), I wanted the exact same workout I believe you're looking for ~ weight training less cardio. I had always jokingly said I was shaped like a pizza cutter. My upper body was very small and the lat pull down at the gym seemed to be best for me. But due the changes I bought some videos. Luckily a couple were Cathe's. Since I've worked out w/ her videos these four years I have a propionate upper body, with extreme definition. I have some lats!! Not quite like Cathe ~yet~. I defiantly recommend the Slow and Heavy series and Muscle Endurance/Boot Camp DVD's. Boot Camp has very basic cardio with weights and core work. Cathe's Pure Strength are very good too, however, with the faster pace and shorter workouts, I personally prefer Slow & Heavy. Now, if you like the idea of a total body strength workout try Muscle Intensity Strength. No matter which workouts you choose, they are all the absolute best! I exclusively work out with Cathe, unless it's a nice sunny day in upstate NY, and I go for a run.

Susan CM
The Pyramids in DVD. Basic, time efficient moves you could do anywhere. Awesome workout and still new too! The PS series is good too but not so new.
thanks alot. I really appreciate your input. I have a small upper body and a larger bottom half. I am shaping up bottom half pretty good doing my firm/fitprime tapes but still need more building for upper body and now that I have worked out for so long with tapes (1yrnow) I have no desire to try to do it all by myself. I need help and want to build upper body muscles. So thank you and I will be purchasing. IS there a reason to get dvd over videos? IN my workout room I only have a vcr. Thanks again.
I am going to have to look up with the ps series is. Not sure what this is. Pyramid sounds like it may work. NOw I have to look them up and see which ones to start with. I was also told slow and heavy. or muscle enduranc/boot camp.
DVDs are graet because of the mixing and matching and no FF or REW but all of Cathes are available on VHS so they work great I owuld strongly recommend the Pyramid Upper Body and the Pure strength Back Biceps Abs and Chest Shoulders and TricepsThese are great for building up muscle and definition and strength

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