need help buying videos


I have been doing firm/fitprime workouts for some time now. I have Cathe pure strength series and max.intensity. But don't enjoy them very much. I still reach for my fitprime. BUt I can tell I am losing some of my muscle mass I gained while I was gyming it! I am thinking of slow and heavy because it seems to be very highly recommended for muscle building. Or I see a lot of people recommending INtesity series. I see several intensity series dvds so I am confused on that one. I want to build my upper body back and lose fat on the hips and thighs. I am over 40 now. I need you workout folks advice. I want muscle but am losing the desire to push!
Hi! If you don't enjoy PS and MIS because of the pace, you proably won't enjoy the much slower pace of S&H. However, S&H probably is the best for building muscle mass out of all of Cathe's workouts.

I've never done Firm or Fitprime workouts, but I believe they are somewhat similar in style to some of Cathe's newer workouts, in terms of pace and variety of equipment.

Personally, I think almost all of Cathe's workouts are mainly endurance style training, but you will most likely build some muscle using them, since they are new to your body...

Keeping in mind the fact that you tend to reach for your fitprime tapes most often, I would recommend any of the following:

Muscle Endurance--uses dumbells, barbell, med ball, stability ball, and the pace of the workout is pretty fast.

Push/Pull and/or Supersets--I think if you go heavy enough, you could probably count on some muscle gain. The reason I think you'd enjoy these is that they use lots of different equipment... I personally don't find either very challenging as is, but the DVD options help.

PUB--Very fast pace, quick changes, and the DVD up or down only premixes are great. Supposedly you'll gain strength and endurance both from this one...

Good luck!
Thanks for your input. I was thinking of buying the slow and heavy and doing my fitprime for aerobic benefits and then doing a body part a day with the s&h. series. What do you think of that?
I personally see the most benefits by working upper and lower body at least two days per week. One strength training workout Wendy did not mention is the Pure Strength series. This workout is moves faster than slow and heavy but does an awesome job of strengthening and toning the muscles. PUB and PLB is outstanding also.

Don't get me wrong S&H is a great workout but takes up a lot of time. I am 49 years old.
I'd recommend S&H for upper body (to buils upper body), PUB and PLB and also Leaner Legs from CTX series and PS legs (both to whittle down the lower body) to do the job you want.

Both LL and PLB do a better job than S&H lower body tape, through endurance style training, of eliminating fat on lower body and really steeling those muscles for great shape.


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