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  1. R

    BFL- Week 1

    I am not sure what I am going to have for my freeday yet.Most of the people I hang out with are gone away, and we usualy plan something for weekends.I do have a BBQ to go to on Saturday night.I am going to try not to make my free day and binge day.Just a treat or two.Maybe a piece of cheesecake...
  2. R

    BFL- Week 1

    I don't know.How much protein do they have in them? I bought some EAS bars yesterday.Choc peanut butter and oatmeal rasian.I didn't buy them for my snacks but just in case I was craving anything sweet.Which I am sure I will. Is anyone drinking the protein shakes? I think I am only going to...
  3. R

    BFL- Week 1

    Uh....I am not very energetic at 5:30 in the morning:-( My legs feel like j-ello.I have only been up for about 15min.Long enough to drink some Betagen.I usually get up and have a cofee or something and wait for a while but I have to work out as soon as possible today. I forgot to tell you...
  4. R

    Cathe, have you ever been in a fitness competition?

    oops,I spelled believe wrong...:o my bad
  5. R

    Cathe, have you ever been in a fitness competition?

    Im not Cathe but that question was posted before.I beleive she was in a fitness comp, and I beleive she won.She was in the short class.
  6. R

    BFL- Week 1

    welcome amy..I knew that there was just more then the two of us! I had an awesome day, if I do say so myself.For M1-3egg whites,wrap and salsa.M2-chicken wrap with peppers.M3-yogurt and cottage cheese, and of course M4 was a bit off b/c we went out to celebrate our anniversary.I had some...
  7. R

    BFL- Week 1

    Sorry about that:) I waited to see if you were going to start the thread, when you didn't I just went ahead and did it. I can't beleive you can get up so early! I would be asleep by 10! I have to be at work 7:30 tomorrow morning so I am going to have to be up pretty early to.I figure 5:30.Some...
  8. R

    BFL- Week 1

    Good MOnring gals, Now I know that there is more then just me and rhonda willing to do this challenge, so don't forget to check in ladies.We are not just here to talk about our upcomming plans or the week ahead.We are also here for motivation and support,right?And you better check in b/c I...
  9. R

    body for life checkin

    I totally agree with you.Thats like any program.I think you can workout as much as you like but if you don't eat healthy then it is a loss cause.I am sure there are still health benefits but if you want to slim down you really need to watch what goes in your mouth. I know...I am such a...
  10. R

    body for life checkin

    I just had another idea when I woke up and was lying in bed. What about if we tried 3 weeks Pyramid system, 3 weeks body blast series,3 weeks pyramid system and then 3 weeks Pure Strength series? Or we could use slow and heavy but those videos take alot longer to do. I think I am going to be...
  11. R

    body for life checkin

    I will use the pyramid system for the weights and I may mix it up a bit.I may use some of the other videos to.Maybe a total body workout at the end of the week.And I think I might stick to the runs until the cold weather comes. I have to get use to working out first thing in the morning.:o...
  12. R

    body for life checkin

    Hi Guys, Well, I NEED TO DO SOMETHING!!!!;( I am so pissed off with myself.My eating is totally out of control and everyday I feel sick from eating to many sweets.I think I would like to re-read the book, or the important parts and I would LOVE to start Sunday or Monday. I have been...
  13. R

    Craving sugar?

    HI Ladies, Does anyone think that it is possible to be addicted to sugar? I have been trying to clean up my diet lately and sugar is one of my downfalls. Today I had a biscotti(which isn't to bad)1/2 of a tiger brownie, a haystack cookie,and a snowball.NOw my husband is gone to the store...
  14. R

    Slim Fast?????

    RE: Never say diet. Good words of advice..but for me I like the bars.And I can stop at 1 bar,which is 130 cals or I can have a piece of cake that is 300 cals? I think I would rather have the bar.Besides for that, a cake would be staring back at me from the fridge all the time, while the bars...
  15. R

    Slim Fast?????

    Thanks so much guys.....I didn't know what kind of feedback I was gonna get on this one!:) I only had the bars so far today.But I plan on having a shake tomorrow morning for breakfast and I was wondering how well it was gonna fill me up.It must be a pretty goos product if it has stayed on the...
  16. R

    Slim Fast?????

    I know, I know...I should no better.But I don't know where else to turn! I know it is suppose to be about a healthy well balanced diet,along with exercise but it is almost as if my body isn't responding anymore.It is also about not wanting to buy all new clothes b/c I am not comfortable in my...
  17. R

    Whats wrong with me ?

    Thanks everyone....what great responses! I started to thinking that I seriously had some sort of eating disorder. I am glad to report that yeserday I had a good day.When I work nights I have a habit of comming home and tearing the cupboards apart to find something to munch on while I am making...
  18. R

    Whats wrong with me ?

    Anyone who has an answer to this please let me know: Every morning I wake up.Today is the day that I will watch what goes into my mouth,I will have a good workout and I will feel good about myself at the end of that day! By the time the day ends I feel even worse then I did when I got up.The...
  19. R

    Why no background modifiers?

    KayM, I totally AGREE with want you are saying! If Cathe had modifiers in the background of her videos for someone to watch , then that would not stop me from buying her videos.She doesn't have to stop and tell people what the modifier is doing and why.She can just say"this person is here...
  20. R

    Dietary supplements...whose tried um???

    Just thought of a question I could ask!:P I was just into the EAS website....just browsing , not really looking for anything in particular.Came across a new "MAGIC WEIGHT LOSS FORMULA" and thought, how many of us have actually tried this stuff? When I had 15 unwanted pounds to get rid of and...