body for life checkin


Hi everyone,

There has been a lot of talk about BFL here lately and wondering if anyone is interested in doing a check in each week. I plan on starting on Monday. Let me know and we can start a checkin so we can all keep motivated and on track. My biggest problem is eating. Once I get on track I should be OK but it is getting back on track.

HI Ronda, I have been interested in the BFL program just over the past week. If there was a check in maybe it would help keep me motivated too. My problem is also the whole eating thing. Especially when I make my son Mac and Cheese for lunch and I sit down with a salad or something along the more healthy side. Or at dinner when my husband and sone are munching on pizza, or spaghetti, you know the usual meals that you grew up on and I once again sit dwon with a chicken breast and brown rice, with a veggie. That is when I fall of the wagon, fast! But if I can think, tomarrow I have to check in, or in a few days I have to check in, that may help a lot.
I can go get the book this weekend, so I can start with you on Monday. Or is it wise to read it first and then start? If that is the case I may have to go get it tomorrow, or later on today. And then read like a mad women to get it done by Monday morning. Ha, Ha!

Hi Guys,
Well, I NEED TO DO SOMETHING!!!!;( I am so pissed off with myself.My eating is totally out of control and everyday I feel sick from eating to many sweets.I think I would like to re-read the book, or the important parts and I would LOVE to start Sunday or Monday.
I have been thinking about doing the program lately and this check'in may be just what I need.
I'm ready to do this, too. I started it once before, but got pregnant within a month of starting...But I did lose 10 pounds (I'm sure the inability to eat due to nausea had nothing to do with it! LOL!)
Anyway, I've been toying with trying again, so I'll just check here Monday!!!

Hi All,

Sounds great to start checking in. I think it will do me wonders too. I plan on starting Monday. I need to see if my in-laws still have the book and borrow it. What does everyone plan on doing for the exercise part? Right now I am doing the PUB/PLB for strength and Imax for cardio (splitting the intervals and do 1-5 one day and 6-10 the next).

Not sure what I plan on doing when I get the new vids.

any suggestions?

I will use the pyramid system for the weights and I may mix it up a bit.I may use some of the other videos to.Maybe a total body workout at the end of the week.And I think I might stick to the runs until the cold weather comes.
I have to get use to working out first thing in the morning.:eek: Thats probably going to be a tough one.
I also think I will use the interval videos for some carido.I will diffently be using the Body Blast series for some extra workouts.There is no way i can have those workouts sitting there for 12 weeks! Or maybe we could form a rotation for weeks 5-9? As close to the BFL program as possiable, except we will be using the body blast series.Then for the last 4 weeks we can go back to what we did from weeks 1-4.That might give us a good jolt, shake things up a little.What do ya think?
That sounds like a nice idea. I was going to wait and see what the BB series is by watching the videos when I get them and see if and how to incorporate them. When I did the BFL program before I did it exactly the way it was outlined in the book and got tired of that about half way through, then went to videos for weight training and it worked out fine. I think the Leg/Glute video will work well with the program. I just can't wait for the new videos, but Monday I plan on starting.

I just had another idea when I woke up and was lying in bed. What about if we tried 3 weeks Pyramid system, 3 weeks body blast series,3 weeks pyramid system and then 3 weeks Pure Strength series? Or we could use slow and heavy but those videos take alot longer to do.
I think I am going to be bored if I have to do the Pyramid workouts for 12 weeks.They are great workouts but they do not get me sore like some of the other videos.PUB gives me a better workout then PLB and on some of the squats I am using 55lbs. Or whatever I can lift over my head.
I was going to start today but I had a wedding last night, had a few drinks and wasn't in the mood to get up early today.I was still going to follow it just the same but then I had two timbits to start my day off with:eek: Thats not to big of a deal if I don't have anymore sweets today.
I am looking forward to starting BFL b/c yesterday I had realized how terrible my eating habits have become.I had 3 timbits, a muffin(at work).For lunch I had 1/2 chicken sandwich, some chips, a cookie and then I had to stick a candy in my mouth.Then when I got home I had some choc,went to the wedding,came home had a nap.LAst night we had salad,a big meal,carrot cake(I only ate about 1/2 of it) and then 5 drinks and 6 shooters!THEN we had garlic fingers before we went to bed.Do I have to wonder where those extra pounds came from? This is what my life has been like lately, minus the drinks,I don't normally drink anymore but we were at a party.But the eating alone as been haywire.
Needless to say...i am ready!
IMHO, it's not the exact BFL workouts that do it for everybody, but the diet. What's he say, nutrition is 80% or something like that? If you're in the spirit of the routine, I think it'll work.

Um, just a thought ... a few drinks? I think that was 11? I'm such a cheap date. One martini and I'm a goner for the evening.
I totally agree with you.Thats like any program.I think you can workout as much as you like but if you don't eat healthy then it is a loss cause.I am sure there are still health benefits but if you want to slim down you really need to watch what goes in your mouth.
I know...I am such a luch.Don't get me wrong though...I never drink anymore.I have only been drinking 3 times this year.Not bad for a 25 year old hey? It normally doesn't take me much to get go'in either but the drinks I had were weak(until the shooters)and my belly was also full of food.I don't enjoy drinking anymore, the next morning is SOOOOOOOOOOO not worth it.I hate wasting a day in bed.Especailly when it is self induced:p

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