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  1. R

    Body Blast rotation please

    I don't see anything wrong with asking for a rotation but I think we all need to remember that we are not Cathes #1 priority.She has a family and businesses to run.We don't know...her kids may have had the flu for last two weeks and she could be taking care of them.Yeah, I didn't see...
  2. R

    My personnel experiment

    HI gals, I haven't been around in a while..hows everyone doing? I have been thinking know, I don't eat "claen" very often, to many carbs, to many treats and WAY to much picking. I was also thinking, even though I don't watch every morsel that goes in my mouth,my body isn't...
  3. R

    BFL check in week 10/26

    Hi Everyone, I have been on the missing list.....and I haven't been a very good girl!x( Needless to say, I didn't get back on track last week.My week was way to hectic.I was tired,worked to much and had to many social events.I can see now that the week ahead is pretty laid back.Besides...
  4. R

    BFL Check in Week 10/20

    Hi Everyone, How is everone doing? Well, I had a great weekend.Started my christmas shopping,ate out alot and didn't run once. I used to be obessed about exercise and if I had to go a weekend without exercising I would feel like the world had come to an end.Lets just say, I got over...
  5. R

    BFL Week-2

    Well eating as been pretty bad for me all week. I think I will start fresh on Monday.We are going away for the weekend.It will be harder to work out and eat 6 meals a day.I eat healthy on a regular basis anyway but when you are on a little trip and eat out, we tend to make some "not so wise"...
  6. R

    BFL Week-2

    I haven't got a chance to workout yet today.I am taking my time, sipping my coffee. I went for a run yesterday afternoon.And beleive me it was a run.I think it was the fastest time I ever ran.But now there is something wrong with my leg.It as sort of been bothering me off and on all week.Its...
  7. R

    BFL Week-2

    Hi Gals, Well, I got my UB workout in.I ended up leaving work at 2 b/c there was nothing going on.Now I am going for a run.Shorter then normal, but I have to be at work by 7:30.As you can tell I live in a really small town where you can get from A-B in very little time. I think while I am...
  8. R

    BFL Week-2

    Good Morning All, Once again, I am so sleepy.I set my alarm for 6 and I crawled back into bed.So,needless to say,I didn't get to workout before work.I am planning to come home early for my lunch or I will workout between 5-7.I have to work again at 7:30.I hate these types of days.All I do is...
  9. R

    BFL Week-2

    Good morning everyone.... I am so sleepy! I didn't do very well with my eating yesterday.Anyone got any tips about how to stay on track after cheat day? I don't understand.We feel so much better when we eat healthy but why don't we want to?I know last week I felt like a million bucks and...
  10. R

    BFL Week-2

    Uh, just finished PLB.I had to have 1/2 of a protein bar earlier before I worked out b/c I was starving.I don't worry to much about eating before weight work but I like doing cardio on an empty stomach. The hunger as started again.I found by the end of last week that I wasn't as hunger when I...
  11. R

    BFL Week-2

    Rhonda, Congrats on the weightloss.The scale was showing me 3.5 lbs but sometimes I can get that low without even trying.When we get pass 129lbs thats when I will know its business.I have noticed a little difference in my clothes.Thats the big sign in my eyes. I didn't do very well...
  12. R

    Question about hi/lo on Power Circuit

    OH..PC.... I can't find it anywhere! I don't know what I have done with that video:-( I am currently doing the BFL program and that video is one of those videos that gets your heart rate up. Therefore, I really don't know that answer to your question b/c I can't remember what it is about.You...
  13. R

    BFL Week-2

    Well,we made it thru one week. I have to say it didn't seem that bad.Probably b/c I had my treats here and there and thats why I wasn't really craving anything yesterday. I had my cheat day yesterday.I still followed that plan to some extent.I didn't work out. I weighed myself yesterday...
  14. R

    BFL- Week 1

    Im glad your feeling better.I hate it when I am sick..but who doesn't;) I had a good upper body workout today.Although I didn't want to do it.I also went for a run at 6.I should of ate at 6:30 but I only just got my meal about 30 min ago.I was starving so I just made myself some more egg...
  15. R

    BFL- Week 1

    Good MOnring everyone, I am still hungry:) 8 hrs later.Thats o.k, I only have another 2 hours to go and then I can get my blood work done I slept in.I had the alarm set for 6 but i didn't get up until 6:40.I went to bed at 11 last night.I would have went to bed earlier but I wanted to watch...
  16. R

    BFL- Week 1

    Hi Susan, Like I said before ,the more the merrier.I don't have any specfic goals either b/c I really don't know what I am capable of.I guess I do have a goal...I want to fit back into my jeans comfortably.So ,I can afford to lose at least 5lbs.After that its just a bonus.I did take my...
  17. R

    BFL- Week 1

    I did 1/2 of Imax2 today.I thought I was gonna trip and break my nose.I don't think we were made to jump that high first thingin the morning. I thought about something though.No matter what impact I was doing today it still felt like I was pushing myself to no end.And of course I wasn't...
  18. R

    BFL- Week 1

    I can't beleive that I am up at 5 in the morning to workout.I went to bed at 10:30, so it was almost 7 hours sleep.There is just something that doesn't seem right about getting up and putting your body thru this torture. I work two jobs today so maybe when I get home from the first one I can...
  19. R

    BFL- Week 1

    Call me crazy...and its only been 3 days but when I put my pants to go to work today they fit ALOT better.I mean room in the leg area.I think going to bed without eating does wonders! I may hop on the scale saturday morning just to see:) I cooked my legs today.They felt really weak to begin...
  20. R

    BFL- Week 1

    Good Morning everyone, Did you get a good nights sleep? I went for a run last night.14kms.I was gone for about an hour and I also did Step and Intervals in the morning.I had one of my husbands chips after I got back:o I don't think one was gonna kill me:P My legs are very sore today and I...