BFL- Week 1


Good MOnring gals,
Now I know that there is more then just me and rhonda willing to do this challenge, so don't forget to check in ladies.We are not just here to talk about our upcomming plans or the week ahead.We are also here for motivation and support,right?And you better check in b/c I may need some support when my sweet tooth kicks in.}(
Well, I got up today at 7, and I did PUB.I still haven't eaten yet b/c I am waiting my hour after.It was a good workout.I have to get a new ball though b/c my little girl stuck a toothpick in my other ball;(
I still have some betagen here, so I took that before my workout.I think I am going to have to buy some more.
I took all my measurments.Are we sharing those here? I can see now where I have gained some weight.I have pretty much grown an inch in every area since the last time I measured myself.:eek:
I picked up my groceried yesterday.Even though there is more then just me in my house, I totally avoided the cookies,chips and cereal aisles.I could of easily been tempted to buy something for my cheat day but it probably wouldn't of made it that far.
Today is our anniversay.2 yrs married. We will probably be going out for dinner so I will have to make the best decisions possible.I think I am going to try and sqeeze a run in sometime today.I am off all day so it shouldn't be that hard.
I am going to try and make a bottle of water my new best friend.It will go wherever I go.Eat all my meals on time, and to tame my sweet tooth the best I can.Those are my three goals for this week.
I hope everyone else had a good start off.....ready,set,lets go....
Hi everyone,
I like the idea of switching workouts after a few weeks. I did that the first time around because I was so bored with the same workouts and I think it went fine.

Well today is my first day. So far so good. I did PUB (going up only) this morning. I am also keeping track of my food intake to see how I do.

How is everyone else doing?

I also go the book again from my mom-n-law and reading it as well. Mainly concentrating on everything but the workouts because I know how those will go.

Unfortunately I cannot wait for the hour after I workout to eat so I usually eat about 15 minutes after I workout. I have to work everything into my schedule.

I get up at 4:30-4:45a and do my workout. Back upstairs by 5:20-5:25a and start cooking my breakfast and getting lunches together.

Good Luck to everyone. We can do this.

Sorry about that:) I waited to see if you were going to start the thread, when you didn't I just went ahead and did it.
I can't beleive you can get up so early! I would be asleep by 10! I have to be at work 7:30 tomorrow morning so I am going to have to be up pretty early to.I figure 5:30.Some mornings I have to get up at 5:30 to go to work anyway.I should be able to manage as long as I go to bed early.
I had a Dr appt at 9:40 so I had to wait to get home before I ate my breakfast.I think I am hungry now then I was before I ate.Go figure.
Hi Girls,

I will also check in with you on this BFL thread! I have been trying to follow the plan continually for the past few weeks, but have been having some trouble with my diet on the weekends. So this could help me stay on track!!

Today, I have my 3 BFL meals packed for work. I do my workouts in the evening, and tonight I have PUB as my scheduled workout. Tommorrow is cardio day!

As for my meals, M1 is cottage cheese/ fruit, M2 Tuna, spinach, sliced cucumbers, peppers. M3 3 egg whites, 1/2 cup oatmeal, M4 grilled chicken, brown rice, green beans, and M5 will be a Myoplex Shake. I am actually trying to slightly cut down on my carb intake to see if it makes any difference in my results. That's why I skipped the carb at M2.

If anyone else wants to share their menu plans, that could be helpful.

Well good luck and have a great week!
welcome amy..I knew that there was just more then the two of us!
I had an awesome day, if I do say so myself.For M1-3egg whites,wrap and salsa.M2-chicken wrap with peppers.M3-yogurt and cottage cheese, and of course M4 was a bit off b/c we went out to celebrate our anniversary.I had some soup,then I had shrimp kabobs.I ate mostly the veggies and 6 shrimp.I didn't eat much of the rice.BUT the waiter heard us say it was our anniversary and she wanted to buy us some dessert,so I had a little bit of cheesecake.I have to say that I am proud of myself though.I walked away from the restaruant feeling satisfied,not stuffed, and I will probably be hungry before I go to bed.Its amazing how much better you feel when you eat clean,So why is eating clean so hard to do? Normally I would of ate ALOT more sweets today.I also went for a 50 min run and did some abs.That should make up for the chessecake.
Tomorrow I have to work at 7:30.I think I am going to get up at 5:30, to do Step and Intervals OR Kathy Smith fatburning workout.I am also going for a run in the evening.I have my snack all ready for tomorrow and my water to take to work.
I feel really good about doing this.I am sure it will have its tough times(like 5:30 tomorrow morning)but I am really looking forward to this journey.It feels nice to be doing something good for your body.Hope everyone else had a good day.
Uh....I am not very energetic at 5:30 in the morning:-( My legs feel like j-ello.I have only been up for about 15min.Long enough to drink some Betagen.I usually get up and have a cofee or something and wait for a while but I have to work out as soon as possible today.
I forgot to tell you guys.I have been pretty lazy lately.I mean REALLY sleepy.I was taking naps at 1 in the afternoon, and no I am not with child.Anyway, I am going to get my iron checked,it use always be low when i was a teen.But in the mean time I went to the drugdtore yesterday and I picked up some vitamins called "total energy".I took two in the afternoon with my second meal and I was going strong ALL day! :) They are made with ginseng and bee pollen(i think)I wasn't super energetic or crazy hyper, but I wasn't sleepy and thats just what I wanted.I did all my house cleaning and then I went for a run in the afternoon, when it was normally my nap time.Anyway, I just wanted to share that with everyone!Hope everyone has a good day!:7
Hi everyone,

Yesterday went well for me. I try to cut carbs as much as I can after my afternoon snack to see if it will make a difference.

I got up this morning and did the first five intervals of Imax. It was tough but I did it. I know I hit a ten on at least one Interval. For breakfast I had scrambled eggs (1 whole egg and 1 egg white) along with a third of a pita. Lunch is crab and pasta with some peas. Dinner is stuffed cabbage rolls. Hubby's mom brought them over and we need to eat them. I don't think they should be too bad. No cravings for bad food yet so that is good.

What do you think about eating slim-fast bars as snacks?

I don't know.How much protein do they have in them? I bought some EAS bars yesterday.Choc peanut butter and oatmeal rasian.I didn't buy them for my snacks but just in case I was craving anything sweet.Which I am sure I will.
Is anyone drinking the protein shakes? I think I am only going to drink them if I am short on time.I would much rather eat real food then chemicals.Sometimes I put choc pudding and some peanut butter in with my shake and it tricks me into thinking I juat ate a peanut butter cup:7
I never thought about cutting down on carbs a bit more.Maybe I will try that to but I don't want to deprive myself and then crave it later,then end up eating more.I amonly going to be eating 5 meals a day.Not six.
I am at work now and there isn't much going on.I probably won't post so much later in the week.My schedule gets a litte crazy at the end of the week.
They have anywhere from 6-8 grams of protein. I know it isn't a whole lot but I just cannot find any protein bars that taste all that great. I have the Detour bars but they are so big and filling. I was splitting a bar in half and having half in the morning and half in the afternoon. I just had my morning snack, yogurt and cheese. I was just going to have the yogurt but Bill Phillips classifies it as a carbo in his book and said to mix it with some protein.

I should get going and get some work down here at work. It is hard for me to long on much during the day and then when I am at home I don't want to get on the computer because I have been on one all day. Can't win for losing. I do get on first thing in the morning at work so I usually do respond then but after that I am not on the site much.

Hi Everyone,

I am feeling very tired today! Last night, I did Imax 1, (5 intervals) and I have to say it was a pretty challenging 30 minutes! Tonight, I am planning on doing PUB. Last night I did not have the time, so I switched to a cardio day. Eating was good yesterday, I seemed to feel ok, even though I cut my carbs.

Today I'm following basically the same meal plan as yesterday, except for dinner, veggie burger (no bun), and some green beans.

My opinion on the Slim Fast bars is to check the sugar content. If that is high, I would skip the bar and find something more nutritious? Maybe replace the bar with a protein shake or something with less sugar,and more protein. Just a suggestion!

Good luck, have a great day!
Hi - this is my first week back on the Program. The last time I did it, I looked the best in my life. So far the nutrition end has gone really well. Yesterday I did PUB, this morning I did Boot Camp. Tomorrow will be either PLB or Firm Standing Legs, Thursday - Cathe Kickbox or Tae Bo, Friday PUB, Sat - Cathe Cardio and Weights. Have to admit I am looking forward to Sunday and pizza and ice cream. Thank goodness for the free day!
I am not sure what I am going to have for my freeday yet.Most of the people I hang out with are gone away, and we usualy plan something for weekends.I do have a BBQ to go to on Saturday night.I am going to try not to make my free day and binge day.Just a treat or two.Maybe a piece of cheesecake.
*Rhonda*-have you tried the bars I have mentioned? They aren't to bad at all.
I am at work now and I just had to candy but I am not sweating it.But I will be tonight when I go for my run!
I made that mistake when I first started the BFL program, eating too much of everything bad on my free day. This time, I am only going to relax my diet, and eat maybe one bad meal. It is very tempting to go overboard with the foods that you can't eat the other 6 days of the week. My weakness is fast food! I love it! Another tough area for me is alcohol. Since Im still young, my friends and I like to go out on the weekends and have a few drinks. I try to stick with rum and diet cokes when I go out and have some drinks. Can't be a total party pooper. hha.

Looking forward to my workout tonight!!
Good Morning everyone,
Did you get a good nights sleep? I went for a run last night.14kms.I was gone for about an hour and I also did Step and Intervals in the morning.I had one of my husbands chips after I got back:eek: I don't think one was gonna kill me:p
My legs are very sore today and I have to do PLB.I was so tight when I got home.I really did hurt from head to toe.My legs were tight and then my upper body was sore from Mondays workout.
I am proud of myself already.Everyday is just a "will see".
MOnday I was off all day.I didn't know how that was gonna go b/c you have access to food all day.
Tuesday I had to be at work by 7:30.So I had to eat pretty early.I thought I was gonna be starving all day.
And today.I have to work tonight until 9.My dinner break is from 4:30-5:30.So I end up eating dinner early and then I am hungry by the time I get off.
Tomorrow I have to be at work by 7.
I am doing well though.I have a major sweet tooth and it as only kicked in a couple of times.
I think I am going to weigh and measure at the end of 4 weeks.Did everyone else weigh and take their measurments on Monday?
I must finish drinking my coffee and then finish my legs off for good!
Hi Everyone,

I have tried so many different protein bars and just cannot find one that taste good enough to eat all the time. I wanted to try the new bar Meso Tech which is the triple berry crunch. It looks so good in pictures, but I haven't made it to the stores. I do see that Balance Bar makes a high protein bar but I haven't tried those either.

I got up this morning and did PLB. tomorrow I will probably ride the bike for aerobics.

did everyone see the disappointing message from Cathe about the new tapes. I was so looking forward to them, now unfortunately we have to wait some more. We do get Kick, Punch, Crunch so that should be good. I will have to go back and check out the description and look at the picture again. I just can't wait.

Eating still has some tweaking to do but I haven't craved anything bad. My cheat day is usually Saturday but I still do aerobics. Sunday I don't work out but get my eating back in line.

I plan on measuring this weekend and weighing myself.

Here is the breakdown of one of the Slim Fast succeed

Fat 3gms
Carb 18 gms
fiber 1 gm
sugar 0 gm
sugar alcohol 14 gms (don't know what this is)
protein 6 gms

calories 120

I was happy because it said no sugar but then it says sugar alcohol. It probably is the same as sugar. Hmmm..guess I won't be eating these.

Anyone know about sugar alcohol?

I don't think slim-fast bars are that bad, to be honest. Most of the protein bars taste nasty and are so expenseive. You can buy a whole 6 bars of slim-fast bars for the price of just one protein bar! lol ... but saying that, they do have very little protein in, perhaps you can eat one with a half-cup of cottage cheese? I think the real key to body for life really isn't the amount of protein they make you eat (trust me 180-200 plus g's a day is way to much for most people) but the way the meals are spaced out (every three hours, small enough to fill, and be hungry again in about 3 hours). I did body for life years ago (didn't buy the supplements - ouch they cost so much) and i slimmed down nicely. Good luck with it all. PS - dont let protein bars fool you, they all contain suger or a suger substitue...and given the choice i'd rather have sugar over a chemical anyday.
Can i join in? i do not really know how much i am doing the BFL program but I need something ot keep me motivated. i am trying to lose those last 7lbs and it is hard. I try and eat the six meals a day but do not really follow their meal plans. I just try to eat a lot of fruit and veggies and get protrin from things like yogart, low fat cottage cheese and things like that. Here is my workout that I just started this week and plan to do until the Body Blast DVDs get sent out. (which i am hoping is only about a month)

Mon - full body gym toning class ( a lot like ME)
Tues - off
Wed - PS CST and 10-10-10 kickbox and hi/low and BC Cardio only and BC abs only
Thurs - PS BB and Imax2 6-10 and ME abs
Fri- 45 min interval run and PLB up only and floor
Sat - Gym circuit class and 30 min steady run
Sun - C&W cardio only and abs

I just got done doing a rotation that did 3 total body workouts and 5 days cardio. I liked this rotation a lot and it slimed me down but I needed to mix things up a little.

One funny thing is that I have not done PS since I moved from my apartment into my house. there was not much room in the apartment so i only had 2 sets of weights and the highest was 10lbs. I remember I thought this was a hard series. I now have barbelss and a lot more weights and I had to totally up my weigths. Cathe's Intensity series really made me stronger and this was the first time i have really noticed it. that was cool to find out:):)

Good luck everyone!
Call me crazy...and its only been 3 days but when I put my pants to go to work today they fit ALOT better.I mean room in the leg area.I think going to bed without eating does wonders! I may hop on the scale saturday morning just to see:)
I cooked my legs today.They felt really weak to begin with.I was gonna go for another run tonight but I have to work at 7 tomorrow morning.That means I have to get up really early.I find that when I run in the evening it wakes me up and I can't get to sleep.The last thing I want to do is toss and turn 12 tonight.I would much rather get to bed early,get up early and do a workout before I go to work.
I was fairly hungry today.Its a werid feeling b/c I don't feel like I need to eat everything in the house and the same feeling last for about an hour.I don't get hungrier.
I didn't have any carbs with my dinner today.I had a salad with ck.I don't plan my meals the night before b/c I figure that I won't follow it and then I will feel like I have failed.I would much rather wait until an hour before I have to eat and then I will decide what I want.I have been eating alot of whole wheat wraps, instead of bread.I wrap egg whites for breakfast and then ck wraps for lunch.I am also all out of cottage cheese.
Rhonda-sugar is everywhere! I wouldn't worry about it to much.Even if you had 1/2 of a bar and then a protein with it.Like suggested above.I guess sugar alcohol(which sounds gross) must be a liquad sugar.I would much rather have sugar to then some of these sugar substitutes.
Anyway,off I go I must get ready for bed. Welcome new members! The more the merrier.
Well Done Runnner!!! This is great new and motivation enough to keep going....i have no doubt in my mind that you'll make your goal....

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