BFL- Week 1

I can't beleive that I am up at 5 in the morning to workout.I went to bed at 10:30, so it was almost 7 hours sleep.There is just something that doesn't seem right about getting up and putting your body thru this torture.
I work two jobs today so maybe when I get home from the first one I can have alittle nap.I made some cookies last night to take to work with me today.I ended up eating half a one and then scraping out the bottom of the pan.Then I got in bed and started counting up how many cals I had today and it wasn't alot.Something like 1000 cals.No wonder we need a cheat day.Its odd though b/c I would never be able to eat that any other day without feeling like I was gonna pass out.I am not going to cheat at all today and tomorrow.Then my cheat day will be saturday.I am going to keep saturday like a normal BFL day , until the evening comes.
I made my 1st and 2nd meal last night before I went to bed.The only thing is that I am going to be eating chicken at 10 in the morning.I would normally eat yogurt and cottage cheese.
My legs are sore from yesterdays workout.I like being sore though b/c it feels like you have done soemthing.
I should go.I don't know if I will get many more chances to check the forum today b/c I have to work all day.
Everyone have a great day...remember cheat day is almost here!
Hi everyone,

I have done better than I thought I would with eating. Just a couple more days and we can eat what we want. I find I don't go all out on the cheat day because if I do then it is hard for me to get back on track.

I go up this morning and did my aerobics on the bike. Boy I forget how hard that is on the bike. Tomorrow is PUB and then Saturday will be the second half of Imax. I am not doing anything else besides the weight training and the 20-30 minutes of aerobics on my assigned days. I may get in some yoga or stretching every now

Hope everyone has a great day
I did 1/2 of Imax2 today.I thought I was gonna trip and break my nose.I don't think we were made to jump that high first thingin the morning.
I thought about something though.No matter what impact I was doing today it still felt like I was pushing myself to no end.And of course I wasn't jumping as high as if I were doing it 7 in the evening.So what does that get counted as? Are we actually working harder?
I am still at work but I have a 2 hr break.I may go for a run butI am not 100% sure.I thought about having a nap but I am not really tired but I don't know if I can run 9 kms.But when I think about the extra benefits I will be getting from it, then it is hard not to.I will be burning more cals and getting closer to my goal faster.Tomorrow is PUB also.My shoulders are really tight from lifting that barbell onto my shoulders yesterday.
Anyway, I should go and get ready to head home.Hope everyone had a good cardio workout today:p
Well i did my planned workout this morning but last night turned into a big cheat day so I guess I do not get one on the weekend. My husband wanted to go out to dinner. He is in his last 2 weeks of nursing school and stressed so I wanted to give him what he wanted. Well of course i could not make good healthy choices when we were going ot are fav place.}( I did only eat half my meal though:D so hopefully that helps. We shared tiramsu(sp?) though. I love that stuff!
Well yesterday I did not have the time to work out! :-( I am going to make up for it the rest of the week, so I don't feel too bad about it. My eating has been great, very clean, except last night I had some lowfat microwave popcorn. I was really craving it, and I didn't want to deprive myself. Plus, I have been cutting down on carbs the last three days, so I think that was my body's way of asking for some!

Tonight after work I am doing PLB. Not looking forward to that because I hate working my lower body!!

Im glad everyone else is doing great! Keep it up.

Have a great day.
Hi, may I join in? I was going to start this past Monday...just got back from vacation in Mexico and was raring to go. Unfortunately got a case of Montezuma's revenge the last two days of my trip and am still recouperating. Today was the first day i felt up to anything...did 20 minutes on the treadmill with intervals ranging from 4.3 power walk to 5.0 jogging. It felt good to exercise but wore me out...this illness has just sapped my strength. Hope tomorrow to start on my upper body.

Has everyone/anyone given their goals? Or do you just jump in with your exercising/eating for the day? Just curious what everyone is aiming for. I've got 15 pounds to lose and heavy duty toning to accomplish.

Hi Susan,

Im glad you are joining in with us! I think we mostly just jump in and say what's been going on with us, etc. As for goals, I don't have any specific amount of weight I would like to lose, but I would like to lose body fat. Im not even sure what it is right now. I just measure my success by how good I feel and how my clothes fit.

Sorry to hear that you were sick. Hope you feel better and good luck!
Hi Susan,
Like I said before ,the more the merrier.I don't have any specfic goals either b/c I really don't know what I am capable of.I guess I do have a goal...I want to fit back into my jeans comfortably.So ,I can afford to lose at least 5lbs.After that its just a bonus.I did take my measurments and my weight on Monday.I wrote them down and now can't find it.
I am pretty tired today.I worked 2 jobs and I have been up since 5.I had a quick nap on my dinner break.That made me feel alot better.
My eating wasn't that great today.I had a couple of treats so I skipped on of my meals.I only ended up with 4 meals.I am hungry tonight but I need to get blood work done in the morning so I can't eat anyway.
I hope everyone else had a good day.Caht to you in the morning!
Good MOnring everyone,
I am still hungry:) 8 hrs later.Thats o.k, I only have another 2 hours to go and then I can get my blood work done
I slept in.I had the alarm set for 6 but i didn't get up until 6:40.I went to bed at 11 last night.I would have went to bed earlier but I wanted to watch my t.v shows.
PUB is in a few minutes.I was gonna do a cardio to if I got the time but I won't be able to now.I am not aloud to drink alot of water either,just sips, so I wasn't even gonna work out in the a.m.I drink alot of water when I workout.
I think I am going to go for a run when I got off of work this evening.Tomorrow I am going to weigh myself.I was going to wait until 4 weeks but I can't wait that long.I am one of those people who totally beleives what the scale tells them, not good.I will wait for 4 weeks to take my measurments.
Hope everyone has a good upper body workout.One more day to go before cheat day.I have had a few treats this week so I am not really craving anything.I have to make a cheesecake for the dinner saturday night,I will have a piece of that.It seems like this week went by fast to me, as anyone else thought that?
Hi Everyone,

Did PUB this morning. I wasn't feel up to par, sinuses have been bothering me, but I did it and felt better for it. I was starving by the time I got done so I had a good breakfast. Not sure what this weekend will bring. I am actually not craving anything so not sure what I will do on Saturday (which is my cheat day).

Saturday I am planning on weighing myself and taking my measurements. This week did seem to go pretty quickly for me also. Hopefully it will keep up. I am planning on doing PLB and PUB until I get the new videos. I am also mixing up my cardio with Imax, Treadmill and the bike.

Not sure if I will make it on again over the weekend, so wishing everyone a nice weekend and see you for week 2.

Welcome to all the new people

Rhonda, if you don't check in again have a great weekend!

Today was first day I felt human since getting sick, but don't have any food in the house since I was away for a few weeks, and before that the hurricane/lack of electricity ruined all my food...will have to do major shopping this weekend

...this a.m. had a protein shake and banana, which is my usual morning breakfast...seems to hold me better until 10:30/11 than do eggs or oatmeal. Did PS BBA, and tried to get in time on the treadmill but it died on me, so will try again tonight or do some powerwalking outside. I will need to do more cardio than indicated on the program as my legs are my major problem and I can't do heavy lifting because of bad knees.

Hope everyone else is having a good day.
Im glad your feeling better.I hate it when I am sick..but who doesn't;)
I had a good upper body workout today.Although I didn't want to do it.I also went for a run at 6.I should of ate at 6:30 but I only just got my meal about 30 min ago.I was starving so I just made myself some more egg whites in a wrap.Everything I ate this week was wrapped up.
We went out for lunch today at work, and I am very proud of myself.I had mostly veggies, a little bit of rice and some chicken.Then I tasted the carrot cake.It was a buffet so people tend to overeat when it is a buffet.I was ready for my 3rd meal at 3:30.
I don't think I am going todo my cardio tomorrow morning.I have to be at work by 7 so I may sleep until 6 and then go for a run when I get home at 11.
I hope everyone had a good day!

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