BFL check in week 10/26


Hi everyone,
Starting my fourth week. I have ate horribly this weekend. I did lose 3 pounds last week. Hoping to do so again this week but I really have to watch what I eat.

My plan is this for working out

Monday - BB Legs & Glutes
Tuesday - Kick punch crunch warm-up,Imax Intervals 1-5
Wednesday - PUB
Thursday - Kick Punch Crunch low and high intensity
Friday - PLB
Saturday - Imax intervals 6-10 and low intensity of KPC

On the Imax days I may go with Imax 2 but this is what my week is looking like.

How is everyone else doing?
Hi Everyone,
I have been on the missing list.....and I haven't been a very good girl!x(
Needless to say, I didn't get back on track last week.My week was way to hectic.I was tired,worked to much and had to many social events.I can see now that the week ahead is pretty laid back.Besides for work, I don't have any other plans.
I think I am going to start from the beginning though.Considering that I only did it for 1 week.Im such a loser. got your workouts? How are they? I am in canada and I am getting mine express postage.I am hoping that they may be here by Tues, or wed.I can't wait.
Well, ladies.I am ready to start fresh tomorrow.I am not quit sure what the workout is going to be but I know that I am doing a a.m workout and then a run in the afternoon.I think I am going to keep my BFL book near my bed, when I get into bed at night I think I will read a success story to keep me motivated.
chat to you in the morn'in!
Hi Everyone,

Did Legs & glutes this morning. It is more of an endurace workout like Leaner Legs. Doing only one set of most exercises. I enjoyed it and I can feel it in my outer glute right now, so I am wondering if I will be sore from this workout. Only time will tell.

Runner2 - The workouts seem to be nice, not what I thought they were going to be. I figured they would be more hard core using heavy weights but they use light to moderate on most. I haven't done them all so can't say how they all are. The one I probably will not use that much is Step Blast the step portion. I just am not much of a stepper anymore. It is hard for me to use them in the BFL rotation but I am trying.

Back to getting my eating under control. The weekend was bad for me. So today is a fresh start and I have done well so far.

Hope everyone has a great day.

I am back. I did not post last week at all. I ate pretty good except for Sun. It was my husbands graduation day and we had a big dinner at our place with family. I get bored easy with doing the same workouts all the time so I am mixing things up this week and doing the CTX series in whole. Each day I will add the PUB up only to the body part I am working. I was suppose to start this morning but I was too swiped out from the party last night. I hope to start tomorrow morning. Hope everyone has a good day.

Rhonda I am so jealous that you have the new series!! I am waiting for the DVDs.

Hi everybody. I am doing very well with workouts and pretty good with eating. I have lost 2 pounds in 4 weeks and hope to lose 5-6 more. Today I did Firm 5 day abs and then all the standing work from PLB. Tomorrow is Boot Camp - which has become my favorite!

I think I will have to increase my weights soon. On PLB I am still about 10 pounds lighter than what Cathe uses on the video. My dumbbells stop at 12 pounds, so I think I will pick up a set of 15 and see how it goes.

Good luck to everyone this week. 8 more to go.
Morning all!

Had a pretty good weekend, tho' my weight is back up...guess alot of the weight I lost with the bug I picked up in Mexico was not real...but I still have kept off the inches i lost.

Did the new kickboxing tape on Saturday. Got through around 30 minutes before I crashed. I just don't have the stamina yet...but I really like the tape and will work on getting through it...eventually.

This morning did slow and heavy Chest and Back for the first time. I liked it alot. Think I will do another week of the S&H series before going to Pyramids.

Did alot of good cooking this weekend for the week, so if I stick to what I made I should do well.

Runner...glad you are back and trying again. Hope everyone else continues to push and stay on target.
Hi Girls-
Rhonda told me about this forum, so I'm joining you on the BFL program. I'm only on week 2 - which is pretty exciting since I've tried this program a bunch of times, and only made it until day 5. As soon as the first weekend came, I caved! But, I lost 3 pounds last week - only 12 more to go!

For workouts, I'm doing the rotation Cathe posted -I think it's September rotation. I just bought the Intensity Series, so that's my next rotation.

Are you guys doing a cheat day? Also, how many caleries are you trying to stay within? Are you just doing the BFL eating program but not the workouts? that's what I'm doing.

Thanks and good luck everyone!!!!!
Hi everyone,

Got up this morning and did the w/up of KPC and Imax intervals 1-5. They are finally getting easier, if I dare say that. I feel as if I am getting more jump in my jumps.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Morning all!

Well, I blew my eating to bits! All the good food I had prepared and instead I ate pretzels and cookies and halloween chocolate. What a mess! I ate so much last night that my stomach hurt. I was so angry at myself, that it affected my sleep...woke up at 4 am still angry and couldn't go back tos leep, so decided to just consider yesterday a write-off, and start again. So...I got up, walked the dog, then jogged/powerwalked 2 miles, and it felt great. Then I came back and did some good stretching. Back on target, I hope.

Gemini, welcome to the answer to your question I am trying to do both the eating and the working out...pushing my weights up gradually though, because I'm no spring chicken, and I don't want to hurt myself.

Hi Everyone!

I am a little late checking in this week - I had an off week-end. Why is it when my DH is around, I just go right off the plan!! He got home early from work Friday, and that was the end of my BFL for last week. Oh well, I didn't pig out, just didn't eat good foods. (Pizza anyone?) I did try to work out Saturday, but only got PUB Abs section in.

As for this week, I'm just having a hard time eating - period. I just forget to eat. Then, when I realize that it's one o'clock and I haven't ingested any food yet I get hungry and eat whatever. (Like a PB&J because I can make it quick!). SO, the food and the number of meals is still on my to do list. Speaking of lists, is anyone doing the win list that Bill talks about in the book? I would love to, but I know I'll do it tonight and probably forget by morning!! Also, did everyone make a dream list of 5 goals to achieve in the 12 week program? This I didn't do, but again - may do it tonight while I'm thinking about it.

Anyway, I have been working out pretty well. Yesterday I did 1st half of Bootcamp, then the baby woke up and I could work out NO MORE!!
Today I did PUB. Ya know, I just end up all over the living room when doing pikes on the ball, but it makes me laugh so hard I figure I'm still getting a good ab workout! I think tomorrow I will attempt IMAX 2 first 5 intervals, or the last five on IMAX. I know people are doing Bootcamp for the cardio, but does anyone just do the cardio portion? Or are you doing the whole workout? I know, I'm always asking questions...but I really like to know how the workouts can be used differently. Sorry this is long, I've missed everyone!!

Have a great Wednesday!

Hi everyone,

Did PUB this morning. I just do the up portion.

Tricia - I only have the VHS' and am wondering how to the bootcamp, cardio only. I would skip the weight portions because I am getting in the weight stuff other days. I haven't wrote anything out except what I do each day on my calendar and also keep track of the weights I use for each exercise. Otherwise I don't write anything down.

tomorrow I plan on doing the low and high intensity of KPC. It looks like it will work out to be just over 30 minutes but hoping to get a good workout in. Will let everyone know.

Eating has been good this week. We are running low on food and don't get paid til Friday so I cannot go buy anything til Saturday. It has been soup for lunch everyday this week. We are scraping by with dinners. Had fish on Monday, tuna casserole yesterday (I know not the healthiest but I did have a big portion of green beans so I wouldn't eat a whole lot of pasta), tonight is going to be steak. Thursday and Friday haven't decided since we don't have anything else to eat. It is hard because I only get paid once a month and usually at the end of the month we are scraping by.

hope everyone is doing well
Good Morning everyone,

I am getting ready to do my workout in about 1/2 hour- looks like Imax 1-5 today.

Rhonda - I have the DVD for BootCamp, but I think you could do cardio only of this using your VCR - You can get a "brief break" as Cathe would say, while you fast forward to the next segment! I was actually worried about doing the Cardio only for this reason - I can't imagine having no break between those killer cardio sections!
I know what you mean about scraping by -my DH owns a construction company, so we can go 4-6 weeks sometimes without getting paid, but still have to pay our employees. It gets scary, but I know you will find a creative way to get through the week. (I can sense this about you!)

Good luck with eating today everybody & enjoy your workout!!

Hi Tricia,

Glad you found us. We usually start a new thread each week so on either Sunday or Monday a new thread will start with the new date in it. I usually do all Cathe for my stuff. I may add in bike or treadmill once a week for a different break but this week with the new Videos I wanted to get some other cardio in so I chose to do KPC on Wednesday instead of the bike/treadmill. This is my 4th week on the program. So far so good. sometimes the eating is a challenge since my free day is on the weekend and it seems to sometimes run into two days then Monday comes around and I get back in gear since I am working and only take so much food with me. No time to snack and we have no vending machines in the building so that is helpful. It is getting to cold to walk to the store so I am stuck inside with what I bring and that helps keep me on track. Good luck with the program.

Morning all!

Yesterday was a good eating day, stayed on target and kept my portions small.

Today did S&H Legs.

Hi All,

Did the low and high intensity along with combo 1 and the abs from KPC. Wow the abs are tough for me. They are sore and I could barely finish them. Something to work up to. This was a good workout this morning. Each time as long as time is permitting I will change up and do a different combo (there are three). I think I got a good workout with this.

Hope everyone is doing well. Plan on PLB tomorrow morning.

Hi everyone!

I'm doing the slow and heavy series this week, with some CTX cardio in between. I've been doing really well on the eating plan, and tomorrow is my long awaited cheat day!!! I can't wait! Last week I really didn't allow one, so i'm definitly not passing it up this time.

Hopefully, I'll continue to lose some pounds after this weekend..we'll see!
I wish I could stick to the eating plan, but every day a handful (at least) of pretzels land in my mouth. Just crave that salt!

Exercising has been the slow and heavy series, and my power walking has been more jogging this morning/Tuesday and it feels great. Walking just doesn't give the same high as jogging.
My breath is much stronger and I can go for longer, and my legs have been holding on ok.

Hope everyone is having a good day.

Hi everyone,

Did PLB this morning, only going up and didn't bother with the floor. I was just tired after doing what I did so I listened to my body and kept it short. My lats and obliques are sore this morning from the KPC video I did yesterday, even my glutes are sore from the kicking. Yeah, used muscles that I haven't in a while. Hopefully I can keep the KPC video in each week. We will see.

Saturday is Imax intervals 5-10 and abs. It is also my cheat day and I cannot wait. For some reason this has been a harder week keeping my will power but I have done it. Also, I take measurements and weigh myself on Saturday so we will see what is happening.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

well, remember yesterday when I said I was doing great on my eating plan? well...I blew it and ate pizza for dinner. I had an obnoxious amount of slices, so then I thought..that will be my cheat day. Which really stinks, since I didn't get to enjoy the early part of the day (as being my cheat day!). So- it's halloween and I have to control myself.

It's slow and heavy back and bi's tonight. Then off to a halloween party -where I promise not to drink too many chocolate martini's!

Have a great halloween everyone...
Hi everyone,

Well, I have been pretty proud of myself this week. On Thursday I did IMAX 2, all but interval #7 (tuck jumps). I didn't do that one because I was afraid of waking up the baby making too much noise. I almost did interval #10 twice, but I thought to myself that I'd done 4 extra intervals and that was fine. I was so proud of myself because I've never made it all the way through that one. (Which works out well using BFL- you only need to do half on cardio days!)

But then yesterday was Halloween and my birthday, so my DH took us out to dinner at the Olive Garden. So, my birthday cake is a Black Tie Mousse Cake -he bought one to bring home!!!! Needless to say, I have a cake in the fridge that has the ability to negate all the working out I did for the past two weeks!! (Our church is having a spaghetti dinner today and I'm seriously thinking of taking the remaining pieces to donate for desserts. Imagine the impression that would make with people coming in to eat!!)

I did do PLB yesterday, so it wasn't a complete wash. But I can see I'm going to need to focus on getting my meals in, even if it's 4 shakes and 2 real meals. As it is, I'm only eating lunch and supper on a regular basis.

As usual, I have a question. Is everyone doing upper & lower strength twice a week, or only once? I can't remember what Bill said about this in the book. I'll look that up, but as I'm going now I only get one day for each and 3 cardio days. Maybe day 6 should be total body? What are your thoughts/suggestions?

Good luck over the weekend, I think I'll do all of Interval Max 1 today to burn off that cake!!


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