BFL Week-2


Well,we made it thru one week. I have to say it didn't seem that bad.Probably b/c I had my treats here and there and thats why I wasn't really craving anything yesterday.
I had my cheat day yesterday.I still followed that plan to some extent.I didn't work out.
I weighed myself yesterday morning and I was down 3.5 lbs.And 1/2in around my waist.I won't weigh myself anymore until next saturday.
I am going to be going away next saturday unitl mon and I am hoping that I will be able to follow that eating plan, if nothing else.I don't want to throw it all out the window, if I do I will have a hard time trying to get back on track tuesday morning.
I don't know if anyone else notices this, but yesterday I found that the least amount of food would fill me up.Im not starving anymore and I am not over eating.My husband sat down last night with chips, dip and bar and I can honestly say that I didn't want any.I am sure there will be a point in time when I would like to get in the bag and eat my way out but I think that this program really gets you tuned into listening to your body.What you want to eat, rather then eating b/c its in front of you.
They are also having pizaa at work mon night, I don't know how I am going to get out of that one.I will just say I am not hungry, which I probably won't be b/c I will eat my normal dinner at home before I go to work.
I think I am going to do cardio today and weights tomorrow.Its nice to do cardio after a cheat day.
I hope everyone else had a good week and hopefully you are all looking forward to this week to!
Yes, made it through week 1. I did my cardio Saturday and my cheat day. Didn't do badly either. I had a bowl of ice cream for dessert and a couple of other small things. Sunday was no exercise but I did eat some popcorn. Plan on doing PLB for Monday's work out.

I lost 1 pound this week. Took my measurements also. I weigh myself each Saturday and will do measurements once every four weeks. So back on track and ready for week 2.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Congrats on the weightloss.The scale was showing me 3.5 lbs but sometimes I can get that low without even trying.When we get pass 129lbs thats when I will know its business.I have noticed a little difference in my clothes.Thats the big sign in my eyes.
I didn't do very well yesterday.I went for a run but I had a big dinner b/c it is thanksgiving here.I probably should of saved my cheat day for yesterday.There was no real need for it saturday.Where I went I could of easily ate the BFL way and I didn't need to have a glass of wine.So, back on track today.At the begining of the weeks I think I am going to throw out anything sweet that has made it in the house.Thats what I did last week and it worked.By the end of last week I didn't really want anything sweet b/c everything that was sweet was tasting SUPER sweet.
We are going away on Saturday and I am going to try and keep my cheat day at bay.I will be travelling most of saturday so I may be able to put it off until sunday.Then when I get back I can do cardio and upper body on tuesday.
What do you guys think of this.. If you only eat 3 meals(lets say) on your fourth one would it be wise to eat 2 servings of both? Will our bodies go into starvation mode with such little food if we don't.I think either this would be a good idea or a really bad one.
I may post it on BFl forum.See what everyone else does.
Talk to you soon
I think it best to eat at least 4 times a day. 5 if you can. This stops extreme hunger and that means less chance of over eating. If you were only going to get 4 meals i would eat double the protein and keep the rest the same as if it were a normal meal. That is my suggestion. Protein takes much more time to digest and therefore requires more calories (metabolism).
Hi All,

I did PLB this morning. I upped my weights on all but the deadlifts. I have to be careful to keep my shoulders back and really use the hamstrings. I also did the floor work with the ball today. I was doing what Brenda was doing up til the leg lifts but figured lets go all out today. Wow, forgot how hard it was. I could't do all the lifts but I did what I could. Does anyone else have problems holding their butt off the floor while lifting for the ham exercises? I am wondering if the hamstring is already so tired that I can't keep myself lifted and it will just take some time or what.

I have started my day off with a protein shake. Does anyone else just have a protein shake in the morning? I am trying this to see what happens, if I get hungry quicker or if it will keep me full til my morning snack.

Runner2 congrats on your weight loss.

Time to get to work, have a great day everyone.

I did well last week, but didn't workout on Sat. or Sun. and didn't eat very well either day because I had company in town. This morning I had a Myoplex Lite shake and some coffee. I did about 20 of PLB and then my knee started to hurt more than usual when I did lunges so I stopped. Arrrgh, I am so frustrated with myself. Tomorrow is Tae Bo or Cathe Kickbox, then PUB for Wed. I haven't weighed or measured myself yet, but I don't feel a big loss.
Uh, just finished PLB.I had to have 1/2 of a protein bar earlier before I worked out b/c I was starving.I don't worry to much about eating before weight work but I like doing cardio on an empty stomach.
The hunger as started again.I found by the end of last week that I wasn't as hunger when I finished a meal but today (so far) I have been HUNGRY!I just finished a turkey wrap with cranberry sauce.
I don't normally eat alot of protein shakes b/c they don't fill me up very well.I try to eat real food as much as I can and I save the bars and shakes for whenI have less time.
Is everyone excited to start week 2?
Morning all! Congratulations on your weight losses runner2 and rhonda! Terrific beginning.

rhonda, I have a protein shake every morning with 1 cup mixed fruit, and it fills me until 10:30-11 when I generally have celery/grapetomatoes/jimica snack, along with 1 stick string cheese and 6 almonds. I am a creature of habit. I eat again at 12:30, generally my main meal of the day. Today it will be salmon, bulgar and zucchini heated in the microwave.

Well, I still seem to be suffering from whatever bug I picked up in Mexico, and it's nice to have little appetite, but I also have no stamina. Slept all least 2 naps every day. Took Saturday as my rest day, hoping to recuperate, then yesterday did Leaner Legs as well as my cardio in between napping. Am trying to catch up on all I missed last week with being sick.

This morning did PS CST, and if I have enough energy, will do Kari Anderson's curl tape for my abs tonight.

Hope you all have a good day.

Well the weekend was a joke with eating for me. Why can I not stay focused on the weekends. We were sooo busy doing house stuff and I worked out on top of it so I probably evened everything out but I want to lose! I do not weigh myself until this Fri. I also finally found my beginning measurements so I am going ot measure myself this Fri too. I could not get up this morning so I plan to do the Viber this evening and then Tues is my workout off day. I try and keep my cheat day to Sat. Do any of you drink wine and if so do you keep it to your cheat day only? I just like a small glass with dinner sometimes but I was thinking I should take it out all together. Let me know your thoughts. Have a great week!
Hi Everyone,

The weekend was also pretty rough for me with eating. I had so many social things going on where they had plenty of chips, dips, and candy. My willpower was not very good. I am pretty disappointed with myself, but all I can do is start back up fresh today which I have. I had 2 hardboiled egg whites for my meal one, and meal two is a tuna salad. Later, I have a cottage cheese. I am still cutting back on carbs.

Today is cardio day for me. I am going to do 6 intervals of Imax 1.

Congrats to everyone else who is doing well!! As for the number of meals a day, I usually can get 4 or 5 in, but never 6.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning everyone....
I am so sleepy!
I didn't do very well with my eating yesterday.Anyone got any tips about how to stay on track after cheat day? I don't understand.We feel so much better when we eat healthy but why don't we want to?I know last week I felt like a million bucks and I didn't even want any junk food.Now I keep thinking about the cookies that are in the cupboard.I think when I use to eat junk before I never use to taste it.I didn't really savor the moment.But last week when I had something sweet it use to almost knock my taste buds over.I have to realize that this isn't just a diet, it is a way of life.I can adapt to this the sameway I adapted to my old eating patterns.
I did PLB yesterday and I can certainly feel it today.I never feel totally fatigued with PLB but wait till the next morning comes! I also did Imax2 yesterday afternoon and the Curl dvd.Who said that they got that one? Its my favorite ab workout.
I am not sure what I am going to do today.I am going to drink my coffee before I workout.I may to Kathy Smiths Timesaver, or if I am really awake by that time I may be able to do something from the terminator dvd.I am also going for a run tonight.It should be a good cardio day, hopefully the eating will also be good!
Hope everyone has a good day!
Hi All,

Well I did Imax 2 intervals 1-5. Forgot how much more intense that is compared to Imax (at least for me). I certainly hit my 10s. I want to start adding a short yoga segment in the evening a couple times a week so maybe I will go home and do that. We will see. I am really tired today and not sure why.
tomorrow I plan on doing PUB and hoping to increase weights a little.

Hi Everyone!

Last night I did intervals 6-10 of Imax. Some of those intervals from Imax 1 seem to blow me away, especially those power scissors! Tonight is PUB. I'd like to increase my weights for tris and bis. Biceps are a weak area on me. Cathe starts with 10's and I have to start with 5's!!

Eating was really good yesterday, so I hope to keep that up today.

Question, out of curiousity, does everyone follow the 3 days of cardio, 3 days of weights plan, alternating between upper and lower body? I am asking because I was thinking of doing a split where I do cardio and add in two body parts for weights, and be sure I hit each body part twice per week. Any opinions?
I am doing the following and I really like it. I am seeing results and I do not get bored. I like working everything 2 times in the week.

Mon - PS CST
Tues - Imax Extreme, ME abs
Wed - PS BB no abs
Thurs - 10-10-10 cardio only but no stepping and cardio only of bootcamp and abs only of bootcamp, PLB up only and floor work
Fri - 45 min interval run, CW abs
Sat - The Viper(circuit workout with ME weights) PUB abs only
Sun - go for a walk or just take it off
Alandrum, what is Viper? Ooops, we were posting at the same time. Now I know.

Runner2, I do Curl at least twice a week--love that tape! Think it hits every area of the abdomen, and Kari is such a personable instructor.

Got in a powerwalk last night since they were predicting rain today...then this morning did Cathe's Kickboxing...20 minutes worth before I had to dash off to work. Am still suffering from the stomach bug I picked up in Mexico...have little appetite. Not the way I wanted to lose weight, but have dropped 2 pounds since last week. Only 1 pound away from my intermediate goal. Haven't been this low in over 10 years. I am actually starting to look proportional instead of totally pearshaped. My legs and hips will always be large, but they are starting to look almost acceptable. Have almost lost 30 pounds since I started two years ago. It's very exciting.

Forgot who just asked...I do two days of legs no matter what in addition to cardio...since it's my worst area I feel I need the extra day, so I end up with 2 days upper body, 2 days lower and at least 3 days cardio if not more.

Have a great day everyone!

The Viper is on the Terminator DVD. It is 1 cardio from CW, 1 Imax2 interval and the 2 to 3 weights from ME and then it repeats the whole cycle 3 more times with different workouts.
Good Morning All,
Once again, I am so sleepy.I set my alarm for 6 and I crawled back into bed.So,needless to say,I didn't get to workout before work.I am planning to come home early for my lunch or I will workout between 5-7.I have to work again at 7:30.I hate these types of days.All I do is work.
I ended up doing BootCamp yesterday and I didn't get out for a run.It was to windy and cold.My back is sore from bootcamp.It was a little hard on the legs to b/c they were sore from PLB the day before.
My eating still needs some adjusting and I need to pick up groceries but I am going away for the weekend and I don't want to pick anything up until I get home.
Anyway,I hope everyone else had a good upper body workout;-)
Hi everyone,

Did PUB this morning and went up in weights on everything but biceps. I was happy with myself.
Tomorrow is either treadmill or bike. Haven't quite figured it out yet.
Eating was pretty good yesterday. Dinner we had goulash but I did limit myself so I figured that is good. I don't like to eat too many high carbs in the evening but I have to admit it did taste good : )

I was so tired that I went to bed at 8pm and slept good.

Saturday for sure will be my cheat day. We are going to the U of Michigan football game and we all know there is no good food there. We usually eat at home but get popcorn or some sort of snacky thing there.

Have a great day everyone.
Ronda do you live in MI? I live in Roseville MI.

This morning i did Power circuit cardio only(with the leg work) and the ball work from PLB and PUB. Today is my cheat day because one of my co workers is leaving and we are havign a food feast for him. I hope I can show some control. hehe Have a great day everyone!
Morning all! Did Leaner legs this morning, some supplemental exercises for my inner thighs, and 20 minutes on the treadmill. Am trying to expand my jogging up to 5 minutes out of the 20, and my breathing is much better.

Eating yesterday was not on target...I had made lots of good meals but my stomach couldn't take it. Ended up having only breakfast (protein shake and fruit) lunch (salmon, bulgar, zucchini and a plum), then a bunch of soda crackers, 1 stick of string cheese and almonds for dinner. No way I could eat extra food.

Have a great day everyone!


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