BFL Week-2

alandrum - yes I do live in MI out in Stockbridge. It is 20 minutes north of Chelsea. Not sure how far apart we are. I work in Ann Arbor.

Susan - good job on upping the running. I try to do that myself but wow running to me is hard. I do the aerobic portion as outlined in the book when I do the treadmill or bike. My treadmill running is not fast. I usually go about 8 minutes total of running. Then again I count jogging as running. I start with a walk, the power walk, up to a jog, and then run, back to the walk and do that routine. How are you working the treadmill?

Hi Gals,
Well, I got my UB workout in.I ended up leaving work at 2 b/c there was nothing going on.Now I am going for a run.Shorter then normal, but I have to be at work by 7:30.As you can tell I live in a really small town where you can get from A-B in very little time.
I think while I am away this weekend I will look for the BFL journal.Or anything related to BFL.Never know, he may have some new stuff out now.
Rhonda, I vary my treadmill...espec. since I am doing more than 3 days a week. I try to do 2 days "steady state"...start at 3.5 mph, then in about 2 minutes up it to a power walk at 4.0-4.2, and stay at that pace for about 15 minutes or so before starting to slow down. Sometimes I will add an incline to challenge my body. On my cardio BFL days, I am trying to start at 3.5, up to 4.0, then 4.3, then see how long I can jog at 4.5 (like today), then back down to 4.0 power walk for recovery, then try to up it a notch or two for a really fast power walk before slowing it down at the end. Once I feel my breath is under control, I am going to go to intervals, which is what I was doing before I went away. I was pushing myself up to 2 to 3 5.0 mph jog intervals, and it was tough for me. Since I got back from Mexico, however, I've lost alot of my stamina.

Hi everyone,

Susan-This is what I did this morning on the treadmill, warmup for 2 minutes at 3.0, upped to 3.5 for a minute, 4.0 for a minute, 4.5 for a minute, 5.0 for a minute, back down to 3.5. I do this 4 times and on the fourt time I add in 5.2-5.5 (what feels good) for a minute then back down to 4.0 for 2-3 minutes and cooldown for 5 minutes. My workout ended up being around 28 minutes this morning.

Friday I plan on PLB. Eating has been pretty good this week. Surprising since TOM is on its way and I usually crave chocolate or salty foods. So far none of those cravings.

Saturday I plan on doing IMAX 2 intervals 6-10. Then Sunday I can relax.

Have a great day everyone
I haven't got a chance to workout yet today.I am taking my time, sipping my coffee.
I went for a run yesterday afternoon.And beleive me it was a run.I think it was the fastest time I ever ran.But now there is something wrong with my leg.It as sort of been bothering me off and on all week.Its not my knee, its more in my quad area.It felt the sameway earlier in the week but I did PLB on it anyway.So,I don't know if I am going to get a cardio workout in today or not.I don't like putting alot of strain on my leg.Although it doesn't hurt when I do other exercises, its mostly when I do the exercise that caused it:-(
I am noticing some nice definition in my upper body.I did PUB yesterday but left out the back portion b/c my back is still sore from BC.I left the barbell loaded at 35 lbs when doing back.Really toasted it!:eek: Yesterday I upped my tricep work to 5,8 and 10lbs for tricep kickbacks.I use to use 5,5 and 8lbs.
It was funny b/c one of my little girls friends came to the house yesterday while I was working out.They came downstairs where I was working out and the little girl was in awe of what I was doing.I am pretty sure her mother doesn't workout, she walks alot but I don't think she lifts weights.My little girl was talking to her and she wasn't even paying attention to what was going on.I think she thought I was crazy.I didn't let on to how much pain I was actually in.I didn't want to turn her from working out for the rest of her life.It was while I was doing biceps with 15lbs:+ Poor thing!
Anyway, hope everyone is having a great day.
Runner2, biceps with 15#. I'm impressed! That's my goal, to get to 15#. My upper body just isn't strong. I can get in maybe 2 sets at 12# but it's a real push. Hopefully the BFL will get me to goal.

Thanks for the info on your treadmill workout Rhonda, think I will try it if I can get my treadmill to work again. It's on again, off again, must be a loose connection somewhere. Wasn't working this morning so did rebounding for 20 minutes, with sprinting to get my heart up higher.

Yesterday has to count as my free day...I really pigged out...I mean really. Had a bunch of cookies, then on the way home I craved icecream, bought and finished a pint last night. I was sooo sick during the stomach still isn't right, and the icecream and cookies did me in.

Today is a new day. Will rebound again tonight or power walk outside as I didn't feel it was as good a workout as I wanted this morning...not intense enough. Unless my treadmill works, in which case I will try to get my intervals in.

Have a great day everyone!
anyone out there? Seems to have slowed down a bit.

I did PLB and the floor part of PS legs this morning. It was a great workout. Tomorrow is Imax 2 intervals 6-10.

Eating seems to have been good this week. Tomorrow is also weigh in day for me so I am keeping my fingers crossed that I see something go down.

Hope to hear from others, have a great weekend
I have not been posting the last 2 days because I have been bad.x( Wed was my bad eating day and it seemed to roll over to thurs. I am trying to get back on track today. I was to tired this morning to workout but we have nothing going on tonight so I will try and do PS BB and 10-10-10 cardio with the abs and cardio from Bootcamp when I get home. Send me postive thoughts:):)
This morning did PSCST and felt like I really pushed myself. Felt good. If I have the energy will try some rebounding tonight. Have a good, successful weekend everyone.

Well eating as been pretty bad for me all week.
I think I will start fresh on Monday.We are going away for the weekend.It will be harder to work out and eat 6 meals a day.I eat healthy on a regular basis anyway but when you are on a little trip and eat out, we tend to make some "not so wise" choices.I maybe able to get some running in.
I didn't workout yet today either.I was just to tired to get otu of bed really earlier.I am planning on working out now shortly.
I hope everyone as a great weekend.I won't be able to check in anymore for a few days.I am not even gonna bother weighing myself tomorrow.:-(

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