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  1. R

    Another one for you! Hope I don't offend anyone! Scroll up till you see Mrs.Claus and read the directions for the game.
  2. R

    Any computer wizards?

    Thanks for the responses. So you are telling me that things can be "dug up" if need be? But once the computer is turned off does that mean that things are gone to la-la land and never can be retrived? We never turn our computer off, sometimes I wonder if that is whyI heat and light bill is a...
  3. R

    Any computer wizards?

    Do we have a computer wizard around here anywhere? I was wondering, when you delete and e-mail or anything from your computer is it completely deleted, or is it one of those things that you can come across when cleaning up your computer? Although an e-mail will ask "do you want to permently...
  4. R

    How stupid is this?

    Prehaps you should be the one proof Reading. Having a say and pretty much telling someone they are an idiot are to different things, I think in the end she explained herself quit well! How fast can your truck be moving if you are taking a turn????? Or are you a nascar driver? I don't think...
  5. R

    Am I to friendly?

    I can't beleive someone actually had the time to go back into the forums and looks up something that someone posted.Thats pretty lame!You must have alot of time on your hands.Im sorry...but I find this very childish. Either way Lori,don't worry about it.If people make you feel uncomfortable...
  6. R

    Marriage problems?

    Thanks ladies. I do like my space. I never use to. I could spend 24 hours a day with someone but as I got older I guess I changed. Plus, I started a new job and one of my co-worked thinks that he has to keep me company all the time. No matter where I go, I am being chased around by people who...
  7. R

    Marriage problems?

    HI Everyone, I don't post much but I need to talk to someone about this. I have been married for almost 4 yrs. To a great guy I might add.Currently he as been unemployed and at home alot. He is trying to find work but nothing as came up yet. I know it is normal to "sometimes" feel like you...
  8. R

    5'3" weight? UPDATE

    PHEW!:) The other thread was getting long and I also may add, how happy I was that I received so many responses.I know everyones bone structure,metobolism,etc...all play a big part in how we look but I wanted to know if it was possible for me to drop 10-15 lbs and live a normal life,without...
  9. R

    5'3" weigh?

    RE: 5'3 Wow, I didn't know this thread was going ot get so busy! I am glad alot of you answered my question. Now my next question is , if you weighed more at one point in your life,how did you lose the unwanted weight? Was it really all diet and discipline? I admit my problem is not my...
  10. R

    5'3" weigh?

    Hi Everyone, I know not everyone likes to talk about this a whole lot but I was looking for some insight. I need to set a goal weight and everytime I visit a site that tells you how much you need to weigh,it always says the same.I am now 5'3",med build,have a fair amount of...
  11. R

    What would you do?????

    I am going to answer your questions from the it maybe not paragraph form. 1.My friends don't make me feel bad about myself,obviously I am thinking that their self worth is greater then mine,b/c they make more money and they have the drive to do want they want.They also do not make me...
  12. R

    What would you do?????

    Thanks Ladies, I agree with Diane on the first part, workout and eating right was total habit for me.I ate low fat and healthy and I felt great about my body and myself.Now that I have few lbs on I feel like I am not sure what to do...and I don't even have it in me to do it. There probably...
  13. R

    What would you do?????

    HI Everyone, I have been struggling with the "motivation" think now for a few monthes and it is driving me insane! I don't want to turn this into another diet thread and I don't want to make it sound like I want a quick fix either.But yet it as a little bit of my diet involved. I use to...
  14. R

    WW is there a check in?

    Well, why don't we start our own little check-in here?I am not doing the on-line program,nor am I going to the meetings.A friend loaned me her book with the point system in it, so I am just using that.I am now 128 lbs and would like to be 120 lbs. Its not to much to lose but it may be the...
  15. R

    WW is there a check in?

    Good Morning Everyone, I was just wondering if there was a check in for people who are doing Weight Watchers and Cathe. I just started following WW on Friday and would love to have some company.I feel better already and it as only been 2 days. I think I am going to be weighing myself on...
  16. R

    WW and Cathe (again)

    HI everyone, I was wondering if someone could answer a couple of questions for me.I know that this topic as been kicked around here before I tried to find it but must admit that I didn't try very hard. I started WW today.Just the points, not the flex points.I am suppose to have 18-23...
  17. R

    Does this sound right?

    RE: Hey Liane -- Im there with ya on the butter Bobbi.I LOVE full fat butter on a slice of toast BUT I only have it once or twice every two weeks or so.How come having a candy like that doesn't satisfie me? I know I have a major sweet tooth but with alot of hard work I can control ot. On...
  18. R

    Does this sound right?

    These Numbers sound better.It tell me that I need 2290 cals.Thats still alot for me. The only thing I didn't like was the it said that my weight should be anywhere from 108-132.I am at the lower end of that scale.I am 127lbs,5"4" Am I really that close to being over weight. Sometimes these...
  19. R

    Does this sound right?

    Hi Liane, How long did it take you to lose the weight? Are all of your calories from nutrious meals OR do you sneak a treat in there everyday and if so how many cals do you allow your treat to be?(I love treats):) Do you eat after dinner or are your calories spread out over the day weather...
  20. R

    Does this sound right?

    Hi everyone, I know this topic gets kinda boring and repetative but I am not sure what to beleive in the "calorie" area.I have heard of how many we need and then there are diets out there that totally contradict what is published in mags or even what the experts say.Even Dr.Phils show...