Does this sound right?


Hi everyone,
I know this topic gets kinda boring and repetative but I am not sure what to beleive in the "calorie" area.I have heard of how many we need and then there are diets out there that totally contradict what is published in mags or even what the experts say.Even Dr.Phils show yesterday showed a lady who wanted to cut back on her sweet tooth and did you see what she ate that day? Not much as far as I am concerned.So,is less really more????? Or does more food mean less?????

I guess I am still trying to find out what works best for me.I am in pretty good shape.But like all of us,there are areas that need a little help.

I have recently been using log in all of my exercising and my food intake.Me,given my weight and height I need atleast 2567 calories, just to be me.Thats not including my exercise program that can range from running,step,kickboxing,swimming and weights.So if you add on another 500 cals to that(rough figure)Im looking at 3000 cals a day.

I would like to drop around 5-7lbs and I am not sure what route to take.If I shave off 1000cals from that diet,that still leaves me with 2000 cals a day.Does that sound right??? I don't think I can possibly eat that much.And to think that it also as to be healthy food.(alot of healthy food)

What about if I ate around 1600 cals, watched my sugar in take,ate healthy(most of the time:) )exercised and didn't eat anything after dinner.
Its just that I am so confused in this area.It seems like I do everything right but then I stay the same.I have even started a handwritten journal so I have all areas covered.And its not that I am concerned about what the scale says either.I just think that if I dropt 5-7 lbs then I would be at a weight Ive been at before and the annoying parts (like pants to tight around the waist)would be deminished.
Am I making any sense? I guess I just want to know what works best for everyone else? Eating more,eating less, eating more at the start of your day and then slowly decreasing it??
Thanks for reading this and any info you have would be greatly appreciated
I eat about 1500 calories a day, averaged over a week, but instead of risking going into starvation mode, I do it this way:

1200,1500,1800,1200,1500,1000,2200. I got this idea from and it has allowed me to lose 10 lbs from 140 to 130. I couldn't possibly be healthy at any lower than 125, and I'm now trying to get there, just to see if I can. This method is great, because physically and psychologically it's easier, and you have a lot more energy since you refeed a couple of times a week.

Hi Liane,
How long did it take you to lose the weight? Are all of your calories from nutrious meals OR do you sneak a treat in there everyday and if so how many cals do you allow your treat to be?(I love treats):)
Do you eat after dinner or are your calories spread out over the day weather you eat in the night or not?
Thanks for all your help,sorry about all of the questions, I am just trying to get my head wrapped around this
It took me 10 weeks. A pound a week. All my calories are from nutritious meals, on higher calorie days I eat more carbs. On the 2200 calorie day I eat the treatiest stuff, but I am one of those to whom junk food is just not worth it. I have lost any taste for most of it. Sometimes I eat sweets, but usually not.

I sometimes eat a tiny thing after dinner, if I'll be too hungry to go to sleep. A rice cake or piece of toast or fruit works well there. 50-100 calories, even if it puts me over for the day, is worth it in that case.
These Numbers sound better.It tell me that I need 2290 cals.Thats still alot for me.
The only thing I didn't like was the it said that my weight should be anywhere from 108-132.I am at the lower end of that scale.I am 127lbs,5"4" Am I really that close to being over weight.
Sometimes these calculators can be such a pain!
According to that website I should only weigh between 90-110 as I'm only 5'. I actually weigh around 123 and it says I'm at an unhealthy weight. But get this. It says my BMI is at a healthy range. Go figure.

It also told me to eat only 1200 to lose weight. I was doing that and actualy gained weight. I'm now eating 1500-1600 calories and I've lost weight since upping my calories.
You are small! I knew you couldn't need 2500 to just be you! Play with your numbers. Shoot for the lest amount you can consume without being hungry. I eat between 1800 and 2200 per day and it varies. More active days I want more and less active day I shave some off. Theres' a perfect range for you. Experiemt until you find it!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"
Hey Liane --

I know this is kinda idiotic, but I'm so intrigued by what you did and wondered if you'd share a sample menu for each caloric day.

I've been using FitDay myself as well as WW Online, and have been losing slowly. But when I took a careful look at what I was eating, I discovered two things -- one, I'm still eating too many carbs (over 40% of my day's intake) even though I've cut out everything starchy except for a sweet potato once a week to satisfy my jonesing for potatoes; and two, most of the time I'm eating more calories than I thought -- on what I thought was a clean, good day, I ate 1700 calories. For me, anything above 1600 and I'm at the break-even point where my weight will stabilize and loss will stall out. If I could do what you did and average 1500 a day, I know I could consistently lose about a pound a week just like you did. That's the way I want to do it, and I'm just struggling with creating menus for myself that keep me at least mostly satisfied and still stay below my break-even point. Any ideas you have would be terrific. Thanks! Kathy S.
RE: Hey Liane --

Kathy, I eat 55% carbs, 15-20 protein and 15-20 fat. Fat and protein flip flop. I eat potatoes at least twice a week. My family lives for them. I eat more vegetables than fruit and I eat alot of fiber. Breakfast and lunch are almost always vegetarian and I eat like a carnivore with my family at night. I always eat protein, fat and carbs together and I fear fat not! I turn my nose up at fat free and I favor good fats but I like full fat sour cream and butter and real cheese. Small portions! . Flavor satisfies! It's all in the balance. Finding the perfect number of calories for you and 1600 may be too low! I spent too many years thinking of food as evil and I won't allow any of that any more! I even quit fitday because I was obsessing over the numbers. I did learn by using it that my above listed ratios are consistent.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"
RE: Hey Liane --

Im there with ya on the butter Bobbi.I LOVE full fat butter on a slice of toast BUT I only have it once or twice every two weeks or so.How come having a candy like that doesn't satisfie me? I know I have a major sweet tooth but with alot of hard work I can control ot.
On fitday, I am lucky if I am taking in 1200cals a day.Whatever happened to eating until we were comfy,or just eating when we were hungry? I swear thats how I use to eat when I was growing up.
SOmetimes I wonder,is it just better to listen to our bodies, instead of fixating on numbers??????? Oh,I don't know.I think I am going to try the 1500 cal range.Give or take a few days.I know its all about cals in v.s cals out.But its so hard to know how many cals are going out.
RE: Hey Liane --

I will be happy to help you out. You can email me at [email protected] I don't know how helpful I will be for a couple of reasons. I am not a gourmet, I don't usually eat for taste. I don't usually get cravings, since I've been "depriving" myself of junk food for so many years. And, most importantly, I live alone. Daughter in college. So it isn't in the house at all.

So, I eat some plain yogurt with ground flax seed, a hard boiled egg and a carrot, a huge huge pan of sauteed greens with garlic and maybe a T. of olive oil. Vegetable soup with tofu. A spoonful of peanut butter by itself. An apple and 4 walnut halves. Sometimes I eat an open faced sandwich with 100% whole wheat bread. My idea of a treat is a piece of toast with butter on 1/4 of it. A sweet potato. A rice cake with low-fat cream cheese and a dab of blackberry jam. Totally air-popped popcorn with salt. I make bean burrito filling and then wrap it in lettuce leaves instead of tortillas. I drink a lot of water, a lot of green and black tea with soy milk in it.

Kinda boring I know. It's not for everyone. I do believe "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels." but I've been doing this sooooo long, I can't recall when I even thought about M&Ms or white pasta with alfredo sauce as things that are even food to me. I just don't think about them. I don't miss them, and when I eat them out of politeness or curiosity, they make me feel gross.

Please keep asking if you feel there is any affinity with my methods. I am happy to help if I can.
RE: Hey Liane --

Mmmmm, I love butter! I also buy a vegan butter which tastes great. It's called Earth Balance. It's kind of salty but that's not a problem since I don't use much. I love hard boiled eggs, so easy and wonderful with tomatoes! I am hooked on Amy's Organic vegetarian meals. I get my beans there and they are so easy! It's another source of pretty high sodium but I cook with very little salt and buy no salt added canned goods so I feel safe. My blood pressure is very low too. After a hard workout, popping a brown rice and tofu entree in the microwave while I cook additonal tofu in olive oil, garlic and a touch of soy sauce is easy and yummy. And I make huge salads with the usual fare and add green beans, peppers, broccoli or some other vegetable, lots of vegetables, to boost nutrition. I don't have much of a sweet tooth although I eat dark choclate most days, a small piece. Like Mogambo, I wouldn't touch Alfredo sauce with a ten foot pole, lol! But I will eat white pasta with my family. Most of the time I prepare whole wheat for myself though. I always order dressing on the side! There's a perfect diet for everyone and it has to be one that gets you were you want to be healthwise, but also what you can live with!

Bobbi "Chick's rule!"
I am not even keeping up with calorie intake, I eat as much protein as I can, with good veggies, and fruit, and I only eat till I am satisfied and then I stop, and I try not to eat after a certain time about 7 pm, but if I am hungry before bed, I try to eat something healthy. I have added running to my exercise, running is harder to me, but I think I am getting addicted to it lol. Bike riding soon to follow........... Rhonda :7

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