How stupid is this?


I have a 135 lbs dog and a 40 lbs dog.Had the big one first.
The big dog has huge bowls for his food and water, while the smaller dog...of course...has small bowls. The big dog eats all of the little guys food and water (same stuff, and I think he really hates him so he is trying to starve him to death) and the small dog eats out of the big dogs bowls.Even if I refill them while they are both there, they go to the opposite bowls.

DH had both dogs in the truck the other day and neither will jump out but when he looked in the mirror the small dog was running behind the truck.He thinks that chico pushed him out over the edge.Thank goodness he wasn't hurt! But a bit funny at the sametime.
Lori :)
I used to have 2 long haired dachshunds, God rest their little souls. We got dog #2 when dog #1 was about 6 years old. The older dog used to take all of the little doggie toys, one at a time, and put them on a chair so the puppy couldn't get them. It was hysterical!:7 :7 :7

Lori: i do not find anything humorous about your dog being pushed out of, or falling out of a truck! In fact, i find it distubing. It is completely unsafe to have animals in a truck unsecured. You are responsible for their safety. Not coolx(

They were in a jeep with the window down, not an open pan truck.This is what I am saying, it is only small enough for thier heads to stick out and it was almost impossible for the smallest to jump out, thats why we think when DH took the turn the big dog pushed him.
BELEIVE animals are VERY well taken care off!
I'd like to add to the bottom of this before ANYONE else gets the wrong idea:

The truck is not an open pan truck, it was a jeep with the window rolled down.It also has child proof windows, which means the windows are only gonna go down half way.And it is also older...with no air condiining.Would it not be more cruel to animals to have the windows rolled up in a heated jeep.I don't think there is anything unsafe about having a window 1/2 down, in the summer monthes, when you are co-oped up with two heavy breathing dogs.

I didn't mean it was funny that he was pushed out...heavens no.It would have broke my heart if he was injured. Im saying it was funny that it seems like Chico is trying to get rid of what we brought into the house.

I just wanted to make this clear before anyone else got the wrong impression.My dogs are very well taken care of it.I just wanted to share how it seems as if the older one is trying to get rid of the pup...thats fights intended.

:) :)

You really don't need to explain how much you love your dogs to defend yourself in what happened. Bottom line.....the story is funny. You don't owe anyone of us an explanation. Obviously, it was not meant to happen, but you made the best of the situation by turning it into humor! Good for you!

I have dogs too. Our Specky, the little toy fox terrier is the alpha dog. She does not like pig ears to chew on, but will take one from me if Stinky, our English Bulldog is nearby just to tease her. Then she rolls over the pig ears to say that is hers. They are such a trip!
Gotta love them though.

Thanks charlotte.When I wrote it I didn't think it was gonna come across the way that it may have to some.
They are funny.Somedays I vow I am not going to have another animal b/c the fur is UNREAL! And then there are days when I can't imagine how I am gonna feel when their last day arrives:-(
The puupy eats everything and doesn't even sniff it first.He is a lab so I think that is common.But the big dog is so fussy.So I will give them both a chewing bone, chico will drop his to the floor, b/c he doesn't want it yet and then charlie will try to fit both big bones in his mouth at the sametime.When charlie as his softened up a bit (all gross) Chico will then go over and try to take it from him.Or charlie will have his gone and chico is only just getting started.Then Charlie will sit and watch Chico eat and it looks like he is thinking..."how come I didn't get one?" As he burps!:)
Lori, from another animal lover you do not have to explain or defend yourself. Things happen with them (especially when you have two of them). Just like with children.

I am sure you love your animals. And it was pretty funny. I can relate, I have an 85 pound pitbull and a 20 pound Boston Terrier, I have some pretty funny stories too. :7
Oh, they are so funny!!! Dogs are just like kids aren't they? Sounds just like my oldest and middle kid, only I hope DD wouldn't push DS out of the car, or has she done that.....:+

I just checked out your photos and they are so cute! I am trying to talk DH into letting us get a dog. I really want a german shepard or golden retriever. I grew up with dogs, so I want my kids to have the same bond with dogs that I had. Hopefully he will cave soon ;(

Was the truck moving? If you post a thread, expect feedback. Loving your dogs and having any common sense are two different things.

Sometimes a little proofreading goes a long way.

Prehaps you should be the one proof Reading.
Having a say and pretty much telling someone they are an idiot are to different things,
I think in the end she explained herself quit well! How fast can your truck be moving if you are taking a turn????? Or are you a nascar driver?
I don't think there is any need for this.Someone tries to start a friendly post and everyone dumps on her b/c the window as 1/2 down and she didn't want her dogs to go without freash air.
Obviuosly you didn't read it very well if you didn't know if the vechile was moving or not!
>That was completely uncalled for and so not the point of her

Again, I agree. Happens too often around here and just plain sick of it to tell you all the truth. Too much drama!!!!!

Thanks having back up:) I never try to cause trouble around here and many others don't but this is one of those things, where...if you are not interested in the post why bother? Do you think I would haves dogs and put them in danger? My whole point is, isn't it against the law to have your dogs in a vechile with no air conditioning and the windows up? So if the window wasn't down DH would have been suffercating the dogs, pretty much.
People are so petty and so things for no reason. I think no matter how many nice people there are around here, there will always be the ones with rude comments!
> DH had both dogs in the truck the other day and neither will
>jump out but when he looked in the mirror the small dog was
>running behind the truck.He thinks that chico pushed him out
>over the edge.Thank goodness he wasn't hurt! But a bit funny
>at the sametime.
> Lori :)

Was the truck moving at the time?
Where estrogen goes, drama follows. Where testosterone goes, bloody noses follow. It is just a law of nature :p i hate to include myself in that, but unfortunately it is true.

Missy, :p :p :p ;-)

Lorihart, actually, I got the original feeling behind your post. I, too own dogs & know how rascally they are. But I also imagined the vehicle was moving at the time. You didn't really say. Remember that a car doesn't have to be moving fast for a little one to get injured under a wheel.


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