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  1. G

    Modifications help!!

    Hi All, I posted this a couple of weeks ago and every time I do a tape I find that I'm still wondering about the same stuff...can someone help out? I also want to reemphasize my question about knee smashes because those seem weird to me (and I think I recall Cathe saying that she stopped...
  2. G

    Do any of you get this?

    The one thing that I would be concerned about with yard work is toxoplasmosis--you also have to consider that if you scoop cat litter. If you do any gardening, be sure to wear gloves and wash your hands thoroughly as soon as you're done. I know our neighborhood cats use my flower beds as a...
  3. G

    Abs (and other) modifications, Sheila? Cathe?

    I'm sure that there is info. about all of this somewhere on this board as I probably read it way before I was pregnant...of course now I can't recall exactly what the parameters are on this stuff...enlighten me? Abs modifications: I'm about 15 weeks right now, just starting my second trimester...
  4. G

    My first Cathe tape!

    Oops--I mean Circuit Max! I noticed in the 10/10 thread that some of you mentioned that one--isn't it great?
  5. G

    My first Cathe tape!

    Since September 10th! Yay! I did all of Cardio Max and the abs section on the Kickbox from CTX. Finally--phew! I used to read the posts on this board and wonder how people could go for weeks without working out to Cathe, but the past month I have just been exhausted like a limp noodle and...
  6. G

    Has anyone bought anything yet?

    I'm really forcing myself to avoid it or I'll start going nuts! My mother sent me a box when I was about six weeks or so with a little onesie and a sweater and tiny little Winnie the Pooh "skull cap" and a Carter's blanket. She also send a few pairs of booties that were mine. I made her...
  7. G

    Check in (9/21)

    Hi All! Michelle, congratulations on your little girl! I know the not knowing is going to drive me batty, but we're not going to find out (this is our first) until on or around April 12, 2002! Renae, gosh, you're doing great with your workouts! And no're lucky. I've been...
  8. G

    Check in :)

    Checking In... Exhausted! That's pretty much all I can say...and still nauseas in the evenings. I'm an 8th grade teacher and our first day with kids is I'm a little nervous about being totally wiped out and never being able to exercise again! I'm still early (counting the...
  9. G

    It's a...

    Angela, Congratulations!! I saw your post and was surprised that you could already find out--it seems so fast! What a delight to see so much of your is such a miracle. I am counting the weeks (minutes?) until ours is big enough to actually see! I'm so glad that everything went...
  10. G

    new to this forum and to pregnancy!

    Funny you should mention symptoms ;-) Since the last time I posted things have been getting wacky. I've stopped praising myself for not having any nausea as it hit me over the weekend. Uggh. I'm not throwing up or anything, but feel really blah first thing in the morning and again in the...
  11. G

    JUST FOUND OUT......

    Cathe, That's wonderful news!!! I, too, noticed that you were popping in here quite often. What fun to be pregnant at pretty much exactly the same time (I'm due April 12th) as my fitness hero! All the best to you during these early weeks. My nausea kicked in with a vengeance this weekend...
  12. G

    Anyone feel like checking in for Aug. 17th?

    LAST EDITED ON Aug-17-01 AT 08:48PM (Est)[p]Hope I'm not overstepping any boundaries by posting this since I'm so new here, but I'm getting rather overly enthusiastic about being pregnant and figured I'd go for it :-shy Anyway, tomorrow begins week 7 for me (on the 10 month plan, that is)and...
  13. G

    new to this forum and to pregnancy!

    Amanda, Congratulations! Yes, first time for me, too, and I've been a nervous wreck (off and on :-)) since we found out. I *think* I'm due on/around April 12th, based on an ovulation date of July 21st, so I'm about a week ahead of you. My first doctor's appt. is on August 28th--I can't wait...
  14. G

    I know it sounds weird...

    ...but I just thought I'd share my exercise/talk-test method with all of you. I'm on day 17 (still completely nervous) and I've been working out as I normally do with my Cathe tapes. To check to see if I'm over-exerting I try to sing the "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" song from Mary...
  15. G

    Joining the check-in!

    Hi all! I posted back in June when I thought I "might be" but then I got my period in Italy--on our anniversary (!)--shortly thereafter. However...this moring that blue line was unmistakeable! Needless to say, my husband and I are beside ourselves right now--tentative because I'm literally 10...
  16. G

    Who knows, but just in case...

    Thanks everyone! I actually read that post from Angela back in November--I know, I thought that we were similar when I read it as well! I went off the pill around the same time. Hopefully I'll be joining you all "officially" soon...
  17. G

    Who knows, but just in case...

    Hi all, I've checked into this board several times in the past few months as we've been waiting to start "trying." I'm posting now because last night was our first official try! I have been following the Fertility Awareness Method for several months now and know that I am ovulating at any...