Check in (9/21)

Hey gals! Hope everyone is doing well and ready for the weekend!

I'm 25 weeks today, feeling GREAT (too good, it's scary). Had my ultrasound last week, and we are DELIGHTED that we are having a girl! So we'll one of each (our son is almost 6, and he's VERY excited!). :eek:) Actually, my ultrasound tape was BLANK when I got home, so they are giving me ANOTHER one next week. Yay, another opportunity to see the baby moving around.

I've been really enjoying my workouts; they've helped me feel less like a big round ball and more like myself, at least for that hour or so.

The baby moves CONSTANTLY, especially when I'm trying to settle in to sleep and EARLLLLY in the am, so guess what I'm in for?! Makes it difficult to sleep for sure, but nothing quite like that HUNGRY/WET WAIIIIIIIIL at all hours of the nite, right? Counting my blessings....

Best wishes to all you thriving mamas!

Michelle in So Cal
14 weeks here....

and counting (til the next ultrasound, that is! I'm so anxious to find out what it is!!).

Michelle, great news! I'm happy you're having what you most wanted. I know, it doesn't really matter, you'd have been just as thrilled with another boy, I'm sure, but it's nice when it all falls into place like that!

Still not a heck of a lot going on. I am feeling really good lately. Almost no fatigue, and still no sickness. No strange food cravings, either. I've been eating pretty normally. I'm delighted that I've only gained 4 pounds so far (I know I was moaning about it at last check in, but I seemed to have leveled off and haven't gained anymore since those first few weeks).

I'm working out 5, sometimes 6 days, a week. I do have to modify workouts down because I get winded more easily, plus I don't want to overdo it. I'm lightening the weights just a tad so I don't get too terribly out of breath during tapes like Tough Tape or strain myself. I've decided to save the S&H series til after the baby comes. I want to be able to lift as heavy as I can with those, and I know it's just not safe to do that while pregnant. So I figure they'll be my "motivator" after giving birth! :)

All in all, I'm doing really well. The pregnancy is going very smoothly so far. We'll see what song I'm singing in another couple of months, though!

My husband and dad keep asking when I'm going to start showing. My dad (who is across the country in FL) wants a picture of my stomach when it starts getting round. He's driving me batty, asking every week about it! You'd think this was his first grandchild (it's not)!

Take care, everyone!
Hi there!

So glad to see another check-in and I'm happy to hear that you are both doing so well. Looking forward to hearing from everyone else...INCLUDING YOU CATHE!

Michelle, congrats on the news of your little baby girl. That is so exciting. I'm thrilled to be expecting a boy...especially because I knew my husband wanted a son so much...but I'm already salivating for a little baby girl next! I know, I thing at a time. Lucky of each AND you get the chance to see your baby all over again next week!

Renae...nice to hear that you are feeling so great. I think you are quite lucky to miss out on much of those first trimester yuckies.

I actually had a doctor's appointment this morning (23 weeks) and everything is going great. Hearing that heartbeat never ceases to amaze me. Whoosh, whoosh!

I've been good about my workouts...and agree with Michelle...they make me feel so good. I must admit though, stepping on that scale this morning was NOT FUN. I've gained 20 pounds already and I'm only a little over halfway there. I know in my head that since I'm healthy and I'm working out, I shouldn't obsess about that darn scale...but I can't help it.

And...on a more postitive note...I'm feeling my little guy moving around like a martial arts expert. I remember asking Alli during our last check-in if I should be worried and right after that...bam...he start womb gymnastics. Many times during this past week, as I sat in tears and horror of the nation's tragedies, the baby would give me a friendly little jab and it made me smile in spite of it all.

I hope everyone is doing great. Looking forward to reading up on what's going on!
Hi Everyone! Oh you are all doing so great.

Michelle, a girl, how exciting. I'm happy for you. I keep hearing everyone toot in my ear that thats what they think I'm having. I'm fine with having either.

Renae, so happy to hear that you are doing so well. Sounds like you have a "big belly" fan in Florida :).

Oh and Angela, you cracked me up with your term "womb gymnastics". I, too, panicked with Eric when I would get on that scale month to month but now seeing that it does come off I feel a little more relaxed about it.

Well, I went to the doctor yesterday and I am 10 weeks along and have gained 4 pounds. I am a little nauseous these last couple of weeks but so far I have been able to keep it down. This week I was also getting short of breath quickly during my workouts and found myself lowering the intensity quite a bit. My clothes are definitely much more snug this week too. I have had to let go of my standard form fitting fitness tops and shorts this week, and instead wear looser lycra type t-shirts and shorts. I also need to pull out my better support bras from my last pregnancy. Funny how true it is that you show much faster second time around. Food wise, I have craved equal amounts of good and bad foods. I find though that I need to eat every two hours or I get nauseous again.

Favorite good food this past month: Ceasar Salad with grilled chicken

Favorite Bad Food this past month: Grilled open face corned beef on rye with russian dressing, cole slaw, and well done fries.

Favorite snack this month: McDonalds M&M Mc Flurry

Hope you are all doing well!
Hi Everybody-
Boy it sounds like everybody is doing pretty well!! So glad to hear it. And, kudos to all you mom's who are still exercising to consistently.. Great Job!!

I have one more week to go til my due date..It is so hard to be patient. The good news is that I am already 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced so there has been some progress.

I am still working out-- doing modified versions of Cathe's tapes as well as some power walking. I have gained 28 lbs altogether. My doctor said that was great for my body type. I have even have maintained some definition and tone in my legs and arms..(However, the belly is a TOTALLY different story! :)

The endorphin rush after a workout is helping a ton with these last weeks' rollercoaster of emotions that are so prevalent now. It has been a truly smooth and wonderful third trimester!

Hopefully the next time I post it will be with an announcement of the birth of our baby!.. Best wishes to all of you!!!


ps.. Hey Linda--- How are your faring??
Thanks Cathe!

Now I don't feel as gulity! I just walked in the door after getting my hair cut and stopping at McD's on the way home for a Peanut ButterCup McFlurry! (My lunch!YIKES! I'm not even pregnant!) I heard that McFlurries were low in fat because of the ice cream they use. Does anyone know if that's true? MAKE MY DAY!!!:7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Hi Lynn,

I can't believe we are down to only one week left. And I totally agree with you, that its so very hard to be patient. I get up everyday hoping that today is it. No luck so far. As far as progress goes I am 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced so far and have been there for about two weeks now. No contractions, that I am aware of yet.

I am still able to workout --- also doing modified versions of Cathe's tapes and walking. I have gained 23 pounds to date and actually lost 1/2 a pound at my last visit. I am happy to say I think I just might make it through without any stretchmarks :)! I also never really experienced any cravings.

I will be really excited to pull up this message board and see the post announcing the birth of your son :-jumpy !

Hi everbody,

I am glad to hear that everyone seems to be doing great. Listening to all of you at your varying stages, brings it all back to me. Although at this point is seems like its been a long nine months, when I read your posts I feel like I was just there.
Each one on these lasts days seems really long as I anticipate the arrival of my baby (which I have no idea of what the sex is).

Wishing you all the best and may you all continue to feel great!!

Michelle, congratulations on your baby girl.

Congratulations on your baby girl :) How exciting! It's nice that they're giving you another u/s so you can have it on tape.

I had a dream last week that I was having an u/s. In my dream the tech said it was a boy. Not sure what that means. I've had such a similar pregnancy as the one I had with my daughter so I thought I was pretty sure it was a girl. Although my gut reaction after I took the pg test was it's a boy. So in a nutshell, I have no clue what I'm having. Since I've already had an early u/s there has to be a reason for me to have another u/s. So in about 3 weeks I imagine some cramps are going to appear. My Dr thinks this is likely too ;-)

Last night I felt the baby do something. I've never been too sure of what this feeling is. I've had it all 3 pregnancies too. It's like a foot is being dragged across a spot, about an inch or so long, in my tummy. Of course, this baby is only about 6" long so it couldn't be a foot but that's what it feels like. It's really cool but I'm wondering what in the heck these babies (babies meaning this baby and my 2 previous pregnancies) are doing. Any body know?

Pregnancy brain has kicked in full force now. I forgot how much of an idiot I am during pregnancy. Oh yes, and I'm walking into walls now too :) Isn't pregnancy hysterical?

Well that's it for me. Have a great one!
Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby due February 24, 2002​
Hi everyone

I went for my first OB appointment yesterday - everything went well. My own calculations were wrong, though - instead of a due date of April 19th (as I originally calculated) she said I'm due on the 24th.

I've been feeling alright physically - the symptoms I find hardest to deal with are the headaches I've been getting. The cramping that I felt early on has disappeared pretty much, which I'm glad for, because it had me rather worried about things. I have been really tired and can't seem to get enough sleep - I just want to live in my bed most days! Exercising helps a lot with that - it gives me energy for the rest of the day, and is a wonder with lifting my spirits.

I'm not sure just how much I've gained yet, but I think it's just been a couple of pounds (I'm not really sure exactly how much I weighed before getting pregnant). I'm eating well - lots of fruits and veggies - but do give in to pretty much any urges I have! Like lots of pizza. Or just about anything that has cheese in it or associated with it. And ice cream - having my husband feed it to me in bed at night makes it taste even better, too! :)

Hi All!

Michelle, congratulations on your little girl! I know the not knowing is going to drive me batty, but we're not going to find out (this is our first) until on or around April 12, 2002!

Renae, gosh, you're doing great with your workouts! And no're lucky. I've been really feeling it several days each week since about week 7 or so :-tired (I start week 12 today!) and it kicks in around 5-6 pm so it's been hard to motivate to work out in the evenings. I have been going to yoga 3 times a week or so, so that's something. But I haven't had a savage Cathe workout in over a week. I'm dying to have the guts (literally) to do Cardiomax.

Amanda, I'm so glad you finally had your first doctor's appt. I've been meaning to post to you for quite a while and have been thinking of you. How are you doing?

And Cathe, I know those cravings! I've been going at huge salads during the day but resorting to cereal and ice cream (bring on the dairy) when I get those evening woozies--and I'm also with you on the eating every two hours. I'm a teacher and have a no eating rule in my classroom, but the kids (8th grade) have really been harassing me when I pull nutri-grain bars out of my desk during class. I can't wait to tell them my excuse for violating my own classroom policy!

As for me, I woke up last Friday morning with a bit of spotting and freaked out because it was red rather than brown. So I stayed home from school and paced around until my 1pm ultrasound appt. Thankfully all was perfect (and we got a photo of our little glow-worm--that's completely what it looks like; all head and body) and we heard the heartbeat. Angela, woosh woosh describes it perfectly--I've been saying whump whump. 167 beats/minute and all looks good. I figured that everything had to be going fine since I've been feeling so lousy!

So that's that. Trying not to breath the air near my school (on 22nd Street) since the smell wafting up from downtown is really terrible later on in the day sometimes. Anyone else in the NYC area? What a tragic time to be having a baby...scary.

Best to everyone and your families. Gina
RE: 14 weeks Renae

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-24-01 AT 08:44PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Renae! Thanx for the congrats... exactly! LOVE ANY CHILD we get, but how fun to have a girl this time (our last, we expect and plan).

I agree, certain tapes are just too strenuous (I keep eyeing Tough Tape, but I know I'll just die...). Just do what feels good, keep moving, and like you said, don't overdo it!

Hang in there! And let us know about the ultrasound (I have another one tomorrow; the video tape was blank, so they are re-doing it! YAHOOO! Wait.. did I already say this in my last post?! LOL!).

Michelle in So Cal
RE: Hi there! to Candori

Hi! Thanx for the congrats. :) I know, my hub wanted a BOY so much the first time, and I've wanted a girl all along, and now I'm getting her! I'm so happy. :)

I actually followed a method (that works around the timing of your ovulation) to up my chances of having a girl... and it worked! YAHOOO! So I attribute my girl to the method and a few blessings!

Glad you are doing so well. Every week, it's AMAZING how much the baby's movement increases. Now my hand will actually MOVE off my stomach from the force of the kicks! It's great. And she is really responsive... she'll be mellow until my hub talks to my belly, or until my hub and son are around me talking, then she'll start moving all around. Today, my hub talked to my belly, and she started kicking, and he said, give me another kick, and she did! LOL! I know she has no idea what he's saying, but it still made me laugh!

Keep on trucking! And don't worry too much about the weight... keep working out and making positive food choices, and you'll be great!

Michelle in So Cal
RE: Check in (9/21) to Cathe

Thanx, Cathe! And might I add again, it's so fun having you here with us! :)

Sorry about the nausea... take the good with the bad, right? Let's just say the corned beef and the Caesar sound good (and I ALWAYS get my fries WELL DONE! LOL!). LOVE LOVE LOVE onions these days, too...

How funny! Everyone kept telling me I was having a girl, too... and I was feeling a little resentful, as if it was a boy, there would be an element of disappointment. But I know, your emotions tend to get the best of you when you are pregnant.

Keep us posted! Does your son understand what is going on yet?

Michelle in So Cal
RE: Check in (9/21) to Alli

Hey Alli! Thanx for the congrats! We are delighted, but most of all b/c she is HEALTHY and active. :)

You know, I had a dream a few weeks b4 my u/s, and I very clearly was having a girl. I also have talked to several women who had vivid dreams about their baby's sex... So you never know! :)

I'm a total airhead, too... LOL! I don't WANT to work... all I want to do is lie around and watch Baby Story! Ah well... I figure since I work for myself, I won't be having any maternity leave, so I take it easy when I feel like it and burn the midnite oil at other times. This is (I expect) my last preg, so I want to ENJOY IT! My son is almost 6, and the time really does pass so very quickly...

Michelle in So Cal
RE: Check in (9/21) to Amanda

Hi Amanda! Glad everything is going well. :)

Hey, just keep as active as possible (only enough to make you feel good...), and make the best food choices you can (nutrient-wise), and you'll be fine. Hey, you're craving the cheese for a reason. String cheese is a frequent component of my nighttime snack, or a supplement to my Lean Cuisine or yogurt + fruit. Lots of milk, too.... and of course, I do indulge in my ravings WITHOUT GUILT! Really working on that one! I don't weigh at all (had a lengthy conversation with my doc on that), so I don't officially know where I stand, but I do know I feel great, can wear a lot of my pre-preg clothes (the stretchy ones, of course....), and my hub and a few others have said I look as though I'm only larger in the belly. In fact, my hub said today my arms and legs look even leaner than pre-preg! This is VICTORY to me, as I gained a whopping *85* lbs during my first preg! ARGH!

Keep us posted on your progress!

Michelle in So Cal
RE: Check in (9/21) to Gina

OMG, Gina! How frightening with the spotting. So glad all is ok. :)

So you won't be having another u/s? :( It's tough with insurance companies and what they'll pay.... No fair! We should get a monthly u/s, IMO. really can catch a lot of problems that way...

As far as the tragedies in our country, just think of your little miracle as something that brings joy to so many around you, and joy is something we can all use right now. I had my u/s 2 days after the attacks, and I felt so guilty feelins to elated at such a sad time, but my loved ones reminded me of the joy I was spreading and actually THANKED ME. So love every minute of it, and know you are bringing a wonderful, kind, compassionate person to our world. :)

Michelle in So Cal
RE: Check in (9/21) to Amanda

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-24-01 AT 09:08PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Amanda! For some reason, my response to you ended up at the bottom of this thread, rather than below your post... just didn't want to you think I didn't respond!

And it STILL is going to the bottom... bizarre! Hope you get these.

Michelle in So Cal
Hey Michelle

Just for future reference...can you explain the "method" you used in trying for a girl? I know I'll have a while before we go down that road...but I'm so curious. I've heard a lot of wives tales, so I'd love some scientific facts to work off of.

OK, so I had my dr's appt yesterday...

and we FINALLY got to hear the baby's heartbeat! Pretty cool. We heard a kick, too (at least, the dr. said it was a kick--I wouldn't have known otherwise).

The bad news is, I have had a cone biopsy for cervical dysplasia, so I am at increased risk for a weakened/short cervix. I discussed this at length with the dr. yesterday, and he did an exam to check my cervical length. The good news is, my cervix is well within normal, healthy limits right now, AND I get to have ultrasounds more often (every 2 weeks until 20 weeks or so) because they have to keep checking it to make sure it's not shortening dramatically during the "critical phase" (which is until 20-22 weeks, according to my doc). So I have an ultrasound in 2 weeks, but it's kinda disappointing because I'll only be 16 weeks then and I know that's still too soon to tell the sex. But I'll get to have another at 18 weeks and probably another at 20 weeks, too. :)

Just had to share! I love the ultrasounds. So cool!

Oh, and by the way Michell and Alli, I have had vivid dreams all my married life that my first baby is going to be a boy. I don't know, maybe it's just extreme wishful thinking--but these dreams seem so real. I can even see the baby and what he looks like, and the color of his hair (dark like my hubby's--when I was hoping for blonde like mine, with hubby's dark skin). I have had them since becoming pregnant, too. My dad says he has "a hunch" it is a girl, but his hunches aren't very accurate. I have always wanted a boy first, but I won't complain about a girl, either. ;-) But at this point, I REALLY hope it's not a girl, just to prove my Dad wrong--he's SO smug about his little hunch that it's a girl! It's maddening, isn't it?? OK, maybe I'm being a little juvenile, but it's so hard not to resort to that behavior sometimes when dealing with your parents--especially when they're convinced they are RIGHT.

RE: Hey Michelle

Hi everyone. Just got back from vacation so I am checking in a little late. Congats to all who know what they are having in advance!
I am feeling great and full of energy these days. We were at Disney World (my first time in Florida) and felt great except it is so hot and humid that my hands looked like man's hands from swelling. I had a wonderful time but very glad to be home in the cooler weather near Chicago. (I'm not a heat person).
I am still exercising 6 days a week. Due to vacation, I only did cardio as access to strength equipment was very limited. Sometimes I like giving my muscles a rest because it feels so good when you come back to it.
I have purchased my first pair of maternity jeans. I didn't buy any with my first pregnancy because they never fit right. I also bought a few things for the new baby down at Disney.
This Sunday I am participating in a 5K. I am going to jog it if I feel good otherwise I will walk or walk/jog it. I am not out to try to place or beat anyone. Maybe next year. Baby comes first!
Take care everyone!

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