Has anyone bought anything yet?


Active Member
I'm only in my 10th week, but already I have begun buying things for the baby. A couple of outfits here and there - I found this website with the CUTEST designs for baby clothing on it - www.growgrowgrow.com - and purchased a few outfits from that company.

I've also begun sampling different "all-natural" baby shampoos (on myself!), trying to find one that I like. I've ordered them all off of the internet. So far, I've only come across one brand - "California Baby" - that has the safest ingredients. There's a brand called "Little Forest" that I just loved the smell of, but it contained a lot of stuff I couldn't even pronounce, so I'm not going to go with that one.

So has anyone else started buying things, as I have? Or am I the only one?

I'm really forcing myself to avoid it or I'll start going nuts! My mother sent me a box when I was about six weeks or so with a little onesie and a sweater and tiny little Winnie the Pooh "skull cap" and a Carter's blanket. She also send a few pairs of booties that were mine. I made her promise not to get anything else for a long time and she swore she'd hold off until Christmas time. I steered her toward a couple items on the Gap Maternity site instead--just to tide her over until she can start baby shopping. I figure I might as well reap some of the benefits of her grandmother neurosis! }>

When I saw your post I thought you meant for yourself--like maternity stuff. Because that's the venue I've been browsing. I went shopping on Tuesday and forced myself to buy no pants--although I was dying to buy a pair of hip-hugger, flare leg cords--but I know I won't be able to button them in a few weeks so I practiced the fine, fine art of self restraint! I already have to unbutton my pants in the evenings--anyone else find that they pooch out more at night? My thoughts are that it's more bloat than baby, but who knows. I'm dying to have a little pot belly, but haven't gained anything yet--maybe a pound or so...
I want to, but I haven't. I have lost 2 babies (one at 20 weeks) so I'm a little nervous about buying anything just yet. However, my mother-in-law is taking me shopping this weekend for some maternity clothes! Yahoo! It's a little early for that (I'm 9 1/2 weeks along) but it's a birthday present. I can't wait.
edd 4-28-02
Nope, not a thing!

Maybe I'm weird, but I just don't feel the need to buy anything for the baby yet. This is our first and I'm only 14 weeks along, so I feel like whatever I buy would just be sitting around, taking up space anyway. :) I will probably start buying a few newborn outfits once we find out the sex, though. It's so hard to find anything that is truly gender-neutral, IMO. Everything seems to be pretty clearly geared towards one or the other.

On the other hand, I have had to restrain myself with the maternity stuff, even though I don't need any of it yet. I see such cute stuff at Old Navy's maternity store online, and it's pretty reasonably priced, too. But I keep telling myself to just wait, and be thankful that I can still fit into my old clothes for now.

Hi Amanda!

Ooooh, I understand, and I'm FORCING myself to not buy anything... and it's so hard! Especially since we know we are having a *girl* (our 2nd child, and our first girl!). I want to buy all these cute things... but like others have said, they'll just get dusty and take up space, and you never know WHAT you're going to get at your shower.

All I've bought are a pair of little Vans (they are TOO cute) and a John Lennon-designed onesie. But others have started throwing gifts my way... :) My friend just came over this weekend with a fleecy fuzzy Hello Kitty blanket (pink!) with little stars all over it, plus two decorative pillows: a Virgo one (for me) and a Capricorn (for my baby!).

For now, any extra $$ I get, I'm buying maternity clothes... :)

Michelle in So Cal
Due 1/6/02
This weekend we bought a baby basket from a silent auction at church. It had a handmade afghan, a couple of books and a tie-dyed teddy bear. I am trying to avoid shopping otherwise I will go nuts

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