Check in :)


It seems it's been a while since we've all checked in.

I had my last appointment this past Friday (14 weeks 6 days). BP was 114/72, I gained 3 1/2 pounds for a total of 6 and we FINALLY got to hear the heartbeat which was 152 :)

I go back in 2 weeks for the AFP test. At that time we'll schedule the u/s to find out the sex. It should be around my 20th - 21st week.

I've been feeling little flutters which is so great. I wish I could feel the baby all the time. I know in a few weeks I'll be feeling those wonderful kicks, squirms and hiccups (my favorite).

I've been doing pretty well on my workouts. I'm taking today off because I'm feeling a little sluggish. I've been mainly doing All Step (I just love that one) for cardio and then training 2 upper body parts one day followed by legs and abs the next day. After this week I'm supposed to not lay flat on my back anymore for abs. I wonder if doing them on an incline will be ok.

That's all for me. How's everyone else doing? Cathe...please join in too :)
Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby due February 24, 2002​
I am so impressed with your weight gain and exercise routine,I however am in a slump I am almost 20 weeks and have already gained too much weight, more than I care for and feel horrible about it I've already gained 20 pounds. I manage to get in at least 4 days in of exercising but nothing like my fit 150lbs. used to be, what once was body( anyway I think you get my point)
So I am hoping all this will pass my doc. seems to think it will level off eventually so we will see.
I am going in for my u/s next week let's see what's cooking in there.
Hope everyone else is doing well,
I just came from my doctors. I am 3 1/2 weeks from my due date, everything looks good but nothing much is happening yet. I hope it starts soon, I really don't want to go past my due date.

My total weight gain so far has been about 25 pounds.
Luckily for me I have felt pretty good through out my pregnancy and have been able to continue working out( of course on a modified scale).

I am getting anxious to have the baby, because my husband and I decided not to find out what it was (I can't wait to find out). I think picking out names has been one of the hardest things I have ever done!

Well I hope everyone else is doing great :)

Great idea... start a check-in. Alli, sounds like everything is great. I can't believe that you can feel movement at such an early stage. I'm 21 weeks and hardly feel a thing. What is it supposed to feel like...should I be concerned? Sometimes I feel my tummy rumbling...but I don't know if it's the baby.

I've been doing great with the workouts...but only so-so with the diet. I am constantly hungry. Not good. I've gained 15 pounds thus far and I'm only 5'0", so it looks like 50. I really am trying to do my best and not get freaked out by the "numbers" on the scale.

I'm excited for those out there that are so close to their delivery date. A little jealous actually. January seems so far away. Pregnancy is a great exercise in patience!

We are also having a tough time with names and we already know it's a we only have one set to contend with. Good luck with your selection process and keep us posted.
I'm so excited for you that you get your u/s next week.

Don't worry too much about your weight gain. Like you mentioned, you were fit before pregnancy so you are going to be able to get the weight off faster than if you weren't. Your weight gain probably will level off pretty soon too :)
Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby due February 24, 2002​
Hi Everybody!

It sounds like everybody so far is doing well.. So glad to read that!

Linda, I understand where you are coming from.. You and I are due at the same time.. I feel like I am in limbo land! I am ready for the baby, but still kind of scared about it too! (Its my first.)

As far as exercise, I am still doing it, all modified. I can still do step (no impact or fast moves), elliptical, recumbent bike, and kickboxing (Although the kickboxing is more like "kick tapping. I still use all of Cathe's strength videos, and select cardio ones at a slower, lower impact pace.

I have gained 27 lbs and have had no problems w/ backaches, swelling, etc that most people who are due in 3-1/2 weeks would have. I totally credit exercise to that!

Looking forward to hearing from everybody else!!!

Lynn (due 9/29?
RE: Great idea...

Oh no! You have nothing to be concerned about at all. This is my 3rd pregnancy (actually 4th but lost the first one) so I know exactly what to look for. It would be easy to not even notice much less think it's gas or something else. My bet is you're feeling the baby much more than you realize or will let yourself believe. Give it a couple of weeks and I bet you'll be certain that you're feeling the little munchkin. I think I was around 23 weeks when I was certain I felt Zachary. I'll never forget that feeling of being absolutely certain that that was definitely my little guy I was feeling. Uh oh...hormone attack ;-)

Diet is my biggest problem. There must be something in the back of my mind that thinks being pregnant gives me a license to eat whatever I want even though I know how bad it is for me. I do know that once I start breastfeeding I'll have the cleanest diet around. Maybe I just feel like I should get it in when I can. My new favorite it chile, cheese tots with jalpenos from Sonic. :9 !

I don't know if you're weighing yourself at home or not but my advice to you is don't. You have enough on you right now without adding that mean creature to it. Mine conveniently has a low battery and I'm not going to replace it }>
Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby due February 24, 2002​
RE: Great idea...

I forgot to answer what the baby feels like. At first it feels like a little flutter. Kind of like a tiny butterfly is in your tummy. Actually, I think the most accurate way to describe what I feel is a small muscle spasm. I think we can all identify with that. Slowly it'll get stronger and stronger and happen more often. Then one day, WHAP...the little one just kicks the heck out of you :) Well not quite that bad but you get the idea.

You'll have to post when you are certain you have felt the baby. I can't wait for you to feel it.
Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby due February 24, 2002​
I admire anyone who has the strength to not find out what sex they are having. I was going to not find out this time but I think it'll be easier for the kids to adjust. Shoot, I'm probably using that as an excuse.

Any feelings on what you're having? Wow 3 1/2 weeks. You're so close!

Yep, names are really hard. I know for me I analyze every part of it. I try to figure out how the other kids will pick it apart to tease them with it or what kind of nickname will be given. Too bad they don't come alread named...LOL

Great job on your weight too. I only hope to keep it that low. With both of my kids I had a 1 month period where I gained 7lbs. I think it's around this time too. I keep telling myself that I'm not going to look at the scale when I get weighed but I always do.
Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby due February 24, 2002​
RE: Hi Everybody!

Have you had to modify any of the weight portions of your exercise program? Since I've never attempted to keep up weight training during pregnancy, this has me worried.

Your exercise program is amazing. You're an inspiration :)
Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby due February 24, 2002​
Well, nothing so exciting for me....

I'm only at 11-12 weeks, so nothing much exciting is happening for me. Actually the dr. said last week that she thinks I am a little earlier than 11 weeks (based on the size of the baby, I guess, when she did a quickie ultrasound to make sure everything was OK since she couldn't locate the heartbeat). I know it absolutely can't be more than a week off, because let's put it this way: my hubby was out of town right before and right after that week of our "window of opportunity". ;-)

Anyway, I just don't feel pregnant! I'm waiting for something exciting to happen. I have no sickness at all (believe me, I'm NOT complaining about that part!), my breasts are barely sore anymore, and I of course can't feel the baby at this point. About the only indication of my pregnancy is my thickening waistline--I'm not "showing" yet, but my waist is definitely thicker, and I can't wear my most form-fitting pair of jeans anymore, although I can still wear all my other clothes. Is this normal for this stage of pregnancy? I feel like I'm going to be a cow if I continue at this rate. I've gained about 3 or 4 lbs. already, too.

I have my dating ultrasound tomorrow to find out my REAL due date--can't wait for that!

Oh yeah, workouts! I'm taking a rest week this week, but my energy has started to return and I'm feeling much more human. I actually had a very good workout week last week--almost all Cathe, of course! :) I did MIS (split it into upper and lower on separate days), KS Kickboxing, Rhythmic Step, the step from BodyMax, and Power Hour--all modified, of course!! I just love Power Hour. So much fun, and what a punch it packs in such a short amount of time! I just got the DVDs so this is still new to me. :)

Take care, everyone!
Wow, Linda!

I, too, have to admire anyone who has the strength to wait until the baby's birth to find out the sex. I couldn't do it! I can barely wait til week 20 or whatever it is for the ultrasound to find out! ;-)

Good luck--you're on the downhill side for sure now!

Checking In...

Exhausted! That's pretty much all I can say...and still nauseas in the evenings. I'm an 8th grade teacher and our first day with kids is I'm a little nervous about being totally wiped out and never being able to exercise again!

I'm still early (counting the minutes to week 12)-- will be 9 full weeks on Saturday. I've been exercising on average 2-3 times each week, and was planning to tonight but I'm just too beat. I know that I'll feel more energized after I work out, so I'm really going to try to get moving tomorrow. I'm addicted to the CTX series and am doing them with only slight modifications right now--less jumping on power 7s, three knees around, stuff like that. I just make sure I can sing supercalifragilisticexpialidocious while I'm working out and I figure that I'm okay with the perceived exertion!

I have been wondering though, are there any strength moves that I'm not supposed to be doing right now...for some reason, plie squats have me a little worried. I also remember reading once that as long as you can hold a Kegel contraction while doing a particular exercise, you're okay? Any info.?

Good luck with all of you...I am delighted to be a part of this forum!

RE: Checking In...

Hi everyone!
It sounds like everyone is doing pretty well out there.
Everything is going well with this pregnancy so far. I went to the dr. on Tuesday for my 20 week checkup. Unfortunately we have new insurance and I am not allowed an ultrasound unless there is a medical reason. I am sort of sad because I just want a picture for the baby's book but I wasn't planning on finding out the baby's sex. With my first pregnancy, I was able to get two ultrasounds because I continued to measure small externally.
Oh well, I am just grateful that everything appears to be healthy.
So far I am happy with my weight gain however about this time with my first pregnancy I started retaining a ton of water in my hips and thigh area. I am finding it is happening all over again. It isn't the biggest deal in the world but we are going to Disney World in 3 weeks and I was hoping that part could hold off until after because I know we will be in the pool alot.
The baby is moving much more now. I love that.
Heartburn and acid reflux are settling in my daily routine. I had acid reflux terribly with my first pregnancy. A kind of funny story from Sunday night. We slept with all our windows open and about 2:00 a.m. I awoke to the most intense skunk smell I have ever smelled. (Well almost-our dog was sprayed last summer). The smell was so bad that it was burning the inside of my throat causing acid reflux. I had to take 4 tums to get it to go away and sleep with my head under the sheet.
Workouts are going pretty well. My cardio has slowed down alot as far as intensity. I still do Cathe with modifications, running is now slow jogging, walking on an incline, elliptical, and stationary bike. Strength training is mostly the same. I modify sit and stand squats to just squat and hold. Also in the PS legs I modify the plie squats with stepping to each side with plain old stationary plie squats. I've modified my ab work to some crunches on an incline and standing ab work. I've only been hitting abs about twice a week.
Sorry to babble. Have a great week everyone!
RE: Hi Everybody!

Hi Alli-
Yes I have modified the weight portions of my program. I am using about 10-30% lower weights than I do when I am not pregnant. Especially for leg, chest, and back work. I just didn't feel comfortable lifting up really heavy barbells to put on my shoulders for squats, or for bench work on my chest.
I do all of my bench work on an inclined board, and have found using dumb bells instead of bar bells seemed to be easier to handle.
Finally in regard to standing shoulder work, I will either sit down on a bench to do it or stand with one foot in front of the other to minimize strain on my lower back.
Those are some of the things that worked for me..Thanks for the kind words.. However, I am impressed you are disciplined to exercise w/2 children and one on the way.. To me, that is an inspiration!!!

Erika, for your acid reflux...

Hi Erika-
Ask your doctor if he/she can give you a prescription for Prevacid.. I suffered horribly from heartburn/acid reflux to a point where I didn't want to eat or I could only eat bland food ( ie white carbs) and no fruits or veggies.
It totally changed everything for me, and I was able to eat tomatoes, and oranges again!
Hi everyone!

Glad to hear you are all doing well. :)

I haven't gained much weight at 20 weeks (maybe 5 lbs although it feels like 10). My guess for the slow weight gain is that I'm carrying over the weight I didn't lose from my 1st pregnancy. (I only gained 25 lbs.) It's OK, though, because I'm a small person, 4'11'', and any weight gain just magnifies. Exercise has been going well. I haven't modified on the weights. I don't think I get in enough cardio. In a couple of weeks, I'll be able to start taking long hikes again 2x/week now that Maya (2 y.o.) is in school. I may have to take a break from exercising at home for a while because we have to start rearranging our house to accomodate the new baby. I don't think I'll have the energy to exercise and paint and clean, etc. Eating has been going so-so. I feel like I eat pasta all of the time.

-Melanie (1/25/02)
RE: Well, nothing so exciting for me....

I haven't even attempted any of the new DVD's. I'm just sticking with what I already know since I'm modifying so much. Although I have to admit, PH looks tempting :)

Have fun at your u/s today. I just love looking at the little baby growing inside.
Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby due February 24, 2002​
RE: Checking In...

What a funny story about the skunk. Although I don't think it seemed funny at the time. :-wow

So sorry about the u/s. That's got to be let down for you.

I don't know if you're interested in trying this for your refux but I thought I'd mention it. My husband has it very badly. He doesn't do this all the time but when he does it does seem to work. I don't know if you've ever heard of food combining or not but basically you don't combining carbs and protein in the same meal. You can have an all veggie and carb meal or protein and veggie meal. When he does this, he does not have heartburn or acid refux. I believe it has something to do with the type of acid released in the stomach for digestion. Anyway, if it gets too bad you may want to try it.

I've been scared to do the plie squats since reading in Bridgette's book that pregnant women shouldn't do them. You haven't noticed any trouble with the modified version of the plie's that you've been doing? Lord knows my inner thighs sure can use the help ;-)
Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby due February 24, 2002​

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